Journal article
Book section
Conference paper
Plant Trait Retrieval from Hyperspectral Data: Collective Efforts in Scientific Data Curation Outperform Simulated Data Derived from the PROSAIL Model
Plant traits play a pivotal role in steering ecosystem dynamics. As plant canopies have evolved to interact with light, spectral data …
Daniel Mederer
Hannes Feilhauer
Eya Cherif
Katja Berger
Tobias B. Hank
Kyle R. Kovach
Phuong D. Dao
Bing Lu
Philip A. Townsend
Teja Kattenborn
Explainable Earth Surface Forecasting under Extreme Events
With climate change-related extreme events on the rise, high dimensional Earth observation data presents a unique opportunity for …
Oscar J. Pellicer-Valero
Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres
Chaonan Ji
Miguel D. Mahecha
Gustau Camps-Valls
Dheed: An ERA5 Based Global Database of Dry and Hot Extreme Events from 1950 to 2022
The intensification of climate extremes is one of the most immediate effects of global climate change. Heatwaves and droughts have …
Mélanie Weynants
Chaonan Ji
Nora Linscheid
Ulrich Weber
Miguel D. Mahecha
Fabian Gans
Deadtrees.Earth - An Open-Access and Interactive Database for Centimeter-Scale Aerial Imagery to Uncover Global Tree Mortality Dynamics
Excessive tree mortality is a global concern and remains poorly understood as it is a complex phenomenon. We lack global and temporally …
Clemens Mosig
Janusch Vajna-Jehle
Miguel D. Mahecha
Yan Cheng
Henrik Hartmann
David Montero
Samuli Junttila
Stéphanie Horion
Stephen Adu-Bredu
Djamil Al-Halbouni
Matthew Allen
Jan Altman
Claudia Angiolini
Rasmus Astrup
Caterina Barrasso
Harm Bartholomeus
Benjamin Brede
Allan Buras
Erik Carrieri
Gherardo Chirici
Myriam Cloutier
Kc Cushman
James W. Dalling
Jan Dempewolf
Martin Denter
Simon Ecke
Jana Eichel
Anette Eltner
Maximilian Fabi
Fabian Fassnacht
Matheus Pinheiro Feirreira
Julian Frey
Annett Frick
Selina Ganz
Matteo Garbarino
Milton Garćıa
Matthias Gassilloud
Marziye Ghasemi
Francesca Giannetti
Roy Gonzalez
Carl Gosper
Konrad Greinwald
Stuart Grieve
Jesus Aguirre Gutierrez
Anna Göritz
Peter Hajek
David Hedding
Jan Hempel
Melvin Hernández
Marco Heurich
Eija Honkavaara
Tommaso Jucker
Jesse M. Kalwij
Pratima Khatri-Chhetri
Hans-Joachim Klemmt
Niko Koivumäki
Kirill Korznikov
Stefan Kruse
Robert Krüger
Etienne Laliberté
Liam Langan
Hooman Latifi
Jan Lehmann
Linyuan Li
Emily Lines
Javier Lopatin
Arko Lucieer
Marvin Ludwig
Antonia D. Ludwig
Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa
Qin Ma
Giovanni Marino
Michael Maroschek
Fabio Meloni
Annette Menzel
Hanna Meyer
Mojdeh Miraki
Daniel Moreno-Fernández
Helene C. Muller-Landau
Mirko Mälicke
Jakobus Möhring
Jana Müllerova
Paul Neumeier
Roope Näsi
Lars Oppgenoorth
Melanie Palmer
Thomas Paul
Alastair Potts
Suzanne Prober
Stefano Puliti
Oscar Pérez-Priego
Chris Reudenbach
Christian Rossi
Nadine Katrin Ruehr
Paloma Ruiz-Benito
Christian Mestre Runge
Michael Scherer-Lorenzen
Felix Schiefer
Jacob Schladebach
Marie-Therese Schmehl
Selina Schwarz
Mirela Beloiu Schwenke
Rupert Seidl
Elham Shafeian
Leopoldo De Simone
Hormoz Sohrabi
Laura Sotomayor
Ben Sparrow
Benjamin S.C. Steer
Matt Stenson
Benjamin Stöckigt
Yanjun Su
Juha Suomalainen
Michele Torresani
Josefine Umlauft
Nicolás Vargas-Ramírez
Michele Volpi
Vicente Vásquez
Ben Weinstein
Tagle Casapia Ximena
Katherine Zdunic
Katarzyna Zielewska-Büttner
Raquel Alves De Oliveira
Liz Van Wagtendonk
Vincent Von Dosky
Teja Kattenborn
A continuous tree species-specific reflectance anomaly index reveals declining forest condition between 2016 and 2022 in Germany
Large areas of Europe have been repeatedly affected by severe droughts. Stressed trees suffered from direct drought impacts such as …
Maximilian Lange
Sebastian Preidl
Anne Reichmuth
Marco Heurich
Daniel Doktor
Comparing the Quantum Use Efficiency of Red and Far-Red Sun-Induced Fluorescence at Leaf and Canopy under Heat-Drought Stress
Sebastian Wieneke
Javier Pacheco-Labrador
Miguel D. Mahecha
Sílvia Poblador
Sara Vicca
Ivan A. Janssens
Earth System Data Cubes: Avenues for Advancing Earth System Research
Recent advancements in Earth system science have been marked by the exponential increase in the availability of diverse, multivariate …
David Montero
Guido Kraemer
Anca Anghelea
César Aybar
Gunnar Brandt
Gustau Camps-Valls
Felix Cremer
Ida Flik
Fabian Gans
Sarah Habershon
Chaonan Ji
Teja Kattenborn
Laura Martínez-Ferrer
Francesco Martinuzzi
Martin Reinhardt
Maximilian Söchting
Khalil Teber
Miguel D. Mahecha
Cautionary Remarks on the Planetary Boundary Visualisation
The planetary boundary (PB) concept has captured attention across academia and the public alike. Its unique visual representation has …
Miguel D. Mahecha
Guido Kraemer
Fabio Crameri
Unpredicted Ecosystem Response to Compound Human Impacts in a European River
Climate change elevates the threat of compound heat and drought events, with their ecological and socioeconomic impacts exacerbated by …
Jan Köhler
Elisabeth Varga
Stephanie Spahr
Jörn Gessner
Kerstin Stelzer
Gunnar Brandt
Miguel D. Mahecha
Guido Kraemer
Martin Pusch
Christian Wolter
Michael T. Monaghan
Matthias Stöck
Tobias Goldhammer
PIKART: A Comprehensive Global Catalog of Atmospheric Rivers
Catalogs of atmospheric rivers (ARs) are vital resources to advance AR science. However, identification of ARs at a global scale comes …
Sara M. Vallejo-Bernal
Tobias Braun
Norbert Marwan
Jürgen Kurths
Macrophenological Dynamics from Citizen Science Plant Occurrence Data
Phenological shifts across plant species is a powerful indicator to quantify the effects of climate change. Today, mobile applications …
Karin Mora
Michael Rzanny
Jana Wäldchen
Hannes Feilhauer
Teja Kattenborn
Guido Kraemer
Patrick Mäder
Daria Svidzinska
Sophie Wolf
Miguel D. Mahecha
Speleothem Evidence for Late Miocene Extreme Arctic Amplification – an Analogue for near Future Anthropogenic Climate Change?
Abstract. The Miocene provides an excellent climatic analogue for near future anthropogenic warming, with atmospheric CO2 …
Stuart Umbo
Franziska Lechleitner
Thomas Opel
Sevasti Modestou
Tobias Braun
Anton Vaks
Gideon Henderson
Pete Scott
Alexander Osintzev
Alexandr Kononov
Irina Adrian
Yuri Dublyansky
Alena Giesche
Sebastian Breitenbach
DeepExtremeCubes: Integrating Earth System Spatio-Temporal Data for Impact Assessment of Climate Extremes
With climate extremes’ rising frequency and intensity, robust analytical tools are crucial to predict their impacts on …
Chaonan Ji
Tonio Fincke
Vitus Benson
Gustau Camps-Valls
Miguel-Angel Fernandez-Torres
Fabian Gans
Guido Kraemer
Francesco Martinuzzi
David Montero
Karin Mora
Oscar J. Pellicer-Valero
Claire Robin
Maximilian Soechting
Melanie Weynants
Miguel D. Mahecha
Biodiversity and Climate Extremes: Known Interactions and Research Gaps
Climate extremes are on the rise. Impacts of extreme climate and weather events on ecosystem services and ultimately human well‐being …
Miguel D. Mahecha
Ana Bastos
F. J. Bohn
N. Eisenhauer
Hannes Feilhauer
T. Hickler
H. Kalesse‐Los
M. Migliavacca
F. E. L. Otto
Jian Peng
Sebastian Sippel
I. Tegen
A. Weigelt
M. Wendisch
C. Wirth
D. Al‐Halbouni
H. Deneke
Daniel Doktor
S. Dunker
G. Duveiller
A. Ehrlich
A. Foth
Almudena García‐García
C. A. Guerra
Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
H. Hartmann
S. Henning
H. Herrmann
P. Hu
Chaonan Ji
Teja Kattenborn
N. Kolleck
M. Kretschmer
I. Kühn
M. L. Luttkus
M. Maahn
Milena Mönks
Karin Mora
M. Pöhlker
M. Reichstein
N. Rüger
B. Sánchez‐Parra
M. Schäfer
F. Stratmann
M. Tesche
B. Wehner
Sebastian Wieneke
A. J. Winkler
Sophie Wolf
S. Zaehle
J. Zscheischler
J. Quaas
Underestimated Land Heat Uptake Alters the Global Energy Distribution in CMIP6 Climate Models
Abstract Current global warming results in an uptake of heat by the Earth system, which is distributed among the different components …
Norman Julius Steinert
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Félix García-Pereira
Philipp De Vrese
Camilo Andrés Melo Aguilar
Elena García-Bustamante
Johann Jungclaus
Jesús Fidel González-Rouco
First comprehensive assessment of industrial-era land heat uptake from multiple sources
The anthropogenically intensified greenhouse effect has caused a radiative imbalance at the top of the atmosphere during the industrial …
Félix García-Pereira
Jesús Fidel González-Rouco
Camilo Melo-Aguilar
Norman Julius Steinert
Elena García-Bustamante
Philip De Vrese
Johann Jungclaus
Stephan Lorenz
Stefan Hagemann
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Almudena García-García
Hugo Beltrami
On-Demand Earth System Data Cubes
Advancements in Earth system science have seen a surge in diverse datasets. Earth System Data Cubes (ESDCs) have been introduced to …
David Montero
César Aybar
Chaonan Ji
Guido Kraemer
Maximilian Söchting
Khalil Teber
Miguel D. Mahecha
Is Spectral Pixel-to-Pixel Variation a Reliable Indicator of Grassland Biodiversity? A Systematic Assessment of the Spectral Variation Hypothesis Using Spatial Simulation Experiments
Covering 30%–40% of the terrestrial surface, grasslands are important hosts of biodiversity, crucial for nutrient cycles and carbon …
Antonia D. Ludwig
Daniel Doktor
Hannes Feilhauer
Mid‐Holocene Rainfall Seasonality and ENSO Dynamics over the South‐western Pacific
El Niño–Southern Oscillation dynamics affect global weather patterns, with regionally diverse hydrological responses posing critical …
Cinthya Nava‐Fernandez
Tobias Braun
Chelsea L. Pederson
Bethany Fox
Adam Hartland
Ola Kwiecien
Sebastian N. Höpker
Stefano Bernasconi
Madalina Jaggi
John Hellstrom
Fernando Gázquez
Amanda French
Norbert Marwan
Adrian Immenhauser
Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach
Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Satellite- and Model-Based Soil Moisture Products against the COSMOS Network in Germany
Critical to the reliable application of gridded soil moisture products is a thorough assessment of their quality at spatially …
Toni Schmidt
Martin Schrön
Zhan Li
Till Francke
Steffen Zacharias
Anke Hildebrandt
Jian Peng
Thermodynamic and hydrological drivers of the soil and bedrock thermal regimes in central Spain
An assessment of the soil and bedrock thermal structure of the Sierra de Guadarrama, in central Spain, is provided using subsurface and …
Félix García-Pereira
Jesús Fidel González-Rouco
Thomas Schmid
Camilo Melo-Aguilar
Cristina Vegas-Cañas
Norman Julius Steinert
Pedro José Roldán-Gómez
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Almudena García-García
Hugo Beltrami
Philip De Vrese
Spatial Patterns of Vegetation Activity Related to ENSO in Northern South America
Abstract Interannual variability of vegetation activity (i.e., photosynthesis) is strongly correlated with El Niño Southern Oscillation …
Lina M. Estupinan-Suarez
Miguel D. Mahecha
Alexander Brenning
Guido Kraemer
Germán Poveda
Markus Reichstein
Carlos A. Sierra
Lexcube: Interactive Visualization of Large Earth System Data Cubes
Many subsystems of Earth are constantly monitored in space and time and undergo continuous anthropogenic interventions. However, …
Maximilian Söchting
Miguel D. Mahecha
David Montero
Gerik Scheuermann
Temporal Variability of Observed and Simulated Gross Primary Productivity, Modulated by Vegetation State and Hydrometeorological Drivers
Abstract. The gross primary production (GPP) of the terrestrial biosphere is a key source of variability in the global carbon cycle. It …
Jan De Pue
Sebastian Wieneke
Ana Bastos
José Miguel Barrios
Liyang Liu
Philippe Ciais
Alirio Arboleda
Rafiq Hamdi
Maral Maleki
Fabienne Maignan
Françoise Gellens-Meulenberghs
Ivan Janssens
Manuela Balzarolo
Complex Networks for Analyzing the Urban Acoustic Environment
The urban acoustic environment (AE) provides comprehensive acoustic information related to the diverse systems of urban areas, such as …
Timo Haselhoff
Tobias Braun
André Fiebig
Jonas Hornberg
Bryce T. Lawrence
Norbert Marwan
Susanne Moebus
Soil Heat Extremes Can Outpace Air Temperature Extremes
Abstract Quantifying changes in hot temperature extremes is key for developing adaptation strategies. Changes in hot extremes are often …
Almudena García-García
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Diego G. Miralles
Miguel D. Mahecha
Johannes Quaas
Markus Reichstein
Jakob Zscheischler
Jian Peng
Deciphering Local and Regional Hydroclimate Resolves Contradicting Evidence on the Asian Monsoon Evolution
The winter and summer monsoons in Southeast Asia are important but highly variable sources of rainfall. Current understanding of the …
Annabel Wolf
Vasile Ersek
Tobias Braun
Amanda D. French
David McGee
Stefano M. Bernasconi
Vanessa Skiba
Michael L. Griffiths
Kathleen R. Johnson
Jens Fohlmeister
Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach
Francesco S. R. Pausata
Clay R. Tabor
Jack Longman
William H. G. Roberts
Deepak Chandan
W. Richard Peltier
Ulrich Salzmann
Deborah Limbert
Hong Quan Trinh
Anh Duc Trinh
Imputing Missing Data in Plant Traits: A Guide to Improve Gap-filling
Abstract Aim Globally distributed plant trait data are increasingly used to understand relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem …
Julia S. Joswig
Jens Kattge
Guido Kraemer
Miguel D. Mahecha
Nadja Rüger
Michael E. Schaepman
Franziska Schrodt
Meredith C. Schuman
Leaf-Level Coordination Principles Propagate to the Ecosystem Scale
Abstract Fundamental axes of variation in plant traits result from trade-offs between costs and benefits of resource-use strategies at …
Ulisse Gomarasca
Mirco Migliavacca
Jens Kattge
Jacob A. Nelson
Ülo Niinemets
Christian Wirth
Alessandro Cescatti
Michael Bahn
Richard Nair
Alicia T. R. Acosta
M. Altaf Arain
Mirela Beloiu
T. Andrew Black
Hans Henrik Bruun
Solveig Franziska Bucher
Nina Buchmann
Chaeho Byun
Arnaud Carrara
Adriano Conte
Ana C. Da Silva
Gregory Duveiller
Silvano Fares
Andreas Ibrom
Alexander Knohl
Benjamin Komac
Jean-Marc Limousin
Christopher H. Lusk
Miguel D. Mahecha
David Martini
Vanessa Minden
Leonardo Montagnani
Akira S. Mori
Yusuke Onoda
Josep Peñuelas
Oscar Perez-Priego
Peter Poschlod
Thomas L. Powell
Peter B. Reich
Ladislav Šigut
Peter M. Van Bodegom
Sophia Walther
Georg Wohlfahrt
Ian J. Wright
Markus Reichstein
Influence of Flooding underneath the Amazon Rainforest on Sentinel-1 Backscatter
$<$p$>$Preprint of a paper that is submitted to the "Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observation and Remote …
Felix Cremer
Nora Linscheid
Miguel D. Mahecha
Mikhail Urbazaev
John Truckenbrodt
Christiane C Schmullius
Christian Thiel
Power Spectral Estimate for Discrete Data
The identification of cycles in periodic signals is a ubiquitous problem in time series analysis. Many real-world datasets only record …
Norbert Marwan
Tobias Braun
Potential of Optical Spaceborne Sensors for the Differentiation of Plastics in the Environment
Plastics are part of our everyday life, as they are versatile materials and can be produced inexpensively. Approximately 10 Gt of …
Toni Schmidt
Theres Kuester
Taylor Smith
Mathias Bochow
Global Variations in Critical Drought Thresholds That Impact Vegetation
ABSTRACT Identifying the thresholds of drought that, if crossed, suppress vegetation functioning is vital for accurate quantification …
Xiangyi Li
Shilong Piao
Chris Huntingford
Josep Peñuelas
Hui Yang
Hao Xu
Anping Chen
Pierre Friedlingstein
Trevor F Keenan
Stephen Sitch
Xuhui Wang
Jakob Zscheischler
Miguel D. Mahecha
A Standardized Catalogue of Spectral Indices to Advance the Use of Remote Sensing in Earth System Research
Abstract Spectral Indices derived from multispectral remote sensing products are extensively used to monitor Earth system dynamics …
David Montero
César Aybar
Miguel D. Mahecha
Francesco Martinuzzi
Maximilian Söchting
Sebastian Wieneke
A Joint Framework for Studying Compound Ecoclimatic Events
Extreme weather and climate events have direct impacts on ecosystems and can further trigger ecosystem disturbances, often having …
Ana Bastos
Sebastian Sippel
Dorothea Frank
Miguel D. Mahecha
Sönke Zaehle
Jakob Zscheischler
Markus Reichstein
Decoupling Physiological and Non-Physiological Responses of Sugar Beet to Water Stress from Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Due to the physiological connection with photosynthesis, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) provides a promising indicator of …
Na Wang
Peiqi Yang
Jan G.P.W. Clevers
Sebastian Wieneke
Lammert Kooistra
Decline in Seasonal Predictability Potentially Destabilized Classic Maya Societies
Classic Maya populations living in peri-urban states were highly dependent on seasonally distributed rainfall for reliable surplus crop …
Tobias Braun
Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach
Vanessa Skiba
Franziska A. Lechleitner
Erin E. Ray
Lisa M. Baldini
Victor J. Polyak
James U. L. Baldini
Douglas J. Kennett
Keith M. Prufer
Norbert Marwan
Recurrence Flow Measure of Nonlinear Dependence
Couplings in complex real-world systems are often nonlinear and scale dependent. In many cases, it is crucial to consider a multitude …
Tobias Braun
K. Hauke Kraemer
Norbert Marwan
Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
Soil moisture is an essential climate variable and knowledge about its state and dynamics is vital for numerous applications, from …
Alexander Gruber
Jian Peng
Prediction of Plant Diversity Using Multi-Seasonal Remotely Sensed and Geodiversity Data in a Mountainous Area
Plant diversity measurement and monitoring are required for reversing biodiversity loss and ensuring sustainable management. …
Soroor Rahmanian
Vahid Nasiri
Atiyeh Amindin
Sahar Karami
Sedigheh Maleki
Soheila Pouyan
Stelian Alexandru Borz
Integrative Toolbox to Assess the Quality of Freshwater Sediments Contaminated with Potentially Toxic Metals
The Guadiana Basin is a transnational basin, presenting historical contamination with potentially toxic metals (PTM), which origin can …
Patrícia Palma
Alexandra Marchã Penha
Maria Helena Novais
Sofia Fialho
Ana Lima
Adriana Catarino
Clarisse Mourinha
Paula Alvarenga
Maksim Iakunin
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Miguel Potes
Manuela Morais
Maria João Costa
Rui Salgado
Relating Vegetation Community Distribution and Diversity to Their Environmental Settings in Part of the Indo-Gangetic Region
Mukunda Dev Behera
Vs Chitale
S Matin
Swapna Mahanand
Pulakesh Das
Prediction of Wild Pistachio Ecological Niche Using Machine Learning Models
Observing vegetation dynamics and determining optimum conditions for tree species are important for the long-term habitat conservation. …
Javad Momeni Damaneh
Jalil Ahmadi
Soroor Rahmanian
Seyed Mohammad Moein Sadeghi
Vahid Nasiri
Stelian Alexandru Borz
Near-Surface Soil Thermal Regime and Land--Air Temperature Coupling: A Case Study over Spain
Abstract Understanding the near-surface soil thermal regime and its connection to the atmospheric state is important for the assessment …
Camilo Melo-Aguilar
Fidel González-Rouco
Norman J. Steinert
Hugo Beltrami
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Almudena García-García
Felix Garciá-Pereira
Elena García-Bustamante
Pedro José Roldán-Gómez
Thomas Schmid
Jorge Navarro
Global Apparent Temperature Sensitivity of Terrestrial Carbon Turnover Modulated by Hydrometeorological Factors
Abstract The ecosystem carbon turnover time—an emergent ecosystem property that partly determines the feedback between the terrestrial …
Naixin Fan
Markus Reichstein
Sujan Koirala
Bernhard Ahrens
Miguel D. Mahecha
Nuno Carvalhais
Evaluation of Satellite and Reanalysis Estimates of Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture in Croplands of Jiangsu Province, China
High-quality and long-term surface soil moisture (SSM) and root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) data are critical for agricultural water …
Lei Fan
Zanpin Xing
Gabrielle De Lannoy
Frédéric Frappart
Jian Peng
Jiangyuan Zeng
Xiaojun Li
Kun Yang
Tianjie Zhao
Jiancheng Shi
Hongliang Ma
Mengjia Wang
Xiangzhuo Liu
Chuanxiang Yi
Mingguo Ma
Xuguang Tang
Jianguang Wen
Xiuzhi Chen
Chong Wang
Lingxiao Wang
Guojie Wang
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Biodiversity Loss and Climate Extremes — Study the Feedbacks
Enough of silos: develop a joint scientific agenda to understand the intertwined global crises of the Earth system.
Miguel D. Mahecha
Ana Bastos
Friedrich J. Bohn
Nico Eisenhauer
Hannes Feilhauer
Henrik Hartmann
Thomas Hickler
Heike Kalesse-Los
Mirco Migliavacca
Friederike E. L. Otto
Jian Peng
Johannes Quaas
Ina Tegen
Alexandra Weigelt
Manfred Wendisch
Christian Wirth
Single-Cell Multi-Omics of Peripheral Blood Reveals Tiding and Evolution of Responsive and Resistant Clones upon Daratumumab-Based Treatments in Multiple Myeloma and Plasma Cell Leukemia
Background: Treatment with anti-CD38 antibodies is a standard of care in newly diagnosed and relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (MM). …
Nora Grieb
Jaren Sia
Jonathan Adam Scolnick
Shaun Cordes
Christina Kloetzer
Simone Heyn
Julia Strenge
Theresa Tumewu
Kristen Gerhardt
Kolja Nenoff
Anne Sophie Kubasch
Song Yau Wang
Enrica Bach
Madlen Jentzsch
Georg-Nikolaus Franke
Sebastian Schwind
Klaus H. Metzeler
Marco Herling
Vladan Vucinic
Uwe Platzbecker
Maximilian Merz
Revealing Recurrent Regimes of Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Variability Using Novel Machine Learning Method
The low-frequency variability of the extratropical atmosphere involves hemispheric-scale recurring, often persistent, states known as …
Dmitry Mukhin
Abdel Hannachi
Tobias Braun
Norbert Marwan
Interannual Global Carbon Cycle Variations Linked to Atmospheric Circulation Variability
Abstract. One of the least understood temporal scales of global carbon cycle (C-cycle) dynamics is its interannual variability (IAV). …
Na Li
Sebastian Sippel
Alexander J. Winkler
Miguel D. Mahecha
Markus Reichstein
Ana Bastos
Grazing and Ecosystem Service Delivery in Global Drylands
Grazing represents the most extensive use of land worldwide. Yet its impacts on ecosystem services remain uncertain because pervasive …
Fernando T. Maestre
Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo
David J. Eldridge
Hugo Saiz
Miguel Berdugo
Beatriz Gozalo
Victoria Ochoa
Emilio Guirado
Miguel García-Gómez
Enrique Valencia
Juan J. Gaitán
Sergio Asensio
Betty J. Mendoza
César Plaza
Paloma Díaz-Martínez
Ana Rey
Hang-Wei Hu
Ji-Zheng He
Jun-Tao Wang
Anika Lehmann
Matthias C. Rillig
Simone Cesarz
Nico Eisenhauer
Jaime Martínez-Valderrama
Eduardo Moreno-Jiménez
Osvaldo Sala
Mehdi Abedi
Negar Ahmadian
Concepción L. Alados
Valeria Aramayo
Fateh Amghar
Tulio Arredondo
Rodrigo J. Ahumada
Khadijeh Bahalkeh
Farah Ben Salem
Niels Blaum
Bazartseren Boldgiv
Matthew A. Bowker
Donaldo Bran
Chongfeng Bu
Rafaella Canessa
Andrea P. Castillo-Monroy
Helena Castro
Ignacio Castro
Patricio Castro-Quezada
Roukaya Chibani
Abel A. Conceição
Courtney M. Currier
Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi
Balázs Deák
David A. Donoso
Andrew J. Dougill
Jorge Durán
Batdelger Erdenetsetseg
Carlos I. Espinosa
Alex Fajardo
Mohammad Farzam
Daniela Ferrante
Anke S. K. Frank
Lauchlan H. Fraser
Laureano A. Gherardi
Aaron C. Greenville
Carlos A. Guerra
Elizabeth Gusmán-Montalvan
Rosa M. Hernández-Hernández
Norbert Hölzel
Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald
Frederic M. Hughes
Oswaldo Jadán-Maza
Florian Jeltsch
Anke Jentsch
Kudzai F. Kaseke
Melanie Köbel
Jessica E. Koopman
Cintia v. Leder
Anja Linstädter
Peter C. Le Roux
Xinkai Li
Pierre Liancourt
Jushan Liu
Michelle A. Louw
Gillian Maggs-Kölling
Thulani P. Makhalanyane
Oumarou Malam Issa
Antonio J. Manzaneda
Eugene Marais
Juan P. Mora
Gerardo Moreno
Seth M. Munson
Alice Nunes
Gabriel Oliva
Gastón R. Oñatibia
Guadalupe Peter
Marco O. D. Pivari
Yolanda Pueyo
R. Emiliano Quiroga
Soroor Rahmanian
Sasha C. Reed
Pedro J. Rey
Benoit Richard
Alexandra Rodríguez
Víctor Rolo
Juan G. Rubalcaba
Jan C. Ruppert
Ayman Salah
Max A. Schuchardt
Sedona Spann
Ilan Stavi
Colton R. A. Stephens
Anthony M. Swemmer
Alberto L. Teixido
Andrew D. Thomas
Heather L. Throop
Katja Tielbörger
Samantha Travers
James Val
Orsolya Valkó
Liesbeth Van Den Brink
Sergio Velasco Ayuso
Frederike Velbert
Wanyoike Wamiti
Deli Wang
Lixin Wang
Glenda M. Wardle
Laura Yahdjian
Eli Zaady
Yuanming Zhang
Xiaobing Zhou
Brajesh K. Singh
Nicolas Gross
AngleCam : Predicting the Temporal Variation of Leaf Angle Distributions from Image Series with Deep Learning
Abstract Vertical leaf angles and their variation through time are directly related to several ecophysiological processes and …
Teja Kattenborn
Ronny Richter
Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
Hannes Feilhauer
Christian Wirth
Analysing Interlinked Frequency Dynamics of the Urban Acoustic Environment
As sustainable metropolitan regions require more densely built-up areas, a comprehensive understanding of the urban acoustic …
Timo Haselhoff
Tobias Braun
Jonas Hornberg
Bryce T. Lawrence
Salman Ahmed
Dietwald Gruehn
Susanne Moebus
Activation of Distinct Inflammatory Pathways in LR-MDS Is Determined By Genetics
Background Dysregulated innate immune signaling has been identified as a driver of the complex pathophysiology of myelodysplastic …
Marie Schneider
Clara Rolfs
Matthias Trumpp
Susann Winter
Luise Fischer
Mandy Richter
Victoria Menger
Kolja Nenoff
Nora Grieb
Anne Sophie Kubasch
Klaus H. Metzeler
Katja Sockel
Christian Thiede
Lorenz C Hofbauer
Andreas Roth
Andreas Bruederle
Janghee Woo
Michael Cross
Uwe Platzbecker
The Leaf Is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Lab: Optical in-Situ Indicators for Leaf Chlorophyll Content Need Improvement for Semi-Natural Grassland Areas
Leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) is an important indicator of plant health. Earth observation facilitates LCC monitoring on large spatial …
Antonia D. Ludwig
Daniel Doktor
Reimund Goss
Severin Sasso
Hannes Feilhauer
Retrieval of High-Resolution Vegetation Optical Depth from Sentinel-1 Data over a Grassland Region in the Heihe River Basin
Vegetation optical depth (VOD), as a microwave-based estimate of vegetation water and biomass content, is increasingly used to study …
Zhilan Zhou
Lei Fan
Gabrielle De Lannoy
Xiangzhuo Liu
Jian Peng
Xiaojing Bai
Frédéric Frappart
Nicolas Baghdadi
Zanpin Xing
Xiaojun Li
Mingguo Ma
Xin Li
Tao Che
Liying Geng
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
FABIAN: A Daily Product of Fractional Austral-summer Blue Ice over ANtarctica during 2000--2021 Based on MODIS Imagery Using Google Earth Engine
Antarctic blue ice areas are exposed due to erosion and sublimation of snow. At the same time, surface melt can form surface types that …
Zhongyang Hu
Peter Kuipers Munneke
Stef Lhermitte
Mariel Dirscherl
Chaonan Ji
Michiel Van Den Broeke
DeepForest: Novel Deep Learning Models for Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Multi-Temporal and -Modal Sentinel Data of the Amazon Basin
Land use and land cover (LULC) mapping is a powerful tool for monitoring large areas. For the Amazon rainforest, automated mapping is …
Eya Cherif
Maximilian Hell
Melanie Brandmeier
Classification Characteristics of Fine Motor Experts Based on Electroencephalographic and Force Tracking Data
The application of machine learning techniques provides a data-driven approach for a deeper understanding of the development and …
R. Gaidai
C. Goelz
Karin Mora
J. Rudisch
E.-M. Reuter
B. Godde
C. Reinsberger
C. Voelcker-Rehage
S. Vieluf
Citizen Science Plant Observations Encode Global Trait Patterns
Global maps of plant functional traits are essential for studying the dynamics of the terrestrial biosphere, yet the spatial …
Sophie Wolf
Miguel D. Mahecha
Francesco Maria Sabatini
Christian Wirth
Helge Bruelheide
Jens Kattge
Álvaro Moreno Martínez
Karin Mora
Teja Kattenborn
Challenging the Link between Functional and Spectral Diversity with Radiative Transfer Modeling and Data
In a context of accelerated human-induced biodiversity loss, remote sensing (RS) is emerging as a promising tool to map plant …
Javier Pacheco-Labrador
Mirco Migliavacca
Xuanlong Ma
Miguel D. Mahecha
Nuno Carvalhais
Ulrich Weber
Raquel Benavides
Olivier Bouriaud
Ionut Barnoaiea
David A. Coomes
Friedrich J. Bohn
Guido Kraemer
Uta Heiden
Andreas Huth
Christian Wirth
A New Bootstrap Technique to Quantify Uncertainty in Estimates of Ground Surface Temperature and Ground Heat Flux Histories from Geothermal Data
Abstract. Estimates of the past thermal state of the land surface are crucial to assess the magnitude of current anthropogenic climate …
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Hugo Beltrami
Stephan Gruber
Almudena García-García
J. Fidel González-Rouco
Seasonal Propagation Characteristics from Meteorological to Hydrological Drought and Their Dynamics in the Headstreams of the Tarim River Basin
Abstract In the propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought, there are time-lag and step-abrupt effects, quantified in …
Zhixia Wang
Shengzhi Huang
Qiang Huang
Weili Duan
Guoyong Leng
Yi Guo
Xudong Zheng
Mingqiu Nie
Zhiming Han
Haixia Dong
Jian Peng
Flash Droughts Identification Based on an Improved Framework and Their Contrasting Impacts on Vegetation Over the Loess Plateau, China
Abstract Flash drought occurs in a short timescale and has more adverse impacts on society and ecosystems than regular drought. …
Xudong Zheng
Shengzhi Huang
Jian Peng
Guoyong Leng
Qiang Huang
Wei Fang
Yi Guo
CloudSEN12 - a Global Dataset for Semantic Understanding of Cloud and Cloud Shadow in Sentinel-2
Accurately characterizing clouds and their shadows is a long-standing problem in the Earth Observation community. Recent works showcase …
Cesar Aybar Camacho
Luis Eduardo Ysuhuaylas Segovia
Jhomira Vanessa Loja Zumaeta
Karen Andrea Gonzales Plasencia
Fernando Edú Herrera Quispetira
Lesly Aracelly Bautista Buendia
Roy Marco Yali Samaniego
Angie Flores Gutierrez
Lissette Diaz Ramirez
Nicole Cuenca Cajusol
Wendy Espinoza Bustos
Fernando Prudencio Paredes
Valeria Llactayo Peña
David Montero
Martin Sudmanns
Dirk Tiede
Gonzalo Mateo-García
Luis Gómez-Chova
Transfer Learning from Citizen Science Photographs Enables Plant Species Identification in UAV Imagery
Accurate information on the spatial distribution of plant species and communities is in high demand for various fields of application, …
Salim Soltani
Hannes Feilhauer
Robbert Duker
Teja Kattenborn
Abstract. Spectral Indices derived from Remote Sensing (RS) data are widely used for characterizing Earth System dynamics. The …
David Montero
C. Aybar
Miguel D. Mahecha
Sebastian Wieneke
Spatially Autocorrelated Training and Validation Samples Inflate Performance Assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep learning and particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in concert with remote sensing are becoming standard analytical …
Teja Kattenborn
Felix Schiefer
Julian Frey
Hannes Feilhauer
Miguel D. Mahecha
Carsten F. Dormann
Potential of UAV-based Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Detect Water Stress in Sugar Beet
Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is a direct indicator of plant photosynthetic activities and can potentially indicate plant …
Na Wang
Jan G.P.W. Clevers
Sebastian Wieneke
Harm Bartholomeus
Lammert Kooistra
Mapping Land-Use Intensity of Grasslands in Germany with Machine Learning and Sentinel-2 Time Series
Information on grassland land-use intensity (LUI) is crucial for understanding trends and dynamics in biodiversity, ecosystem …
Maximilian Lange
Hannes Feilhauer
Ingolf Kühn
Daniel Doktor
Analysis of Vegetation Vulnerability Dynamics and Driving Forces to Multiple Drought Stresses in a Changing Environment
Quantifying changes in the vulnerability of vegetation to various drought stresses in different seasons is important for rational and …
Xiaoting Wei
Shengzhi Huang
Qiang Huang
Dong Liu
Guoyong Leng
Haibo Yang
Weili Duan
Jianfeng Li
Qingjun Bai
Jian Peng
Fluorescence Ratio and Photochemical Reflectance Index as a Proxy for Photosynthetic Quantum Efficiency of Photosystem II along a Phosphorus Gradient
Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is one of the most promising remote-sensing signals to assess spatio-temporal variation in …
Sebastian Wieneke
Manuela Balzarolo
Han Asard
Hamada Abd Elgawad
Josep Peñuelas
Uwe Rascher
Arne Ven
Melanie S. Verlinden
Ivan A. Janssens
Sara Vicca
Attribution of Global Evapotranspiration Trends Based on the Budyko Framework
Abstract. Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is an essential variable in the hydrological process, linking carbon, water, and energy …
Shijie Li
Guojie Wang
Chenxia Zhu
Jiao Lu
Waheed Ullah
Daniel Fiifi Tawia Hagan
Giri Kattel
Jian Peng
Rapid Assessment of Plant Diversity Using MODIS Biophysical Proxies
The spectral information derived from satellite data provides important inputs for assessing plant diversity. If a suitable …
Swapna Mahanand
Mukunda Dev Behera
Partha Sarathi Roy
Structural Attributes Estimation in a Natural Tropical Forest Fragment Using Very High-Resolution Imagery from Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Structural attributes are fundamental biophysical parameters of forest, useful for ecological and environmental monitoring and …
Johnny Alexander Vega Gutiérrez
Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
Jesús A. Anaya
Abstract. Solar photovoltaic power plants are in rapid expansion throughout the world, with the total area occupied by panels being …
D. Cerra
Chaonan Ji
U. Heiden
Prospective Phase II Study of Preemptive Chimerism-Driven Reduction of Immunosuppression after Non-Myeloablative Conditioning—Eudract #: 2007-002420-15
Saskia Hell
Madlen Jentzsch
Georg-Nikolaus Franke
Nadja Jäkel
Susann Schulze
Jeanett Edelmann
Kolja Nenoff
Nora Grieb
Veljko Jeremic
Michael Cross
Sabine Leiblein
Enrica Bach
Wolfram Pönisch
Haifa-Kathrin Al-Ali
Sebastian Schwind
Uwe Platzbecker
Thoralf Lange
Dietger Niederwieser
Vladan Vucinic
Physics-Aware Nonparametric Regression Models for Earth Data Analysis
Abstract Process understanding and modeling is at the core of scientific reasoning. Principled parametric and mechanistic modeling …
Jordi Cortés-Andrés
Gustau Camps-Valls
Sebastian Sippel
Enikő Székely
Dino Sejdinovic
Emiliano Diaz
Adrián Pérez-Suay
Zhu Li
Miguel D. Mahecha
Markus Reichstein
Toward Causal Inference for Spatio-Temporal Data: Conflict and Forest Loss in Colombia
How does armed conflict influence tropical forest loss? For Colombia, both enhancing and reducing effect estimates have been reported. …
Rune Christiansen
Matthias Baumann
Tobias Kuemmerle
Miguel D. Mahecha
Jonas Peters
Method for Solar Resource Assessment Using Numerical Weather Prediction and Artificial Neural Network Models Based on Typical Meteorological Data: Application to the South of Portugal
In this work a method for regional solar resource assessment based on numerical weather prediction (NWP) and artificial neural network …
Sara Pereira
Edgar F.M. Abreu
Maksim Iakunin
Afonso Cavaco
Rui Salgado
Paulo Canhoto
Impact of Medication on Blood Transcriptome Reveals Off-Target Regulations of Beta-Blockers
Background For many drugs, mechanisms of action with regard to desired effects and/or unwanted side effects are only incompletely …
Michael Rode
Kolja Nenoff
Kerstin Wirkner
Katrin Horn
Andrej Teren
Ralf Regenthal
Markus Loeffler
Joachim Thiery
Achim Aigner
Janne Pott
Holger Kirsten
Markus Scholz
Development and Application of High Resolution SPEI Drought Dataset for Central Asia
Abstract Central Asia is a data scarce region, which makes it difficult to monitor and minimize the impacts of a drought. To address …
Karim Pyarali
Jian Peng
Markus Disse
Ye Tuo
Decoupling between Ecosystem Photosynthesis and Transpiration: A Last Resort against Overheating
Abstract Ecosystems are projected to face extreme high temperatures more frequently in the near future. Various biotic coping …
Christopher Krich
Miguel D. Mahecha
Mirco Migliavacca
Martin G De Kauwe
Anne Griebel
Jakob Runge
Diego G Miralles
An Environmental Exploration System for Visual Scenario Analysis of Regional Hydro-Meteorological Systems
We propose a framework for the 3D exploration of heterogeneous environmental data within a geographical region of interest. Based on …
Karsten Rink
Özgür Ozan Şen
Marco Hannemann
Uta Ködel
Erik Nixdorf
Ute Weber
Ulrike Werban
Martin Schrön
Thomas Kalbacher
Olaf Kolditz
Accuracy and Reproducibility of Laboratory Diffuse Reflectance Measurements with Portable VNIR and MIR Spectrometers for Predictive Soil Organic Carbon Modeling
Soil spectroscopy in the visible-to-near infrared (VNIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) is a cost-effective method to determine the soil …
Sebastian Semella
Christopher Hutengs
Michael Seidel
Mathias Ulrich
Birgit Schneider
Malte Ortner
Sören Thiele-Bruhn
Bernard Ludwig
Michael Vohland
A Mosaic of Induced and Non-induced Branches Promotes Variation in Leaf Traits, Predation and Insect Herbivore Assemblages in Canopy Trees
Abstract Forest canopies are complex and highly diverse environments. Their diversity is affected by pronounced gradients in abiotic …
Martin Volf
Tereza Volfová
Carlo L. Seifert
Antonia D. Ludwig
Rolf A. Engelmann
Leonardo Ré Jorge
Ronny Richter
Andreas Schedl
Alexander Weinhold
Christian Wirth
Nicole M. Van Dam
Various Maize Yield Losses and Their Dynamics Triggered by Drought Thresholds Based on Copula-Bayesian Conditional Probabilities
In the context of global warming and human interventions, the impact of climate on crop yield may change over time. Therefore, …
Pei Li
Qiang Huang
Shengzhi Huang
Guoyong Leng
Jian Peng
Hao Wang
Xudong Zheng
Yifei Li
Wei Fang
Performance of in Situ vs Laboratory Mid-Infrared Soil Spectroscopy Using Local and Regional Calibration Strategies
Comparison of in situ mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) with laboratory MIRS is required to demonstrate the accuracy of field-scale …
Isabel Greenberg
Michael Seidel
Michael Vohland
Heinz-Josef Koch
Bernard Ludwig
Motion Compensation/Autofocus in Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Review
Air- and spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can provide a large number of high-resolution images for microwave remote sensing …
Jianlai Chen
Mengdao Xing
Hanwen Yu
Buge Liang
Jian Peng
Guang-Cai Sun
High-Resolution Propagation Time from Meteorological to Agricultural Drought at Multiple Levels and Spatiotemporal Scales
Meteorological drought (MD) is the source of agricultural drought (AD), and in-depth understanding of the propagation process from MD …
Yifei Li
Shengzhi Huang
Hanye Wang
Xudong Zheng
Qiang Huang
Mingjiang Deng
Jian Peng
Diversity Effects on Canopy Structure Change throughout a Growing Season in Experimental Grassland Communities
Increasing plant diversity commonly enhances standing biomass and other ecosystem functions (i.e., carbon fluxes, water use efficiency, …
Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
Alexandra Weigelt
Anne Ebeling
Nico Eisenhauer
Christian Wirth
What We Talk about When We Talk about Seasonality – A Transdisciplinary Review
The role of seasonality is indisputable in climate and ecosystem dynamics. Seasonal temperature and precipitation variability are of …
Ola Kwiecien
Tobias Braun
Camilla Francesca Brunello
Patrick Faulkner
Niklas Hausmann
Gerd Helle
Julie A. Hoggarth
Monica Ionita
Christopher S. Jazwa
Saige Kelmelis
Norbert Marwan
Cinthya Nava-Fernandez
Carole Nehme
Thomas Opel
Jessica L. Oster
Aurel Perşoiu
Cameron Petrie
Keith Prufer
Saija M. Saarni
Annabel Wolf
Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach
Sampling Rate-Corrected Analysis of Irregularly Sampled Time Series
The analysis of irregularly sampled time series remains a challenging task requiring methods that account for continuous and abrupt …
Tobias Braun
Cinthya N. Fernandez
Deniz Eroglu
Adam Hartland
Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach
Norbert Marwan
Impact of a Large Artificial Lake on Regional Climate: A Typical Meteorological Year Meso-NH Simulation Results
Abstract Large artificial lakes and reservoirs affect the meteorological regime of the shore area and the local climate takes on a …
Maksim Iakunin
Edgar F.M. Abreu
Paulo Canhoto
Sara Pereira
Rui Salgado
Identifying the Main Drivers of the Seasonal Decline of Near-Infrared Reflectance of a Temperate Deciduous Forest
The physical mechanisms behind correlations of earth observations and remote sensing products are of vital importance. The so-called …
Niklas Hase
Daniel Doktor
Corinna Rebmann
Benjamin Dechant
Hannes Mollenhauer
Matthias Cuntz
Abstract. Tackling the accelerated human-induced biodiversity loss requires tools able to map biodiversity and its changes globally. …
J. Pacheco-Labrador
U. Weber
X. Ma
Miguel D. Mahecha
N. Carvalhais
C. Wirth
A. Huth
F. J. Bohn
Guido Kraemer
U. Heiden
FunDivEUROPE Members
M. Migliavacca
Dataset of Hydrological Records in 5 Min Resolution of Tributaries in the Mueglitz River Basin, Germany
We present a new hydrometric dataset that comprises water level and discharge time series measured at five tributaries draining …
Marco Hannemann
Erik Nixdorf
Manuel Kreck
Andreas Schoßland
Peter Dietrich
Content of Soil Organic Carbon and Labile Fractions Depend on Local Combinations of Mineral-Phase Characteristics
Abstract. Soil organic matter (SOM) is an indispensable component of terrestrial ecosystems. Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics are …
Malte Ortner
Michael Seidel
Sebastian Semella
Thomas Udelhoven
Michael Vohland
Sören Thiele-Bruhn
A Machine Learning Framework for the Classification of Natura 2000 Habitat Types at Large Spatial Scales Using MODIS Surface Reflectance Data
Anthropogenic climate and land use change is causing rapid shifts in the distribution and composition of habitats with profound impacts …
Fabian Sittaro
Christopher Hutengs
Sebastian Semella
Michael Vohland
WRF v.3.9 Sensitivity to Land Surface Model and Horizontal Resolution Changes over North America
Abstract. Understanding the differences between regional simulations of land–atmosphere interactions and near-surface conditions …
Almudena García-Garcia
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Hugo Beltrami
J. Fidel González-Rouco
Elena García-Bustamante
Spatial and Seasonal Modeling of the Land Surface Temperature Using Random Forest
Land surface temperature (LST) is an important climate indicator that shows the relationship between the atmosphere and land. Due to …
Soheila Pouyan
Soroor Rahmanian
Atiyeh Amindin
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi
Sampling Robustness in Gradient Analysis of Urban Material Mixtures
Many studies analyzing spaceborne hyperspectral images (HSIs) have so far struggled to deal with a lack of pure pixels due to complex …
Chaonan Ji
Marianne Jilge
Uta Heiden
Marion Stellmes
Hannes Feilhauer
Retrieval of Simultaneous Water-Level Changes in Small Lakes With InSAR
Abstract Monitoring water level changes is necessary to manage, conserve and restore natural, and anthropogenic lake systems. However, …
S. Palomino-Ángel
R. F. Vázquez
H. Hampel
Jesús A. Anaya
P. v. Mosquera
S. W. Lyon
F. Jaramillo
ReservoirComputing.Jl: An Efficient and Modular Library for Reservoir Computing Models
We introduce ReservoirComputing.jl, an open source Julia library for reservoir computing models. The software offers a great number of …
Francesco Martinuzzi
Chris Rackauckas
Anas Abdelrehim
Miguel D. Mahecha
Karin Mora
Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon at Regional Scale: Benefits of Fusing Vis-NIR and MIR Diffuse Reflectance Data Are Greater for in Situ than for Laboratory-Based Modelling Approaches
Benefits of fusion approaches for visible to near (vis-NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) chemometric modelling have been studied to some …
Michael Vohland
Bernard Ludwig
Michael Seidel
Christopher Hutengs
Predictive Habitat Suitability Models for Teucrium Polium L. Using Boosted Regression Trees
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the occurrence of Teucrium polium species and environmental variables to …
Soroor Rahmanian
Soheila Pouyan
Sahar Karami
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi
Predicting Spatiotemporal Variability in Radial Tree Growth at the Continental Scale with Machine Learning
Abstract Tree-ring chronologies encode interannual variability in forest growth rates over long time periods from decades to centuries …
Paul Bodesheim
Flurin Babst
David C. Frank
Claudia Hartl
Christian S. Zang
Martin Jung
Markus Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
Performance of Field-scale Lab vs in Situ Visible/Near- and Mid-infrared Spectroscopy for Estimation of Soil Properties
Abstract Comparison of laboratory versus in situ visible/near- (visNIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy for prediction of various …
Isabel Greenberg
Michael Seidel
Michael Vohland
Bernard Ludwig
On the Potential of Sentinel-2 for Estimating Gross Primary Production
Estimating Gross Primary Production (GPP), the gross uptake of CO$_2$ by vegetation, is a fundamental prerequisite for understanding …
Daniel E. Pabon-Moreno
Mirco Migliavacca
Markus Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
ISC-UNDRR-RISK KAN: Briefing Note on Systemic riskBriefing Note on Systemic Risk
Systemic risk is associated with cascading impacts that spread within and across systems and sectors (e.g. ecosystems, health, …
Jana Sillmann
Ingrid Christensen
Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler
J Huang-Lachmann
Sirkku Juhola
Kai Kornhuber
Miguel D. Mahecha
Reinhard Mechler
Markus Reichstein
Alex C Ruane
Pia-Johanna Schweizer
Scott Williams
Improvement of AMSR2 Soil Moisture Retrieval Using a Soil-Vegetation Temperature Decomposition Algorithm
It is well documented that soil moisture can be retrieved from passive microwave (PMW) observations. A basic assumption of most …
Xiangjin Meng
Yingbao Yang
Jiangyuan Zeng
Jian Peng
Jia Hu
Estimating High-Resolution Soil Moisture Over Mountainous Regions Using Remotely-Sensed Multispectral and Topographic Data
A surface soil moisture (SM) condition at high spatiotemportal resolutions is required by regional Earth system applications. Here, we …
Lei Fan
Amen Al-Yaari
Frederic Frappart
Jian Peng
Jianguang Wen
Qing Xiao
Rui Jin
Xiaojun Li
Xiangzhuo Liu
Mengjia Wang
Xiuzhi Chen
Lin Zhao
Mingguo Ma
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Estimating Heavy Metal Concentrations in Technosols with Reflectance Spectroscopy
Reflectance spectroscopy in the visible-infrared and shortwave infrared (450– 2500 nm) wavelength region is a rapid, cost-effective and …
Friederike Kästner
Magdalena Sut-Lohmann
Shaghayegh Ramezany
Thomas Raab
Hannes Feilhauer
Sabine Chabrillat
COVID-19: An Analysis on Official Reports in Iran and the World along with Some Comparisons to Other Hazards
Currently, the spread of coronavirus has affected almost the world and all cities in Iran. In this regard, the present study was …
Soheila Pouyan
Mojgan Bordbar
Mojdeh Mohammadi Khoshoui
Soroor Rahmanian
Zakariya Farajzadeh
Bahram Heidari
Sedigheh Babaei
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi
Contrasting Biophysical and Societal Impacts of Hydro-Meteorological Extremes
Abstract Extreme hydrological and meteorological conditions can severely affect ecosystems, parts of the economy, and consequently …
Rene Orth
Sungmin O
Jakob Zscheischler
Miguel D. Mahecha
Markus Reichstein
A Method for Downscaling Satellite Soil Moisture Based on Land Surface Temperature and Net Surface Shortwave Radiation
Due to the coarse spatial resolution of currently available microwave (mostly passive) soil moisture (SM) products, it is difficult to …
Yawei Wang
Pei Leng
Jianwei Ma
Jian Peng
Time-Scale Dependent Relations Between Earth Observation Based Proxies of Vegetation Productivity
Abstract Much uncertainty remains in measuring the inter-annual and longer-term dynamics of vegetation gross and net primary …
Nora Linscheid
Miguel D. Mahecha
Anja Rammig
Nuno Carvalhais
Fabian Gans
Jacob A. Nelson
Sophia Walther
Ulrich Weber
Markus Reichstein
The Role of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments of Biodiversity: A Systematic Review
Abstract Context For many organisms, responses to climate change (CC) will be affected by land-use and land-cover changes (LULCC). …
Maria J. Santos
Adam B. Smith
Stefan C. Dekker
Maarten B. Eppinga
Pedro J. Leitão
David Moreno-Mateos
Naia Morueta-Holme
Michael Ruggeri
Solar Photovoltaic Module Detection Using Laboratory and Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data
Over the past decades, solar panels have been widely used to harvest solar energy owing to the decreased cost of silicon-based …
Chaonan Ji
Martin Bachmann
Thomas Esch
Hannes Feilhauer
Uta Heiden
Wieke Heldens
Andreas Hueni
Tobia Lakes
Annekatrin Metz-Marconcini
Marion Schroedter-Homscheidt
Susanne Weyand
Julian Zeidler
Künstliche Intelligenz in Der Hämatologie
Von der automatisierten Auswertung medizinischer Dokumente über die Analyse molekulargenetischer Daten zur beschleunigten …
Kolja Nenoff
Nora Grieb
Alexander Oeser
Thomas Neumuth
Uwe Platzbecker
Anne Sophie Kubasch
Climatic and Soil Factors Explain the Two-Dimensional Spectrum of Global Plant Trait Variation
Abstract Plant functional traits can predict community assembly and ecosystem functioning and are thus widely used in global models of …
Julia S. Joswig
Christian Wirth
Meredith C. Schuman
Jens Kattge
Björn Reu
Ian J. Wright
Sebastian D. Sippel
Nadja Rüger
Ronny Richter
Michael E. Schaepman
Peter M. Van Bodegom
J. H. C. Cornelissen
Sandra Díaz
Wesley N. Hattingh
Koen Kramer
Frederic Lens
Ülo Niinemets
Peter B. Reich
Markus Reichstein
Christine Römermann
Franziska Schrodt
Madhur Anand
Michael Bahn
Chaeho Byun
Giandiego Campetella
Bruno E. L. Cerabolini
Joseph M. Craine
Andres Gonzalez-Melo
Alvaro G. Gutiérrez
Tianhua He
Pedro Higuchi
Hervé Jactel
Nathan J. B. Kraft
Vanessa Minden
Vladimir Onipchenko
Josep Peñuelas
Valério D. Pillar
Enio Sosinski
Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia
Evan Weiher
Miguel D. Mahecha
Habitat Potential Modelling and Mapping of Teucrium Polium Using Machine Learning Techniques
Determining suitable habitats is important for the successful management and conservation of plant and wildlife species. Teucrium …
Soroor Rahmanian
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi
Soheila Pouyan
Sahar Karami
Evaluating Different Methods for Retrieving Intraspecific Leaf Trait Variation from Hyperspectral Leaf Reflectance
Leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and leaf water content/ equivalent water thickness (EWT) are commonly used …
Kenny Helsen
Leonardo Bassi
Hannes Feilhauer
Teja Kattenborn
Hajime Matsushima
Elisa Van Cleemput
Ben Somers
Olivier Honnay
A First Assessment of Satellite and Reanalysis Estimates of Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture over the Permafrost Region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Long-term and high-quality surface soil moisture (SSM) and root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) data is crucial for understanding the …
Zanpin Xing
Lei Fan
Lin Zhao
Gabrielle De Lannoy
Frédéric Frappart
Jian Peng
Xiaojun Li
Jiangyuan Zeng
Amen Al-Yaari
Kun Yang
Tianjie Zhao
Jiancheng Shi
Mengjia Wang
Xiangzhuo Liu
Guojie Hu
Yao Xiao
Erji Du
Ren Li
Yongping Qiao
Jianzong Shi
Jianguang Wen
Mingguo Ma
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
The Three Major Axes of Terrestrial Ecosystem Function
Abstract The leaf economics spectrum 1,2 and the global spectrum of plant forms and functions 3 revealed fundamental axes of variation …
Mirco Migliavacca
Talie Musavi
Miguel D. Mahecha
Jacob A. Nelson
Jürgen Knauer
Dennis D. Baldocchi
Oscar Perez-Priego
Rune Christiansen
Jonas Peters
Karen Anderson
Michael Bahn
T. Andrew Black
Peter D. Blanken
Damien Bonal
Nina Buchmann
Silvia Caldararu
Arnaud Carrara
Nuno Carvalhais
Alessandro Cescatti
Jiquan Chen
Jamie Cleverly
Edoardo Cremonese
Ankur R. Desai
Tarek S. El-Madany
Martha M. Farella
Marcos Fernández-Martínez
Gianluca Filippa
Matthias Forkel
Marta Galvagno
Ulisse Gomarasca
Christopher M. Gough
Mathias Göckede
Andreas Ibrom
Hiroki Ikawa
Ivan A. Janssens
Martin Jung
Jens Kattge
Trevor F. Keenan
Alexander Knohl
Hideki Kobayashi
Guido Kraemer
Beverly E. Law
Michael J. Liddell
Xuanlong Ma
Ivan Mammarella
David Martini
Craig Macfarlane
Giorgio Matteucci
Leonardo Montagnani
Daniel E. Pabon-Moreno
Cinzia Panigada
Dario Papale
Elise Pendall
Josep Penuelas
Richard P. Phillips
Peter B. Reich
Micol Rossini
Eyal Rotenberg
Russell L. Scott
Clement Stahl
Ulrich Weber
Georg Wohlfahrt
Sebastian Wolf
Ian J. Wright
Dan Yakir
Sönke Zaehle
Markus Reichstein
Estimation and Evaluation of High-Resolution Soil Moisture from Merged Model and Earth Observation Data in the Great Britain
Soil moisture is an important component of the Earth system and plays a key role in land-atmosphere interactions. Remote sensing of …
Jian Peng
Maliko Tanguy
Emma L. Robinson
Ewan Pinnington
Jonathan Evans
Rich Ellis
Elizabeth Cooper
Jamie Hannaford
Eleanor Blyth
Simon Dadson
Electrophysiological Signatures of Dedifferentiation Differ between Fit and Less Fit Older Adults
Abstract Cardiorespiratory fitness was found to influence age-related changes of resting state brain network organization. However, the …
Christian Goelz
Karin Mora
Julia Kristin Stroehlein
Franziska Katharina Haase
Michael Dellnitz
Claus Reinsberger
Solveig Vieluf
Does the Intensive Grazing and Aridity Change the Relations between the Dominant Shrub emphArtemisiaemph Kopetdaghensis and Plants under Its Canopies?
Abstract The interspecific plant interactions along grazing and aridity stress gradients represent a major research issue in plant …
Soroor Rahmanian
Hamid Ejtehadi
Mohammad Farzam
Martin Hejda
Farshid Memariani
Petr Pyšek
Classification of Visuomotor Tasks Based on Electroencephalographic Data Depends on Age-Related Differences in Brain Activity Patterns
Classification of physiological data provides a data driven approach to study central aspects of motor control, which changes with age. …
C. Goelz
Karin Mora
J. Rudisch
R. Gaidai
E. Reuter
B. Godde
C. Reinsberger
C. Voelcker-Rehage
S. Vieluf
VNIR and MIR Spectroscopy of PLFA-derived Soil Microbial Properties and Associated Soil Physicochemical Characteristics in an Experimental Plant Diversity Gradient
Improving our understanding of the functions and processes of soil microbial communities and their interactions with the …
Christopher Hutengs
Nico Eisenhauer
Martin Schädler
Alfred Lochner
Michael Seidel
Michael Vohland
Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture at 1 Km Resolution: A Validation Study
This study presents an assessment of a pre-operational soil moisture product at 1 km resolution derived from satellite data acquired by …
Anna Balenzano
Francesco Mattia
Giuseppe Satalino
Francesco P. Lovergine
Davide Palmisano
Jian Peng
Philip Marzahn
Urs Wegmüller
Oliver Cartus
Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zielińska
Jan P. Musial
Malcolm W.J. Davidson
Valentijn R.N. Pauwels
Michael H. Cosh
Heather McNairn
Joel T. Johnson
Jeffrey P. Walker
Simon H. Yueh
Dara Entekhabi
Yann H. Kerr
Thomas J. Jackson
Performance of Singular Spectrum Analysis in Separating Seasonal and Fast Physiological Dynamics of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and PRI Optical Signals
Abstract High temporal resolution measurements of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence ( F ) and the Photochemical Reflectance Index …
Khelvi Biriukova
Javier Pacheco-Labrador
Mirco Migliavacca
Miguel D. Mahecha
Rosario Gonzalez-Cascon
M. Pilar Martín
Micol Rossini
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
A better understanding of the water and energy cycles at climate scale in the Third Pole Environment is essential for assessing and …
Zhongbo Su
Yaoming Ma
Xuelong Chen
Xiaohua Dong
Junping Du
Cunbo Han
Yanbo He
Jan G. Hofste
Maoshan Li
Mengna Li
Shaoning Lv
Weiqiang Ma
María J. Polo
Jian Peng
Hui Qian
Jose Sobrino
Rogier Van Der Velde
Jun Wen
Binbin Wang
Xin Wang
Lianyu Yu
Pei Zhang
Hong Zhao
Han Zheng
Donghai Zheng
Lei Zhong
Yijian Zeng
Composing Modeling and Simulation with Machine Learning in Julia
In this paper we introduce JuliaSim, a high-performance programming environment designed to blend traditional modeling and simulation …
Chris Rackauckas
Elliot Saba
Utkarsh Rajput
Avik Pal
Francesco Martinuzzi
Yingbo Ma
Chris Laughman
Anand Jain
Maja Gwozdz
Shashi Gowda
Alan Edelman
Ranjan Anantharaman
Viral Shah
Crowd-Sourced Plant Occurrence Data Provide a Reliable Description of Macroecological Gradients
Deep learning algorithms classify plant species with high accuracy, and smartphone applications leverage this technology to enable …
Miguel D. Mahecha
Michael Rzanny
Guido Kraemer
Patrick Mäder
Marco Seeland
Jana Wäldchen
Characterizing the River Water Quality in China: Recent Progress and on-Going Challenges
Food production systems, urbanization, and other anthropogenic activities dramatically alter natural hydrological and nutrient cycles, …
Jiacong Huang
Yinjun Zhang
Haijian Bing
Jian Peng
Feifei Dong
Junfeng Gao
George B. Arhonditsis
Are Urban Material Gradients Transferable between Areas?
Urban areas contain a complex mixture of surface materials resulting in mixed pixels that are challenging to handle with conventional …
Chaonan Ji
Uta Heiden
Tobia Lakes
Hannes Feilhauer
Comprehensive Evaluation of Satellite-Based and Reanalysis Soil Moisture Products Using in Situ Observations over China
Abstract. Soil moisture (SM) plays a critical role in the water and energy cycles of the Earth system; consequently, a long-term SM …
Xiaolu Ling
Ying Huang
Weidong Guo
Yixin Wang
Chaorong Chen
Bo Qiu
Jun Ge
Kai Qin
Yong Xue
Jian Peng
Benchmarking Plant Diversity of Palaearctic Grasslands and Other Open Habitats
Abstract Aims Understanding fine-grain diversity patterns across large spatial extents is fundamental for macroecological research and …
Idoia Biurrun
Remigiusz Pielech
Iwona Dembicz
François Gillet
Łukasz Kozub
Corrado Marcenò
Triin Reitalu
Koenraad Van Meerbeek
Riccardo Guarino
Milan Chytrý
Robin J. Pakeman
Zdenka Preislerová
Irena Axmanová
Sabina Burrascano
Sándor Bartha
Steffen Boch
Hans Henrik Bruun
Timo Conradi
Pieter De Frenne
Franz Essl
Goffredo Filibeck
Michal Hájek
Borja Jiménez-Alfaro
Anna Kuzemko
Zsolt Molnár
Meelis Pärtel
Ricarda Pätsch
Honor C. Prentice
Jan Roleček
Laura M. E. Sutcliffe
Massimo Terzi
Manuela Winkler
Jianshuang Wu
Svetlana Aćić
Alicia T. R. Acosta
Elias Afif
Munemitsu Akasaka
Juha M. Alatalo
Michele Aleffi
Alla Aleksanyan
Arshad Ali
Iva Apostolova
Parvaneh Ashouri
Zoltán Bátori
Esther Baumann
Thomas Becker
Elena Belonovskaya
José Luis Benito Alonso
Asun Berastegi
Ariel Bergamini
Kuber Prasad Bhatta
Ilaria Bonini
Marc-Olivier Büchler
Vasyl Budzhak
Álvaro Bueno
Fabrizio Buldrini
Juan Antonio Campos
Laura Cancellieri
Marta Carboni
Tobias Ceulemans
Alessandro Chiarucci
Cristina Chocarro
Luisa Conti
Anna Mária Csergő
Beata Cykowska-Marzencka
Marta Czarniecka-Wiera
Marta Czarnocka-Cieciura
Patryk Czortek
Jiří Danihelka
Francesco De Bello
Balázs Deák
László Demeter
Lei Deng
Martin Diekmann
Jiri Dolezal
Christian Dolnik
Pavel Dřevojan
Cecilia Dupré
Klaus Ecker
Hamid Ejtehadi
Brigitta Erschbamer
Javier Etayo
Jonathan Etzold
Tünde Farkas
Mohammad Farzam
George Fayvush
María Rosa Fernández Calzado
Manfred Finckh
Wendy Fjellstad
Georgios Fotiadis
Daniel Garcíaágro
Itziar García-Mijangos
Rosario G. Gavilán
Markus Germany
Sahar Ghafari
Gian Pietro Giusso Del Galdo
John-Arvid Grytnes
Behlül Güler
Alba Gutiérrez-Girón
Aveliina Helm
Mercedes Herrera
Elisabeth M. Hüllbusch
Nele Ingerpuu
Annika K. Jägerbrand
Ute Jandt
Monika Janišová
Philippe Jeanneret
Florian Jeltsch
Kai Jensen
Anke Jentsch
Zygmunt Kącki
Kaoru Kakinuma
Jutta Kapfer
Mansoureh Kargar
András Kelemen
Kathrin Kiehl
Philipp Kirschner
Asuka Koyama
Nancy Langer
Lorenzo Lazzaro
Jan Lepš
Ching-Feng Li
Frank Yonghong Li
Diego Liendo
Regina Lindborg
Swantje Löbel
Angela Lomba
Zdeňka Lososová
Pavel Lustyk
Arantzazu L. Luzuriaga
Wenhong Ma
Simona Maccherini
Martin Magnes
Marek Malicki
Michael Manthey
Constantin Mardari
Felix May
Helmut Mayrhofer
Eliane Seraina Meier
Farshid Memariani
Kristina Merunková
Ottar Michelsen
Joaquín Molero Mesa
Halime Moradi
Ivan Moysiyenko
Michele Mugnai
Alireza Naqinezhad
Rayna Natcheva
Josep M. Ninot
Marcin Nobis
Jalil Noroozi
Arkadiusz Nowak
Vladimir Onipchenko
Salza Palpurina
Harald Pauli
Hristo Pedashenko
Christian Pedersen
Robert K. Peet
Aaron Pérez-Haase
Jan Peters
Nataša Pipenbaher
Chrisoula Pirini
Eulàlia Pladevall-Izard
Zuzana Plesková
Giovanna Potenza
Soroor Rahmanian
Maria Pilar Rodríguezójo
Vladimir Ronkin
Leonardo Rosati
Eszter Ruprecht
Solvita Rusina
Marko Sabovljević
Anvar Sanaei
Ana M. Sánchez
Francesco Santi
Galina Savchenko
Maria-Teresa Sebastià
Dariia Shyriaieva
Vasco Silva
Sonja Škornik
Eva Šmerdová
Judit Sonkoly
Marta Gaia Sperandii
Monika Staniaszek-Kik
Carly Stevens
Simon Stifter
Sigrid Suchrow
Grzegorz Swacha
Sebastian Świersz
Amir Talebi
Balázs Teleki
Lubomír Tichý
Csaba Tölgyesi
Marta Torca
Péter Török
Nadezda Tsarevskaya
Ioannis Tsiripidis
Ingrid Turisová
Atushi Ushimaru
Orsolya Valkó
Carmen Van Mechelen
Thomas Vanneste
Iuliia Vasheniak
Kiril Vassilev
Daniele Viciani
Luis Villar
Risto Virtanen
Vitasović-Kosić Ivana
András Vojtkó
Denys Vynokurov
Emelie Waldén
Yun Wang
Frank Weiser
Lu Wen
Karsten Wesche
Hannah White
Stefan Widmer
Sebastian Wolfrum
Anna Wróbel
Zuoqiang Yuan
David Zelený
Liqing Zhao
Jürgen Dengler
A Multi-Hazard Map-Based Flooding, Gully Erosion, Forest Fires, and Earthquakes in Iran
Abstract We used three state-of-the-art machine learning techniques (boosted regression tree, random forest, and support vector …
Soheila Pouyan
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi
Mojgan Bordbar
Soroor Rahmanian
John J. Clague
Let Your Maps Be Fuzzy!—Class Probabilities and Floristic Gradients as Alternatives to Crisp Mapping for Remote Sensing of Vegetation
Abstract Mapping vegetation as hard classes based on remote sensing data is a frequently applied approach, even though this crisp, …
Hannes Feilhauer
András Zlinszky
Adam Kania
Giles M. Foody
Daniel Doktor
Angela Lausch
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Eemont: A Python Package That Extends Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a cloud-based service for geospatial processing of vector and raster data (Gorelick et al., 2017). The GEE …
David Montero
Detection of Dynamical Regime Transitions with Lacunarity as a Multiscale Recurrence Quantification Measure
We propose lacunarity as a novel recurrence quantification measure and illustrate its efficacy to detect dynamical regime transitions …
Tobias Braun
Vishnu R. Unni
R. I. Sujith
Juergen Kurths
Norbert Marwan
Priority List of Biodiversity Metrics to Observe from Space
Monitoring global biodiversity from space through remotely sensing geospatial patterns has high potential to add to our knowledge …
Andrew K. Skidmore
Nicholas C. Coops
Elnaz Neinavaz
Abebe Ali
Michael E. Schaepman
Marc Paganini
W. Daniel Kissling
Petteri Vihervaara
Roshanak Darvishzadeh
Hannes Feilhauer
Miguel Fernandez
Néstor Fernández
Noel Gorelick
Ilse Geijzendorffer
Uta Heiden
Marco Heurich
Donald Hobern
Stefanie Holzwarth
Frank E. Muller-Karger
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Angela Lausch
Pedro J. Leitão
Marcelle C. Lock
Caspar A. Mücher
Brian O'Connor
Duccio Rocchini
Claudia Roeoesli
Woody Turner
Jan Kees Vis
Tiejun Wang
Martin Wegmann
Vladimir Wingate
High Spatial Resolution Mapping Identifies Habitat Characteristics of the Invasive Vine emphAntigononemph Leptopus on St. Eustatius (Lesser Antilles)
Abstract On the Caribbean island of St. Eustatius, Coralita ( Antigonon leptopus ) is an aggressive invasive vine posing major …
Elizabeth A. Haber
Maria J. Santos
Pedro J. Leitão
Marcel Schwieder
Pieter Ketner
Joris Ernst
Max Rietkerk
Martin J. Wassen
Maarten B. Eppinga
First Assessment of the Earth Heat Inventory within CMIP5 Historical Simulations
Abstract. The energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere over the last century has caused an accumulation of heat within the ocean, …
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Almudena García-García
Hugo Beltrami
Joel Finnis
Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Spectroscopy Estimates for Soil Properties Using Multiple Partitions: Effects of the Range of Contents, Sample Size, and Algorithms
Abstract The RMSE of validation (RMSE V ) and ratio of the interquartile range to RMSE V (RPIQ V ) are key quality parameters in …
Bernard Ludwig
Isabel Greenberg
Anja Sawallisch
Michael Vohland
Biodiversity Facets Affect Community Surface Temperature via 3D Canopy Structure in Grassland Communities
Abstract Canopy structure is an important driver of the energy budget of grassland ecosystem and is, at the same time, altered by plant …
Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
Alexandra Weigelt
Raphaël Proulx
Thomas Lanners
Nico Eisenhauer
Joaquín Duque-Lazo
Björn Reu
Christiane Roscher
Cameron Wagg
Nina Buchmann
Christian Wirth
Which Optical Traits Enable an Estimation of Tree Species Diversity Based on the Spectral Variation Hypothesis?
Abstract Question Which optical traits, retrieved from biophysical models applied to Sentinel-2 images, enable an estimation of tree …
Michele Torresani
Hannes Feilhauer
Duccio Rocchini
Jean-Baptiste Féret
Marc Zebisch
Giustino Tonon
Functional Convergence of Biosphere--Atmosphere Interactions in Response to Meteorological Conditions
Abstract. Understanding the dependencies of the terrestrial carbon and water cycle with meteorological conditions is a prerequisite to …
Christopher Krich
Mirco Migliavacca
Diego G. Miralles
Guido Kraemer
Tarek S. El-Madany
Markus Reichstein
Jakob Runge
Miguel D. Mahecha
Where Are Global Vegetation Greening and Browning Trends Significant?
Abstract Global greening trends have been widely reported based on long-term remote sensing data of terrestrial ecosystems. Typically, …
José Cortés
Miguel D. Mahecha
Markus Reichstein
Ranga B. Myneni
Chi Chen
Alexander Brenning
Water-Sediment Physicochemical Dynamics in a Large Reservoir in the Mediterranean Region under Multiple Stressors
Nowadays, the Mediterranean freshwater systems face the threat of water scarcity, along with multiple other stressors (e.g., organic …
Patrícia Palma
Alexandra Penha
Maria Novais
Sofia Fialho
Ana Lima
Clarisse Mourinha
Paula Alvarenga
Anabela Rosado
Maksim Iakunin
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Miguel Potes
Maria Costa
Manuela Morais
Rui Salgado
Review on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in Vegetation Remote Sensing
Identifying and characterizing vascular plants in time and space is required in various disciplines, e.g. in forestry, conservation and …
Teja Kattenborn
Jens Leitloff
Felix Schiefer
Stefan Hinz
Improving Soil Moisture Prediction of a High-Resolution Land Surface Model by Parameterising Pedotransfer Functions through Assimilation of SMAP Satellite Data
Abstract. Pedotransfer functions are used to relate gridded databases of soil texture information to the soil hydraulic and thermal …
Ewan Pinnington
Javier Amezcua
Elizabeth Cooper
Simon Dadson
Rich Ellis
Jian Peng
Emma Robinson
Ross Morrison
Simon Osborne
Tristan Quaife
Explaining Sentinel 2-Based dNBR and RdNBR Variability with Reference Data from the Bird's Eye (UAS) Perspective
Characterizing the spatial variability of the severity of wildfires is important to assess ecological and economic consequences and to …
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Ephraim Schmidt-Riese
Teja Kattenborn
Jaime Hernández
Contrasting Controls on Congo Basin Evaporation at the Two Rainfall Peaks
Abstract Evaporation is a crucial driver of Congo Basin climate, but the dynamics controlling the seasonality of basin evaporation are …
David Crowhurst
Simon Dadson
Jian Peng
Richard Washington
A Harmonized Global Land Evaporation Dataset from ReanalysisProducts Covering 1980--2017
Abstract. Land evaporation (ET) plays a crucial role in hydrological and energy cycle. However, the widely used numerical products are …
Jiao Lu
Guojie Wang
Tiexi Chen
Shijie Li
Daniel Fiifi Tawia Hagan
Giri Kattel
Jian Peng
Tong Jiang
Buda Su
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Latest GPM IMERG V06 Early, Late and Final Precipitation Products across China
This study evaluated the performance of the early, late and final runs of IMERG version 06 precipitation products at various spatial …
Linfei Yu
Guoyong Leng
Andre Python
Jian Peng
The Retrieval of Plant Functional Traits from Canopy Spectra through RTM-inversions and Statistical Models Are Both Critically Affected by Plant Phenology
Plant functional traits play a key role in the assessment of ecosystem processes and properties. Optical remote sensing is ascribed a …
Felix Schiefer
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Teja Kattenborn
Long-Term Global Ground Heat Flux and Continental Heat Storage from Geothermal Data
Abstract. Energy exchanges among climate subsystems are of critical importance to determine the climate sensitivity of the …
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Almudena García-García
Hugo Beltrami
J. Fidel González-Rouco
Elena García-Bustamante
Land Cover Harmonization Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Large-area land cover maps are produced to satisfy different information needs. Land cover maps having partial or complete spatial …
Zhan Li
Joanne C. White
Michael A. Wulder
Txomin Hermosilla
Andrew M. Davidson
Alexis J. Comber
Hydro-Climatic Changes of Wetlandscapes across the World
Abstract Assessments of ecosystem service and function losses of wetlandscapes (i.e., wetlands and their hydrological catchments) …
I. Åhlén
G. Vigouroux
G. Destouni
J. Pietroń
N. Ghajarnia
Jesús A. Anaya
J. Blanco
S. Borja
S. Chalov
K. P. Chun
N. Clerici
A. Desormeaux
P. Girard
O. Gorelits
A. Hansen
F. Jaramillo
Z. Kalantari
A. Labbaci
L. Licero-Villanueva
J. Livsey
G. Maneas
K. L. McCurley Pisarello
D. Moshir Pahani
S. Palomino-Ángel
R. Price
C. Ricaurte-Villota
L. Fernanda Ricaurte
V. H. Rivera-Monroy
A. Rodriguez
E. Rodriguez
J. Salgado
B. Sannel
S. Seifollahi-Aghmiuni
M. Simard
Y. Sjöberg
P. Terskii
J. Thorslund
D. A. Zamora
J. Jarsjö
Global Assessments of Two Blended Microwave Soil Moisture Products CCI and SMOPS with In-Situ Measurements and Reanalysis Data
Multiple soil moisture (SM) products have been produced based on observations from microwave satellite sensors nowadays, allowing for …
Yawei Wang
Pei Leng
Jian Peng
Philip Marzahn
Ralf Ludwig
A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
Machine learning generalizes vegetation indices to better quantify the terrestrial biosphere. , Empirical vegetation indices derived …
Gustau Camps-Valls
Manuel Campos-Taberner
Álvaro Moreno Martínez
Sophia Walther
Grégory Duveiller
Alessandro Cescatti
Miguel D. Mahecha
Jordi Muñoz-Marí
Francisco Javier García-Haro
Luis Guanter
Martin Jung
John A. Gamon
Markus Reichstein
Steven W. Running
Using Floristic Gradient Mapping to Assess Seasonal Thaw Depth in Interior Alaska
Abstract Questions Is it possible to map floristic gradients in heterogeneous boreal vegetation by using remote-sensing data? Does a …
Veronika Döpper
Santosh Panda
Christine Waigl
Matthias Braun
Hannes Feilhauer
The Analysis of the Long-Term Changes of the Growing Seasons in Kyiv, Ukraine Using Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database
The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term changes in the timing of the growing season (GS) parameters for the city of …
Daria Svidzinska
Spectrally Defined Plant Functional Types Adequately Capture Multidimensional Trait Variation in Herbaceous Communities
Our ability to measure plant characteristics across space and time is crucial for understanding and tracking the diversity and …
Elisa Van Cleemput
Kenny Helsen
Hannes Feilhauer
Olivier Honnay
Ben Somers
Satellite Based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Is Congruent with Plant Diversity in India
A dynamic habitat index (DHI) based on satellite derived biophysical proxy (fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, …
Swapna Mahanand
Mukunda Dev Behera
Partha Sarathi Roy
Priyankar Kumar
Saroj Kanta Barik
Prashant Kumar Srivastava
Revisiting Recommended BGP Route Flap Damping Configurations
BGP Route Flap Damping (RFD) is recommended to suppress BGP churn. Current configuration recommendations for RFD, however, are based on …
Clemens Mosig
Randy Bush
Cristel Pelsser
Thomas C. Schmidt
Matthias Wählisch
Estimating Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Variations of Urban Vegetation Using Landsat Time Series: A Case Study of Kyiv City, Ukraine
Vegetation contributes significantly to the sustainability of urban environment and the well-being of city dwellers. For this reason, …
Daria Svidzinska
Ecological Determinants of Woody Plant Species Richness in the Indian Himalayan Forest
The ecological importance of woody plant species richness is well known. The role of abiotic ecological determinants on structuring the …
Swapna Mahanand
Deeke Doma Tamang
Arunima Sikdar
Ravikanth Gudasalamani
Mariappan Muneeswaran
Rengaian Ganesan
Detecting Tree Species Effects on Forest Canopy Temperatures with Thermal Remote Sensing: The Role of Spatial Resolution
Canopy temperatures are important for understanding tree physiology, ecology, and their cooling potential, which provides a valuable …
Ronny Richter
Christopher Hutengs
Christian Wirth
Lutz Bannehr
Michael Vohland
Composable and Reusable Neural Surrogates to Predict System Response of Causal Model Components
Surrogate models, or machine learning based emulators of simulators, have been shown to be a powerful tool for accelerating …
Ranjan Anantharaman
Anas Abdel Rehim
Francesco Martinuzzi
Sharan Yalburgi
Keno Fischer
Glen Hertz
Pepijn De Vos
Chris Laughman
Yingbo Ma
Viral Shah
A Roadmap for High-Resolution Satellite Soil Moisture Applications -- Confronting Product Characteristics with User Requirements
Soil moisture observations are of broad scientific interest and practical value for a wide range of applications. The scientific …
Jian Peng
Clement Albergel
Anna Balenzano
Luca Brocca
Oliver Cartus
Michael H. Cosh
Wade T. Crow
Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska
Simon Dadson
Malcolm W.J. Davidson
Patricia De Rosnay
Wouter Dorigo
Alexander Gruber
Stefan Hagemann
Martin Hirschi
Yann H. Kerr
Francesco Lovergine
Miguel D. Mahecha
Philip Marzahn
Francesco Mattia
Jan Pawel Musial
Swantje Preuschmann
Rolf H. Reichle
Giuseppe Satalino
Martyn Silgram
Peter M. Van Bodegom
Niko E.C. Verhoest
Wolfgang Wagner
Jeffrey P. Walker
Urs Wegmüller
Alexander Loew
Mapping Forest Tree Species in High Resolution UAV-based RGB-imagery by Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in vegetation remote sensing allows a time-flexible and cost-effective acquisition of very …
Felix Schiefer
Teja Kattenborn
Annett Frick
Julian Frey
Peter Schall
Barbara Koch
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Convolutional Neural Networks Accurately Predict Cover Fractions of Plant Species and Communities in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
Abstract Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ( UAV ) greatly extended our possibilities to acquire high resolution remote sensing data for …
Teja Kattenborn
Jana Eichel
Susan Wiser
Larry Burrows
Fabian E. Fassnacht
Sebastian Schmidtlein
About Validation-Comparison of Burned Area Products
This paper proposes a validation-comparison method for burned area (BA) products. The technique considers: (1) bootstrapping of scenes …
Germán M. Valencia
Jesús A. Anaya
Éver A. Velásquez
Rubén Ramo
Francisco J. Caro-Lopera
Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces
The status, changes, and disturbances in geomorphological regimes can be regarded as controlling and regulating factors for …
Angela Lausch
Michael E. Schaepman
Andrew K. Skidmore
Sina C. Truckenbrodt
Jörg M. Hacker
Jussi Baade
Lutz Bannehr
Erik Borg
Jan Bumberger
Peter Dietrich
Cornelia Gläßer
Dagmar Haase
Marco Heurich
Thomas Jagdhuber
Sven Jany
Rudolf Krönert
Markus Möller
Hannes Mollenhauer
Carsten Montzka
Marion Pause
Christian Rogass
Nesrin Salepci
Christiane Schmullius
Franziska Schrodt
Claudia Schütze
Christian Schweitzer
Peter Selsam
Daniel Spengler
Michael Vohland
Martin Volk
Ute Weber
Thilo Wellmann
Ulrike Werban
Steffen Zacharias
Christian Thiel
Land Surface Model Influence on the Simulated Climatologies of Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in the WRF v3.9 Model over North America
Abstract. The representation and projection of extreme temperature and precipitation events in regional and global climate models are …
Almudena García-García
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Hugo Beltrami
Fidel González-Rouco
Elena García-Bustamante
Joel Finnis
Effects of Livestock Grazing on Plant Species Diversity Vary along a Climatic Gradient in Northeastern Iran
Abstract Questions (a) Do patterns of species diversity and composition differ between plots exposed to high vs. low grazing intensity? …
Soroor Rahmanian
Martin Hejda
Hamid Ejtehadi
Mohammad Farzam
Petr Pyšek
Farshid Memariani
BGP Beacons, Network Tomography, and Bayesian Computation to Locate Route Flap Damping
Pinpointing autonomous systems which deploy specific inter-domain techniques such as Route Flap Damping (RFD) or Route Origin …
Caitlin Gray
Clemens Mosig
Randy Bush
Cristel Pelsser
Matthew Roughan
Thomas C. Schmidt
Matthias Wahlisch
Quantifying the Cost-Effectiveness of Nutrient-Removal Strategies for a Lowland Rural Watershed: Insights from Process-Based Modeling
Several management strategies, such as wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), have been increasingly used to mitigate nutrient pollution …
Jiacong Huang
Qiuwen Chen
Jian Peng
Junfeng Gao
Moisture Origin as a Driver of Temporal Variabilities of the Water Vapour Isotopic Composition in the Lena River Delta, Siberia
Abstract. In the context of the Arctic amplification of climate change affecting the regional atmospheric hydrological cycle, it is …
Jean-Louis Bonne
Hanno Meyer
Melanie Behrens
Julia Boike
Sepp Kipfstuhl
Benjamin Rabe
Toni Schmidt
Lutz Schönicke
Hans Christian Steen-Larsen
Martin Werner
Lightning Modelling for the Research of Forest Fire Ignition in Portugal
The study aims to assess the applicability of the current Meso-NH electrical scheme (CELLS) in the investigation of forest fire …
Flavio Tiago Couto
Maksim Iakunin
Rui Salgado
Paulo Pinto
Tânia Viegas
Jean-Pierre Pinty
Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Kunduz River Basin, Afghanistan
The Kunduz River is one of the main tributaries of the Amu Darya Basin in North Afghanistan. Many communities live in the Kunduz River …
Noor Ahmad Akhundzadah
Salim Soltani
Valentin Aich
Hyperspectral Imaging for Fine to Medium Scale Applications in Environmental Sciences
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) combines conventional imaging and spectroscopic techniques in a way of spatially organized spectroscopy …
Michael Vohland
András Jung
Heat Stored in the Earth System: Where Does the Energy Go?
Abstract. Human-induced atmospheric composition changes cause a radiative imbalance at the top of the atmosphere which is driving …
Karina Von Schuckmann
Lijing Cheng
Matthew D. Palmer
James Hansen
Caterina Tassone
Valentin Aich
Susheel Adusumilli
Hugo Beltrami
Tim Boyer
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Damien Desbruyères
Catia Domingues
Almudena García-García
Pierre Gentine
John Gilson
Maximilian Gorfer
Leopold Haimberger
Masayoshi Ishii
Gregory C. Johnson
Rachel Killick
Brian A. King
Gottfried Kirchengast
Nicolas Kolodziejczyk
John Lyman
Ben Marzeion
Michael Mayer
Maeva Monier
Didier Paolo Monselesan
Sarah Purkey
Dean Roemmich
Axel Schweiger
Sonia I. Seneviratne
Andrew Shepherd
Donald A. Slater
Andrea K. Steiner
Fiammetta Straneo
Mary-Louise Timmermans
Susan E. Wijffels
Discovering Differential Equations from Earth Observation Data
Modeling and understanding the Earth system is a constant and challenging scientific endeavour. When a clear mechanistic model is …
Jose E. Adsuara
Adrian Perez-Suay
Alvaro Moreno-Martinez
Gustau Camps-Valls
Guido Kraemer
Markus Reichstein
Miguel Mahecha
A Standard Protocol for Reporting Species Distribution Models
Species distribution models (SDMs) constitute the most common class of models across ecology, evolution and conservation. The advent of …
Damaris Zurell
Janet Franklin
Christian König
Phil J. Bouchet
Carsten F. Dormann
Jane Elith
Guillermo Fandos
Xiao Feng
Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita
Antoine Guisan
José J. Lahoz-Monfort
Pedro J. Leitão
Daniel S. Park
A. Townsend Peterson
Giovanni Rapacciuolo
Dirk R. Schmatz
Boris Schröder
Josep M. Serra-Diaz
Wilfried Thuiller
Katherine L. Yates
Niklaus E. Zimmermann
Cory Merow
The Magnitude and Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms in China's Lakes and Reservoirs: A National-Scale Characterization
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can have dire repercussions on aquatic wildlife and human health, and may negatively affect recreational …
Jiacong Huang
Yinjun Zhang
George B. Arhonditsis
Junfeng Gao
Qiuwen Chen
Jian Peng
The Low Dimensionality of Development
Abstract The World Bank routinely publishes over 1500
World Development Indicators'' to track the socioeconomic development at the …
Guido Kraemer
Markus Reichstein
Gustau Camps-Valls
Jeroen Smits
Miguel D. Mahecha
Numerical Study of the Seasonal Thermal and Gas Regimes of the Largest Artificial Reservoir in Western Europe Using the LAKE 2.0 Model
Abstract. The Alqueva reservoir (southeast of Portugal) is the largest artificial lake in western Europe and a strategic freshwater …
Maksim Iakunin
Victor Stepanenko
Rui Salgado
Miguel Potes
Alexandra Penha
Maria Helena Novais
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Validation Practices for Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals: What Are (the) Errors?
This paper presents a community effort to develop good practice guidelines for the validation of global coarse-scale satellite soil …
A. Gruber
G. De Lannoy
C. Albergel
A. Al-Yaari
L. Brocca
J.-C. Calvet
A. Colliander
M. Cosh
W. Crow
W. Dorigo
C. Draper
M. Hirschi
Y. Kerr
A. Konings
W. Lahoz
K. McColl
C. Montzka
J. Muñoz-Sabater
Jian Peng
R. Reichle
P. Richaume
C. Rüdiger
T. Scanlon
R. Van Der Schalie
J.-P. Wigneron
W. Wagner
Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environment—Joint Analysis of TanDEM-X, Sentinel-2 and Open Street Map Data
Continental to global scale mapping of the human settlement extent based on earth observation satellite data has made considerable …
Thomas Esch
Julian Zeidler
Daniela Palacios-Lopez
Mattia Marconcini
Achim Roth
Milena Mönks
Benjamin Leutner
Elisabeth Brzoska
Annekatrin Metz-Marconcini
Felix Bachofer
Sveinung Loekken
Stefan Dech
Recuperation Gain for a Hydraulic Energy Storage in Automotive Applications
Vehicles with internal combustion engines waste a lot of energy during conventional braking. Therefore, energy recovery systems are …
Karsten Schwalbe
Andreas Fischer
Katharina Wagner
Kim Schmidt
Karl Heinz Hoffmann
Impact of Forest Cover Change on Available Water Resources: Long-Term Forest Cover Dynamics of the Semi-Arid Dhofar Cloud Forest, Oman
Forest cover dynamics are an important indicator for climate change as well as for land conversion studies. Based on an analysis of 30 …
Romy Arnold
Jan-Karl Haug
Maximilian Lange
Jan Friesen
Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Phenology of a Short-Rotation Plantation Using Remotely Sensed Indices Derived from Sentinel-2 Images
This study aimed to understand which vegetation indices (VIs) are an ideal proxy for describing phenology and interannual variability …
Maral Maleki
Nicola Arriga
José Miguel Barrios
Sebastian Wieneke
Qiang Liu
Josep Peñuelas
Ivan A. Janssens
Manuela Balzarolo
Accounting for Multiple Testing in the Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Environmental Data
Abstract The statistical analysis of environmental data from remote sensing and Earth system simulations often entails the analysis of …
José Cortés
Miguel D. Mahecha
Markus Reichstein
Alexander Brenning
A Typology of Compound Weather and Climate Events
Compound weather and climate events describe combinations of multiple climate drivers and/or hazards that contribute to societal or …
Jakob Zscheischler
Olivia Martius
Seth Westra
Emanuele Bevacqua
Colin Raymond
Radley M. Horton
Bart Van Den Hurk
Amir AghaKouchak
Aglaé Jézéquel
Miguel D. Mahecha
Douglas Maraun
Alexandre M. Ramos
Nina N. Ridder
Wim Thiery
Edoardo Vignotto
Underwater Use of a Hyperspectral Camera to Estimate Optically Active Substances in the Water Column of Freshwater Lakes
Freshwater lakes provide many important ecosystem functions and services to support biodiversity and human well-being. Proximal and …
Michael Seidel
Christopher Hutengs
Felix Oertel
Daniel Schwefel
András Jung
Michael Vohland
Summarizing the State of the Terrestrial Biosphere in Few Dimensions
Abstract. In times of global change, we must closely monitor the state of the planet in order to understand the full complexity of …
Guido Kraemer
Gustau Camps-Valls
Markus Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
Robustness of Visible Near-infrared and Mid-infrared Spectroscopic Models to Changes in the Quantity and Quality of Crop Residues in Soil
Abstract The robustness of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) content prediction accuracy by visible near-infrared …
Isabel Greenberg
Deborah Linsler
Michael Vohland
Bernard Ludwig
Hierarchical Classification with Subsequent Aggregation of Heathland Habitats Using an Intra-Annual RapidEye Time-Series
Mapping heathland habitats is generally challenging due to fine-scale habitats as well as spectral ambiguities between different …
Kristin Fenske
Hannes Feilhauer
Michael Förster
Marion Stellmes
Björn Waske
Explanation of the Onset of Bouncing Cycles in Isotropic Rotor Dynamics; a Grazing Bifurcation Analysis
The dynamics associated with bouncing-type partial contact cycles are considered for a 2 degree-of-freedom unbalanced rotor in the …
Karin Mora
Alan R. Champneys
Alexander D. Shaw
Michael I. Friswell
Data for Wetlandscapes and Their Changes around the World
Abstract. Geography and associated hydrological, hydroclimate and land-use conditions and their changes determine the states and …
Navid Ghajarnia
Georgia Destouni
Josefin Thorslund
Zahra Kalantari
Imenne Åhlén
Jesús A. Anaya
Juan F. Blanco-Libreros
Sonia Borja
Sergey Chalov
Aleksandra Chalova
Kwok P. Chun
Nicola Clerici
Amanda Desormeaux
Bethany B. Garfield
Pierre Girard
Olga Gorelits
Amy Hansen
Fernando Jaramillo
Jerker Jarsjö
Adnane Labbaci
John Livsey
Giorgos Maneas
Kathryn McCurley Pisarello
Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
Jan Pietroń
René M. Price
Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Jorge Salgado
A. Britta K. Sannel
Samaneh Seifollahi-Aghmiuni
Ylva Sjöberg
Pavel Terskii
Guillaume Vigouroux
Lucia Licero-Villanueva
David Zamora
Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space
Plant functional diversity (FD) is an important component of biodiversity. Evidence shows that FD strongly determines ecosystem …
Xuanlong Ma
Mirco Migliavacca
Christian Wirth
Friedrich J. Bohn
Andreas Huth
Ronny Richter
Miguel D. Mahecha
Introducing APiC for Regionalised Land Cover Mapping on the National Scale Using Sentinel-2A Imagery
Overcoming the obstacle of frequent cloud coverage in optical remote sensing data is essential for monitoring dynamic land surface …
Sebastian Preidl
Maximilian Lange
Daniel Doktor
Drivers of Forest Loss in a Megadiverse Hotspot on the Pacific Coast of Colombia
Tropical forests are disappearing at unprecedented rates, but the drivers behind this transformation are not always clear. This limits …
Jesús A. Anaya
Víctor H. Gutiérrez-Vélez
Ana M. Pacheco-Pascagaza
Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
Natasha Han
Heiko Balzter
Detection of Xylella Fastidiosa Infection Symptoms with Airborne Multispectral and Thermal Imagery: Assessing Bandset Reduction Performance from Hyperspectral Analysis
Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) is a harmful plant pathogenic bacterium, able to infect over 500 plant species worldwide. Successful …
T. Poblete
C. Camino
P.S.A. Beck
A. Hornero
Teja Kattenborn
M. Saponari
D. Boscia
J.A. Navas-Cortes
P.J. Zarco-Tejada
Detecting Change in Forest Structure with Simulated GEDI Lidar Waveforms: A Case Study of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA; Adelges Tsugae) Infestation
The hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA; Adelges tsugae) is an invasive insect infestation that is spreading into the forests of the …
Peter Boucher
Steven Hancock
David Orwig
Laura Duncanson
John Armston
Hao Tang
Keith Krause
Bruce Cook
Ian Paynter
Zhan Li
Arthur Elmes
Crystal Schaaf
Vegetation Modulates the Impact of Climate Extremes on Gross Primary Production
Abstract. Drought and heat events affect the uptake and sequestration of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Factors such as the …
Milan Flach
Alexander Brenning
Fabian Gans
Markus Reichstein
Sebastian Sippel
Miguel D. Mahecha
Learning Ordinary Differential Equations from Remote Sensing Data
<p>Modeling and understanding the Earth system is of paramount relevance. Modeling the complex interactions among variables in …
Jose E. Adsuara
Adrián Pérez-Suay
Alvaro Moreno-Martínez
Anna Mateo-Sanchis
Maria Piles
Guido Kraemer
Markus Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
Gustau Camps-Valls
Discriminating Treed and Non-Treed Wetlands in Boreal Ecosystems Using Time Series Sentinel-1 Data
Wetlands are recognized for their importance to a range of ecosystem goods and services; however, detailed information on wetland …
Zhan Li
Hao Chen
Joanne C. White
Michael A. Wulder
Txomin Hermosilla
Correlated Power Time Series of Individual Wind Turbines: A Data Driven Model Approach
Wind farms can be regarded as complex systems that are, on the one hand, coupled to the nonlinear, stochastic characteristics of …
Tobias Braun
Matthias Waechter
Joachim Peinke
Thomas Guhr
Comprehensive Analysis of Alternative Downscaled Soil Moisture Products
Recent advances in L-band passive microwave remote sensing provide an unprecedented opportunity to monitor soil moisture at 40km …
Sabah Sabaghy
Jeffrey P. Walker
Luigi J. Renzullo
Ruzbeh Akbar
Steven Chan
Julian Chaubell
Narendra Das
R. Scott Dunbar
Dara Entekhabi
Anouk Gevaert
Thomas J. Jackson
Alexander Loew
Olivier Merlin
Mahta Moghaddam
Jian Peng
Jinzheng Peng
Jeffrey Piepmeier
Christoph Rüdiger
Vivien Stefan
Xiaoling Wu
Nan Ye
Simon Yueh
Capturing the Influence of ENSO on Land Surface Variables for Tropical South America
<p>The response of tropical vegetation to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is considered a main driver of global …
Lina M. Estupinan-Suarez
Alexander Brenning
Fabian Gans
Guido Kraemer
Carlos A. Sierra
Miguel D. Mahecha
Assessing the Impact of an Invasive Bryophyte on Plant Species Richness Using High Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy
Remote sensing is commonly used to map the presence of invasive alien plant species across large areas. However, remote sensing also …
Michael Ewald
Sandra Skowronek
Raf Aerts
Jonathan Lenoir
Hannes Feilhauer
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Olivier Honnay
Ben Somers
Carol X. Garzón-López
Duccio Rocchini
Sebastian Schmidtlein
A Pan-African High-Resolution Drought Index Dataset
Abstract. Droughts in Africa cause severe problems, such as crop failure, food shortages, famine, epidemics and even mass migration. To …
Jian Peng
Simon Dadson
Feyera Hirpa
Ellen Dyer
Thomas Lees
Diego G. Miralles
Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano
Chris Funk
Towards a Global Understanding of Vegetation--Climate Dynamics at Multiple Timescales
Abstract. Climate variables carry signatures of variability at multiple timescales. How these modes of variability are reflected in the …
Nora Linscheid
Lina M. Estupinan-Suarez
Alexander Brenning
Nuno Carvalhais
Felix Cremer
Fabian Gans
Anja Rammig
Markus Reichstein
Carlos A. Sierra
Miguel D. Mahecha
Estimating Causal Networks in Biosphere--Atmosphere Interaction with the PCMCI Approach
Abstract. The dynamics of biochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems are tightly coupled to local meteorological conditions. …
Christopher Krich
Jakob Runge
Diego G. Miralles
Mirco Migliavacca
Oscar Perez-Priego
Tarek El-Madany
Arnaud Carrara
Miguel D. Mahecha
Earth System Data Cubes Unravel Global Multivariate Dynamics
Abstract. Understanding Earth system dynamics in light of ongoing human intervention and dependency remains a major scientific …
Miguel D. Mahecha
Fabian Gans
Gunnar Brandt
Rune Christiansen
Sarah E. Cornell
Normann Fomferra
Guido Kraemer
Jonas Peters
Paul Bodesheim
Gustau Camps-Valls
Jonathan F. Donges
Wouter Dorigo
Lina M. Estupinan-Suarez
Victor H. Gutierrez-Velez
Martin Gutwin
Martin Jung
Maria C. Londoño
Diego G. Miralles
Phillip Papastefanou
Markus Reichstein
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Mapping of Turf-banked Solifluction Lobe Movement and Its Relation to Material, Geomorphometric, Thermal and Vegetation Properties
Abstract Solifluction is one of the most widespread periglacial processes with low annual movement rates in the range of — millimeters …
Jana Eichel
Daniel Draebing
Teja Kattenborn
Johannes Antenor Senn
Lasse Klingbeil
Markus Wieland
Erik Heinz
TRY Plant Trait Database -- Enhanced Coverage and Open Access
Abstract Plant traits—the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants—determine …
Jens Kattge
Gerhard Bönisch
Sandra Díaz
Sandra Lavorel
Iain Colin Prentice
Paul Leadley
Susanne Tautenhahn
Gijsbert D. A. Werner
Tuomas Aakala
Mehdi Abedi
Alicia T. R. Acosta
George C. Adamidis
Kairi Adamson
Masahiro Aiba
Cécile H. Albert
Julio M. Alcántara
Carolina Alcázar C
Izabela Aleixo
Hamada Ali
Bernard Amiaud
Christian Ammer
Mariano M. Amoroso
Madhur Anand
Carolyn Anderson
Niels Anten
Joseph Antos
Deborah Mattos Guimarães Apgaua
Tia-Lynn Ashman
Degi Harja Asmara
Gregory P. Asner
Michael Aspinwall
Owen Atkin
Isabelle Aubin
Lars Baastrup-Spohr
Khadijeh Bahalkeh
Michael Bahn
Timothy Baker
William J. Baker
Jan P. Bakker
Dennis Baldocchi
Jennifer Baltzer
Arindam Banerjee
Anne Baranger
Jos Barlow
Diego R. Barneche
Zdravko Baruch
Denis Bastianelli
John Battles
William Bauerle
Marijn Bauters
Erika Bazzato
Michael Beckmann
Hans Beeckman
Carl Beierkuhnlein
Renee Bekker
Gavin Belfry
Michael Belluau
Mirela Beloiu
Raquel Benavides
Lahcen Benomar
Mary Lee Berdugo-Lattke
Erika Berenguer
Rodrigo Bergamin
Joana Bergmann
Marcos Bergmann Carlucci
Logan Berner
Markus Bernhardt-Römermann
Christof Bigler
Anne D. Bjorkman
Chris Blackman
Carolina Blanco
Benjamin Blonder
Dana Blumenthal
Kelly T. Bocanegra-González
Pascal Boeckx
Stephanie Bohlman
Katrin Böhning-Gaese
Laura Boisvert-Marsh
William Bond
Ben Bond-Lamberty
Arnoud Boom
Coline C. F. Boonman
Kauane Bordin
Elizabeth H. Boughton
Vanessa Boukili
David M. J. S. Bowman
Sandra Bravo
Marco Richard Brendel
Martin R. Broadley
Kerry A. Brown
Helge Bruelheide
Federico Brumnich
Hans Henrik Bruun
David Bruy
Serra W. Buchanan
Solveig Franziska Bucher
Nina Buchmann
Robert Buitenwerf
Daniel E. Bunker
Jana Bürger
Sabina Burrascano
David F. R. P. Burslem
Bradley J. Butterfield
Chaeho Byun
Marcia Marques
Marina C. Scalon
Marco Caccianiga
Marc Cadotte
Maxime Cailleret
James Camac
Jesús Julio Camarero
Courtney Campany
Giandiego Campetella
Juan Antonio Campos
Laura Cano-Arboleda
Roberto Canullo
Michele Carbognani
Fabio Carvalho
Fernando Casanoves
Bastien Castagneyrol
Jane A. Catford
Jeannine Cavender-Bares
Bruno E. L. Cerabolini
Marco Cervellini
Eduardo Chacón-Madrigal
Kenneth Chapin
F. Stuart Chapin
Stefano Chelli
Si-Chong Chen
Anping Chen
Paolo Cherubini
Francesco Chianucci
Brendan Choat
Kyong-Sook Chung
Milan Chytrý
Daniela Ciccarelli
Lluís Coll
Courtney G. Collins
Luisa Conti
David Coomes
Johannes H. C. Cornelissen
William K. Cornwell
Piermaria Corona
Marie Coyea
Joseph Craine
Dylan Craven
Joris P. G. M. Cromsigt
Anikó Csecserits
Katarina Cufar
Matthias Cuntz
Ana Carolina Da Silva
Kyla M. Dahlin
Matteo Dainese
Igor Dalke
Michele Dalle Fratte
Anh Tuan Dang-Le
Jirí Danihelka
Masako Dannoura
Samantha Dawson
Arend Jacobus De Beer
Angel De Frutos
Jonathan R. De Long
Benjamin Dechant
Sylvain Delagrange
Nicolas Delpierre
Géraldine Derroire
Arildo S. Dias
Milton Hugo Diaz-Toribio
Panayiotis G. Dimitrakopoulos
Mark Dobrowolski
Daniel Doktor
Pavel Dřevojan
Ning Dong
John Dransfield
Stefan Dressler
Leandro Duarte
Emilie Ducouret
Stefan Dullinger
Walter Durka
Remko Duursma
Olga Dymova
Anna E-Vojtkó
Rolf Lutz Eckstein
Hamid Ejtehadi
James Elser
Thaise Emilio
Kristine Engemann
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian
Alexandra Erfmeier
Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert
Gerd Esser
Marc Estiarte
Tomas F. Domingues
William F. Fagan
Jaime Fagúndez
Daniel S. Falster
Ying Fan
Jingyun Fang
Emmanuele Farris
Fatih Fazlioglu
Yanhao Feng
Fernando Fernandez-Mendez
Carlotta Ferrara
Joice Ferreira
Alessandra Fidelis
Bryan Finegan
Jennifer Firn
Timothy J. Flowers
Dan F. B. Flynn
Veronika Fontana
Estelle Forey
Cristiane Forgiarini
Louis François
Marcelo Frangipani
Dorothea Frank
Cedric Frenette-Dussault
Grégoire T. Freschet
Ellen L. Fry
Nikolaos M. Fyllas
Guilherme G. Mazzochini
Sophie Gachet
Rachael Gallagher
Gislene Ganade
Francesca Ganga
Pablo García-Palacios
Verónica Gargaglione
Eric Garnier
Jose Luis Garrido
André Luísńd Gea-Izquierdo, Guillermo De Gasper
David Gibson
Andrew N. Gillison
Aelton Giroldo
Mary-Claire Glasenhardt
Sean Gleason
Mariana Gliesch
Emma Goldberg
Bastian Göldel
Erika Gonzalez-Akre
Jose L. Gonzalez-Andujar
Andrés González-Melo
Ana González-Robles
Bente Jessen Graae
Elena Granda
Sarah Graves
Walton A. Green
Thomas Gregor
Nicolas Gross
Greg R. Guerin
Angela Günther
Alvaro G. Gutiérrez
Lillie Haddock
Anna Haines
Jefferson Hall
Alain Hambuckers
Wenxuan Han
Sandy P. Harrison
Wesley Hattingh
Joseph E. Hawes
Tianhua He
Pengcheng He
Jacob Mason Heberling
Aveliina Helm
Stefan Hempel
Jörn Hentschel
Bruno Hérault
Ana-Maria Hereş
Katharina Herz
Myriam Heuertz
Thomas Hickler
Peter Hietz
Pedro Higuchi
Andrew L. Hipp
Andrew Hirons
Maria Hock
James Aaron Hogan
Karen Holl
Olivier Honnay
Daniel Hornstein
Enqing Hou
Nate Hough-Snee
Knut Anders Hovstad
Tomoaki Ichie
Boris Igić
Estela Illa
Marney Isaac
Masae Ishihara
Leonid Ivanov
Larissa Ivanova
Colleen M. Iversen
Jordi Izquierdo
Robert B. Jackson
Benjamin Jackson
Hervé Jactel
Andrzej M. Jagodzinski
Ute Jandt
Steven Jansen
Thomas Jenkins
Anke Jentsch
Jens Rasmus Plantener Jespersen
Guo-Feng Jiang
Jesper Liengaard Johansen
David Johnson
Eric J. Jokela
Carlos Alfredo Joly
Gregory J. Jordan
Grant Stuart Joseph
Decky Junaedi
Robert R. Junker
Eric Justes
Richard Kabzems
Jeffrey Kane
Zdenek Kaplan
Teja Kattenborn
Lyudmila Kavelenova
Elizabeth Kearsley
Anne Kempel
Tanaka Kenzo
Andrew Kerkhoff
Mohammed I. Khalil
Nicole L. Kinlock
Wilm Daniel Kissling
Kaoru Kitajima
Thomas Kitzberger
Rasmus Kjøller
Tamir Klein
Michael Kleyer
Jitka Klimešová
Joice Klipel
Brian Kloeppel
Stefan Klotz
Johannes M. H. Knops
Takashi Kohyama
Fumito Koike
Johannes Kollmann
Benjamin Komac
Kimberly Komatsu
Christian König
Nathan J. B. Kraft
Koen Kramer
Holger Kreft
Ingolf Kühn
Dushan Kumarathunge
Jonas Kuppler
Hiroko Kurokawa
Yoko Kurosawa
Shem Kuyah
Jean-Paul Laclau
Benoit Lafleur
Erik Lallai
Eric Lamb
Andrea Lamprecht
Daniel J. Larkin
Daniel Laughlin
Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet
Guerric Le Maire
Peter C. Le Roux
Elizabeth Le Roux
Tali Lee
Frederic Lens
Simon L. Lewis
Barbara Lhotsky
Yuanzhi Li
Xine Li
Jeremy W. Lichstein
Mario Liebergesell
Jun Ying Lim
Yan-Shih Lin
Juan Carlos Linares
Chunjiang Liu
Daijun Liu
Udayangani Liu
Stuart Livingstone
Joan Llusià
Madelon Lohbeck
Álv Aro López-García
Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez
Zdeňka Lososová
Frédérique Louault
Balázs A. Lukács
Petr Lukeš
Yunjian Luo
Michele Lussu
Siyan Ma
Camilla Maciel Rabelo Pereira
Michelle Mack
Vincent Maire
Annikki Mäkelä
Harri Mäkinen
Ana Claudia Mendes Malhado
Azim Mallik
Peter Manning
Stefano Manzoni
Zuleica Marchetti
Luca Marchino
Vinicius Marcilio-Silva
Eric Marcon
Michela Marignani
Lars Markesteijn
Adam Martin
Cristina Martínez-Garza
Jordi Martínez-Válta
Tereza Mašková
Kelly Mason
Norman Mason
Tara Joy Massad
Jacynthe Masse
Itay Mayrose
James McCarthy
M. Luke McCormack
Katherine McCulloh
Ian R. McFadden
Brian J. McGill
Mara Y. McPartland
Juliana S. Medeiros
Belinda Medlyn
Pierre Meerts
Zia Mehrabi
Patrick Meir
Felipe P. L. Melo
Maurizio Mencuccini
Céline Meredieu
Julie Messier
Ilona Mészáros
Juha Metsaranta
Sean T. Michaletz
Chrysanthi Michelaki
Svetlana Migalina
Ruben Milla
Jesse E. D. Miller
Vanessa Minden
Ray Ming
Karel Mokany
Angela T. Moles
Attila Molnár
Jane Molofsky
Martin Molz
Rebecca A. Montgomery
Arnaud Monty
Lenka Moravcová
Aáro Moreno-Martínez
Marco Moretti
Akira S. Mori
Shigeta Mori
Dave Morris
Jane Morrison
Ladislav Mucina
Sandra Mueller
Christopher D. Muir
Sandra Cristina Müller
François Munoz
Isla H. Myers-Smith
Randall W. Myster
Masahiro Nagano
Shawna Naidu
Ayyappan Narayanan
Balachandran Natesan
Luka Negoita
Andrew S. Nelson
Eike Lena Neuschulz
Jian Ni
Georg Niedrist
Jhon Nieto
Ülo Niinemets
Rachael Nolan
Henning Nottebrock
Yann Nouvellon
Alexander Novakovskiy
The Nutrient Network
Kristin Odden Nystuen
Anthony O'Grady
Kevin O'Hara
Andrew O'Reilly-Nugent
Simon Oakley
Walter Oberhuber
Toshiyuki Ohtsuka
Ricardo Oliveira
Kinga Öllerer
Mark E. Olson
Vladimir Onipchenko
Yusuke Onoda
Renske E. Onstein
Jenny C. Ordonez
Noriyuki Osada
Ivika Ostonen
Gianluigi Ottaviani
Sarah Otto
Gerhard E. Overbeck
Wim A. Ozinga
Anna T. Pahl
C. E. Timothy Paine
Robin J. Pakeman
Aristotelis C. Papageorgiou
Evgeniya Parfionova
Meelis Pärtel
Marco Patacca
Susana Paula
Juraj Paule
Harald Pauli
Juli G. Pausas
Begoña Peco
Josep Penuelas
Antonio Perea
Pablo Luis Peri
Ana Carolina Petisco-Souza
Alessandro Petraglia
Any Mary Petritan
Oliver L. Phillips
Simon Pierce
Valério D. Pillar
Jan Pisek
Alexandr Pomogaybin
Hendrik Poorter
Angelika Portsmuth
Peter Poschlod
Catherine Potvin
Devon Pounds
A. Shafer Powell
Sally A. Power
Andreas Prinzing
Giacomo Puglielli
Petr Pyšek
Valerie Raevel
Anja Rammig
Johannes Ransijn
Courtenay A. Ray
Peter B. Reich
Markus Reichstein
Douglas E. B. Reid
Maxime Réjou-Méchain
Victor Resco De Dios
Sabina Ribeiro
Sarah Richardson
Kersti Riibak
Matthias C. Rillig
Fiamma Riviera
Elisabeth M. R. Robert
Scott Roberts
Bjorn Robroek
Adam Roddy
Arthur Vinicius Rodrigues
Alistair Rogers
Emily Rollinson
Victor Rolo
Christine Römermann
Dina Ronzhina
Christiane Roscher
Julieta A. Rosell
Milena Fermina Rosenfield
Christian Rossi
David B. Roy
Samuel Royer-Tardif
Nadja Rüger
Ricardo Ruiz-Peinado
Sabine B. Rumpf
Graciela M. Rusch
Masahiro Ryo
Lawren Sack
Angela Saldaña
Beatriz Salgado-Negret
Roberto Salguero-Gomez
Ignacio Santa-Regina
Ana Carolina Santacruz-García
Joaquim Santos
Jordi Sardans
Brandon Schamp
Michael Scherer-Lorenzen
Matthias Schleuning
Bernhard Schmid
Marco Schmidt
Sylvain Schmitt
Julio v. Schneider
Simon D. Schowanek
Julian Schrader
Franziska Schrodt
Bernhard Schuldt
Frank Schurr
Galia Selaya Garvizu
Marina Semchenko
Colleen Seymour
Julia C. Sfair
Joanne M. Sharpe
Christine S. Sheppard
Serge Sheremetiev
Satomi Shiodera
Bill Shipley
Tanvir Ahmed Shovon
Alrun Siebenkäs
Carlos Sierra
Vasco Silva
Mateus Silva
Tommaso Sitzia
Henrik Sjöman
Martijn Slot
Nicholas G. Smith
Darwin Sodhi
Pamela Soltis
Douglas Soltis
Ben Somers
Grégory Sonnier
Mia Vedel Sørensen
Enio Egon Sosinski
Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia
Alexandre F. Souza
Marko Spasojevic
Marta Gaia Sperandii
Amanda B. Stan
James Stegen
Klaus Steinbauer
Jörg G. Stephan
Frank Sterck
Dejan B. Stojanovic
Tanya Strydom
Maria Laura Suarez
Jens-Christian Svenning
Ivana Svitková
Marek Svitok
Miroslav Svoboda
Emily Swaine
Nathan Swenson
Marcelo Tabarelli
Kentaro Takagi
Ulrike Tappeiner
Rubén Tarifa
Simon Tauugourdeau
Cagatay Tavsanoglu
Mariska Te Beest
Leho Tedersoo
Nelson Thiffault
Dominik Thom
Evert Thomas
Ken Thompson
Peter E. Thornton
Wilfried Thuiller
Lubomír Tichý
David Tiúe
Mark G. Tjoelker
David Yue Phin Tng
Joseph Tobias
Péter Török
Tonantzin Tarin
José M. Torres-Ruiz
Béla Tóthmérész
Martina Treurnicht
Valeria Trivellone
Franck Trolliet
Volodymyr Trotsiuk
James L. Tsakalos
Ioannis Tsiripidis
Niklas Tysklind
Toru Umehara
Vladimir Usoltsev
Matthew Vadeboncoeur
Jamil Vaezi
Fernando Valladares
Jana Vamosi
Peter M. Van Bodegom
Michiel Van Breugel
Elisa Van Cleemput
Martine Van De Weg
Stephni Van Der Merwe
Fons Van Der Plas
Masha T. Van Der Sande
Mark Van Kleunen
Koenraad Van Meerbeek
Mark Vanderwel
Kim André Vanselow
Angelica Vårhammar
Laura Varone
Maribel Yesenia Vasquez Valderrama
Kiril Vassilev
Mark Vellend
Erik J. Veneklaas
Hans Verbeeck
Kris Verheyen
Alexander Vibrans
Ima Vieira
Jaime Villacís
Cyrille Violle
Pandi Vivek
Katrin Wagner
Matthew Waldram
Anthony Waldron
Anthony P. Walker
Martyn Waller
Gabriel Walther
Han Wang
Feng Wang
Weiqi Wang
Harry Watkins
James Watkins
Ulrich Weber
James T. Weedon
Liping Wei
Patrick Weigelt
Evan Weiher
Aidan W. Wells
Camilla Wellstein
Elizabeth Wenk
Mark Westoby
Alana Westwood
Philip John White
Mark Whitten
Mathew Williams
Daniel E. Winkler
Klaus Winter
Chevonne Womack
Ian J. Wright
S. Joseph Wright
Justin Wright
Bruno X. Pinho
Fabiano Ximenes
Toshihiro Yamada
Keiko Yamaji
Ruth Yanai
Nikolay Yankov
Benjamin Yguel
Kátia Janaina Zanini
Amy E. Zanne
David Zelený
Yun-Peng Zhao
Jingming Zheng
Ji Zheng
Kasia Ziemińska
Chad R. Zirbel
Georg Zizka
Irié Casimir Zo-Bi
Gerhard Zotz
Christian Wirth
Study of Spatiotemporal Variations of Summer Land Surface Temperature in Kyiv, Ukraine Using Landsat Time Series
The aim of this study was to investigate long-term changes in the summer thermal regime of surface for the city of Kyiv (Ukraine) using …
Daria Svidzinska
N. Korohoda
Satellite-Based Operational Real-Time Drought Monitoring in the Transboundary Lancang--Mekong River Basin
Existing gauging networks are sparse and not readily available in real-time over the transboundary Lancang–Mekong River (LMR) …
Xuejun Zhang
Yanping Qu
Miaomiao Ma
Hui Liu
Zhicheng Su
Juan Lv
Jian Peng
Guoyong Leng
Xiaogang He
Chongli Di
Predicting Forest Cover in Distinct Ecosystems: The Potential of Multi-Source Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion
The fusion of microwave and optical data sets is expected to provide great potential for the derivation of forest cover around the …
Kai Heckel
Marcel Urban
Patrick Schratz
Miguel D. Mahecha
Christiane Schmullius
Macroecology as a Hub between Research Disciplines: Opportunities, Challenges and Possible Ways Forward
Pedro J. Leitão
Carrie J. Andrew
Eva Katharina Engelhardt
Catherine H. Graham
Camille Martinez-Almoyna
Anne Mimet
Stefan Pinkert
Boris Schröder
Alke Voskamp
Christian Hof
Susanne A. Fritz
Limited Evidence for Spatial Resource Partitioning across Temperate Grassland Biodiversity Experiments
Abstract Locally, plant species richness supports many ecosystem functions. Yet, the mechanisms driving these often-positive …
Kathryn E. Barry
Jasper Van Ruijven
Liesje Mommer
Yongfei Bai
Carl Beierkuhnlein
Nina Buchmann
Hans De Kroon
Anne Ebeling
Nico Eisenhauer
Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
Anke Hildebrandt
Forest Isbell
Alexandru Milcu
Carsten Neßhöver
Peter B. Reich
Christiane Roscher
Leopold Sauheitl
Michael Scherer-Lorenzen
Bernhard Schmid
David Tilman
Stefanie Von Felten
Alexandra Weigelt
Influences of Leaf Area Index and Albedo on Estimating Energy Fluxes with HOLAPS Framework
The High resOlution Land Atmosphere surface Parameters from Space (HOLAPS) programme provides a modeling system to maximize the use of …
Jian Peng
Said Kharbouche
Jan-Peter Muller
Olaf Danne
Simon Blessing
Ralf Giering
Nadine Gobron
Ralf Ludwig
Benjamin Müller
Guoyong Leng
Thomas Lees
Simon Dadson
Impacts of Public and Private Sector Policies on Soybean and Pasture Expansion in Mato Grosso—Brazil from 2001 to 2017
Demand for agricultural exports in Brazil has stimulated the expansion of crop production and cattle raising, which has caused …
Michelle C. A. Picoli
Ana Rorato
Pedro J. Leitão
Gilberto Camara
Adeline Maciel
Patrick Hostert
Ieda Del'Arco Sanches
Data Challenges Limit Our Global Understanding of Humanitarian Disasters Triggered by Climate Extremes
Compared to other natural disasters, climate-related extremes like droughts and heat waves have the largest impacts on human well-being …
Miguel D. Mahecha
Debarati Guha-Sapir
Jeroen Smits
Fabian Gans
Guido Kraemer
Remotely Sensed Estimation of Vegetation Shifts in the Polar and Alpine Tree-Line Ecotone in Finnish Lapland during the Last Three Decades
Global warming is predicted to affect ecosystems, particularly in high-latitude regions where polar amplification accelerates …
A.K. Franke
Hannes Feilhauer
A. Bräuning
P. Rautio
M. Braun
In Situ and Laboratory Soil Spectroscopy with Portable Visible-to-near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Instruments for the Assessment of Organic Carbon in Soils
Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy has been established as a rapid and cost-efficient laboratory analysis technique for soil organic …
Christopher Hutengs
Michael Seidel
Felix Oertel
Bernard Ludwig
Michael Vohland
How Canopy Shadow Affects Invasive Plant Species Classification in High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing
Abstract Plant invasions can result in serious threats for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Reliable maps at very-high spatial …
Javier Lopatin
Klara Dolos
Teja Kattenborn
Fabian E. Fassnacht
Combining Multiband Remote Sensing and Hierarchical Distance Sampling to Establish Drivers of Bird Abundance
Information on habitat preferences is critical for the successful conservation of endangered species. For many species, especially …
Ronny Richter
Arend Heim
Wieland Heim
Johannes Kamp
Michael Vohland
Angiospermic Plant Dispersal Profile of India—a Maiden Analysis
Plant–disperser relationship is a mutual approach that regulates the species composition and habitat diversity. Here, we unfold the …
Mukunda Dev Behera
Partha Sarathi Roy
Swapna Mahanand
Rajendra Mohan Panda
Swapnarani Padhee
Strategies for the Efficient Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon at the Field Scale with Vis-NIR Spectroscopy: Spectral Libraries and Spiking vs. Local Calibrations
Soil spectroscopy in the visible-to-near-infrared (vis-NIR) range is a cost-effective alternative analysis technique to determine soil …
Michael Seidel
Christopher Hutengs
Bernard Ludwig
Sören Thiele-Bruhn
Michael Vohland
Mapping of Arthropod Alpha and Beta Diversity in Heterogeneous Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems
Assessing biodiversity in arctic-alpine ecosystems is a costly task. We test in the current study whether we can map the spatial …
Nils Hein
Jörg Löffler
Hannes Feilhauer
Inferring Plant Functional Diversity from Space: The Potential of Sentinel-2
Plant functional diversity (FD) is an important component of biodiversity that characterizes the variability of functional traits …
Xuanlong Ma
Miguel D. Mahecha
Mirco Migliavacca
Fons Van Der Plas
Raquel Benavides
Sophia Ratcliffe
Jens Kattge
Ronny Richter
Talie Musavi
Lander Baeten
Ionut Barnoaiea
Friedrich J. Bohn
Olivier Bouriaud
Filippo Bussotti
Andrea Coppi
Timo Domisch
Andreas Huth
Bogdan Jaroszewicz
Julia Joswig
Daniel E. Pabon-Moreno
Dario Papale
Federico Selvi
Gaia Vaglio Laurin
Fernando Valladares
Markus Reichstein
Christian Wirth
Hydroclimatic Extremes and Climate Change
The range of variability present in the Earth’s climate presents a series of challenges to water managers and policy-makers. Much …
Simon J. Dadson
Homero Paltan Lopez
Jian Peng
Shuchi Vora
Convolutional Neural Networks Enable Efficient, Accurate and Fine-Grained Segmentation of Plant Species and Communities from High-Resolution UAV Imagery
Abstract Recent technological advances in remote sensing sensors and platforms, such as high-resolution satellite imagers or unmanned …
Teja Kattenborn
Jana Eichel
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Streamflow Response to Climate Change in the Greater Horn of Africa
Abstract The Greater Horn of Africa region increasingly experiences high risk of water scarcity. A combination of frequent droughts, …
Feyera A. Hirpa
Lorenzo Alfieri
Thomas Lees
Jian Peng
Ellen Dyer
Simon J. Dadson
Remote Sensing of Coastal Vegetation: Dealing with High Species Turnover by Mapping Multiple Floristic Gradients
Abstract Aims Mapping gradual transitions in plant species composition via a combination of ordination and regression from remote …
Iris Unberath
Laura Vanierschot
Ben Somers
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Jeroen Vanden Borre
Mathias Unberath
Hannes Feilhauer
Recent Changes in County-Level Maize Production in the United States: Spatial-temporal Patterns, Climatic Drivers and the Implications for Crop Modelling
Despite the fact that it is the total crop production that shapes future food supply rather than one of its single component, previous …
Guoyong Leng
Jian Peng
Shengzhi Huang
Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and Their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part I: Soil Characteristics
In the face of rapid global change it is imperative to preserve geodiversity for the overall conservation of biodiversity. Geodiversity …
Angela Lausch
Jussi Baade
Lutz Bannehr
Erik Borg
Jan Bumberger
Sabine Chabrilliat
Peter Dietrich
Heike Gerighausen
Cornelia Glässer
Jorg Hacker
Dagmar Haase
Thomas Jagdhuber
Sven Jany
András Jung
Arnon Karnieli
Roland Kraemer
Mohsen Makki
Christian Mielke
Markus Möller
Hannes Mollenhauer
Carsten Montzka
Marion Pause
Christian Rogass
Offer Rozenstein
Christiane Schmullius
Franziska Schrodt
Martin Schrön
Karsten Schulz
Claudia Schütze
Christian Schweitzer
Peter Selsam
Andrew Skidmore
Daniel Spengler
Christian Thiel
Sina Truckenbrodt
Michael Vohland
Robert Wagner
Ute Weber
Ulrike Werban
Ute Wollschläger
Steffen Zacharias
Michael Schaepman
Detailed Agricultural Land Classification in the Brazilian Cerrado Based on Phenological Information from Dense Satellite Image Time Series
The paradox between environmental conservation and economic development is a challenge for Brazil, where there is a complex and dynamic …
Hugo Do Nascimento Bendini
Leila Maria Garcia Fonseca
Marcel Schwieder
Thales Sehn Körting
Philippe Rufin
Ieda Del Arco Sanches
Pedro J. Leitão
Patrick Hostert
Using Aboveground Vegetation Attributes as Proxies for Mapping Peatland Belowground Carbon Stocks
Peatlands are key reservoirs of belowground carbon (C) and their monitoring is important to assess the rapid changes in the C cycle …
Javier Lopatin
Teja Kattenborn
Mauricio Galleguillos
Jorge F. Perez-Quezada
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Extreme Anomaly Event Detection in Biosphere Using Linear Regression and a Spatiotemporal MRF Model
Detecting abnormal events within time series is crucial for analyzing and understanding the dynamics of the system in many research …
Yanira Guanche García
Maha Shadaydeh
Miguel D. Mahecha
Joachim Denzler
Advantages of Retrieving Pigment Content [Mg/Cm2] versus Concentration [%] from Canopy Reflectance
Photosynthesis is essential for life on earth as it, inter alia, influences the composition of the atmosphere and is the driving …
Teja Kattenborn
Felix Schiefer
Pablo Zarco-Tejada
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Accuracy of Estimating Soil Properties with Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy: Implications of Different Chemometric Approaches and Software Packages Related to Calibration Sample Size
Core Ideas Selection of spectral regions was included in MIR predictions of soil properties. The R software outperformed a commercial …
Bernard Ludwig
Raja Murugan
V. R. Ramakrishna Parama
Michael Vohland
Wind Turbines in High Quality Habitat Cause Disproportionate Increases in Collision Mortality of the White-Tailed Eagle
The increasing number of wind farms for energy production raises concerns about their effects on wildlife and particularly on birds. To …
Christian Heuck
Christof Herrmann
Christian Levers
Pedro J. Leitão
Oliver Krone
Roland Brandl
Jörg Albrecht
Phosphorus Fractions and Speciation in Rural and Urban Calcareous Soils in the Semiarid Region of Sulaimani City, Kurdistan, Iraq
The phosphorus (P) status of soils depends, among other influencing factors such as soil properties, on P content and availability. …
Mohammad Said Hamma Khorshid
Jens Kruse
Sebastian Semella
Michael Vohland
Jean-Frank Wagner
Sören Thiele-Bruhn
Can We Use Satellite-Based FAPAR to Detect Drought?
Drought in Australia has widespread impacts on agriculture and ecosystems. Satellite-based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically …
Jian Peng
Jan-Peter Muller
Simon Blessing
Ralf Giering
Olaf Danne
Nadine Gobron
Said Kharbouche
Ralf Ludwig
Ben Müller
Guoyong Leng
Qinglong You
Zheng Duan
Simon Dadson
Understanding the Indian Mainland--Island Biogeography through Plant Dispersal Mechanism
The plant–disperser relationship and its key predictors in Indian tropical archipelagos are understudied. East of the Indian mainland …
Swapna Mahanand
Mukunda Dev Behera
The Role of Hazard and Vulnerability in Modulating Economic Damages of Inland Floods in the United States Using a Survey-Based Dataset
This study investigates the trends in economic damages caused by three types of inland floods (flash flood, flood, and heavy rain) in …
Qianqian Zhou
Jiongheng Su
Guoyong Leng
Jian Peng
Effects of Livestock Grazing on Soil, Plant Functional Diversity, and Ecological Traits Vary between Regions with Different Climates in Northeastern Iran
Abstract Understanding the responses of vegetation characteristics and soil properties to grazing in different precipitation regimes is …
Soroor Rahmanian
Martin Hejda
Hamid Ejtehadi
Mohammad Farzam
Farshid Memariani
Petr Pyšek
Copula-Based Abrupt Variations Detection in the Relationship of Seasonal Vegetation-Climate in the Jing River Basin, China
Understanding the changing relationships between vegetation coverage and precipitation/temperature (P/T) and then exploring their …
Jing Zhao
Shengzhi Huang
Qiang Huang
Hao Wang
Guoyong Leng
Jian Peng
Haixia Dong
An Adaptable Approach for Pixel-Based Compositing and Crop Type/Tree Species Mapping
We present a novel approach for detailed crop type and tree species classification exploiting high spatio-temporal resolution …
Sebastian Preidl
Maximilian Lange
Daniel Doktor
UAV Data as Alternative to Field Sampling to Map Woody Invasive Species Based on Combined Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
Invasive plant species can pose major threats to biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services. Satellite based remote sensing has …
Teja Kattenborn
Javier Lopatin
Michael Förster
Andreas Christian Braun
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Proximal VIS-NIR Spectrometry to Retrieve Substance Concentrations in Surface Waters Using Partial Least Squares Modelling
Abstract Many water quality parameters such as concentrations of suspended matter, nutrients and algae directly or indirectly change …
A. Wagner
S. Hilgert
Teja Kattenborn
S. Fuchs
Long-Term Surface Temperature (LoST) Database as a Complement for GCM Preindustrial Simulations
Abstract. Estimates of climate sensitivity from general circulation model (GCM) simulations still present a large spread despite the …
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Almudena García-Garcí'a
Hugo Beltrami
Eduardo Zorita
Fernando Jaume-Santero
Inferring Causation from Time Series in Earth System Sciences
Abstract The heart of the scientific enterprise is a rational effort to understand the causes behind the phenomena we observe. In …
Jakob Runge
Sebastian Bathiany
Erik Bollt
Gustau Camps-Valls
Dim Coumou
Ethan Deyle
Clark Glymour
Marlene Kretschmer
Miguel D. Mahecha
Jordi Muñoz-Marí
Egbert H. Van Nes
Jonas Peters
Rick Quax
Markus Reichstein
Marten Scheffer
Bernhard Schölkopf
Peter Spirtes
George Sugihara
Jie Sun
Kun Zhang
Jakob Zscheischler
A Multisensoral Approach for High-Resolution Land Cover and Pasture Degradation Mapping in the Humid Tropics: A Case Study of the Fragmented Landscape of Rio de Janeiro
Pasture degradation is of increasing global concern as it enforces erosion processes and impacts the carbon storage capacities of the …
Friederike Naegeli De Torres
Ronny Richter
Michael Vohland
Quantum Finite-Time Availability
The availability of a thermodynamic system with respect to an environment is the maximum work, which can be gained from bringing it …
Karl Heinz Hoffmann
Peter Salamon
Kim Schmidt
Facade Segmentation from Oblique UAV Imagery
Building semantic segmentation is a crucial task for building information modeling (BIM). Current research generally exploits …
Xiangyu Zhuo
Milena Mönks
Thomas Esch
Peter Reinartz
Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soil Organic Carbon Levels over an Agricultural Field in Southern Ontario, Canada
The recent use of hyperspectral remote sensing imagery has introduced new opportunities for soil organic carbon (SOC) assessment and …
Ahmed Laamrani
Aaron A. Berg
Paul Voroney
Hannes Feilhauer
Line Blackburn
Michael March
Phuong D. Dao
Yuhong He
Ralph C. Martin
Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture Estimation with Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression over the Tibetan Plateau
The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite can no longer directly deliver high-resolution (9 km) soil moisture products with the …
Zushuai Wei
Yizhuo Meng
Wen Zhang
Jian Peng
Lingkui Meng
Current Status of Landsat Program, Science, and Applications
Formal planning and development of what became the first Landsat satellite commenced over 50 years ago in 1967. Now, having collected …
Michael A. Wulder
Thomas R. Loveland
David P. Roy
Christopher J. Crawford
Jeffrey G. Masek
Curtis E. Woodcock
Richard G. Allen
Martha C. Anderson
Alan S. Belward
Warren B. Cohen
John Dwyer
Angela Erb
Feng Gao
Patrick Griffiths
Dennis Helder
Txomin Hermosilla
James D. Hipple
Patrick Hostert
M. Joseph Hughes
Justin Huntington
David M. Johnson
Robert Kennedy
Ayse Kilic
Zhan Li
Leo Lymburner
Joel McCorkel
Nima Pahlevan
Theodore A. Scambos
Crystal Schaaf
John R. Schott
Yongwei Sheng
James Storey
Eric Vermote
James Vogelmann
Joanne C. White
Randolph H. Wynne
Zhe Zhu
A Landsat-based Vegetation Trend Product of the Tibetan Plateau for the Time-Period 1990--2018
Abstract The Tibetan Plateau is a unique, biodiverse ecosystem with an important role in the climate and hydrological system of Asia. …
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Christopher Schiller
Teja Kattenborn
Xinquan Zhao
Jiapeng Qu
The Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Hydrological Extremes
Extreme climate events such as severe droughts and floods have become more frequent and widespread in the 21st Century. Recent studies …
Jian Peng
Simon Dadson
Guoyong Leng
Zheng Duan
Thomas Jagdhuber
Weidong Guo
Ralf Ludwig
The Current Indian Epidemic of Superficial Dermatophytosis Due to emphTrichophytonemph Mentagrophytes —A Molecular Study
Summary The disease burden of chronic-relapsing and therapy-refractory superficial dermatophytosis dramatically increased in India …
Pietro Nenoff
Shyam B. Verma
Resham Vasani
Anke Burmester
Uta-Christina Hipler
Franziska Wittig
Constanze Krüger
Kolja Nenoff
Cornelia Wiegand
Abir Saraswat
Rengarajan Madhu
Saumya Panda
Anupam Das
Mahendra Kura
Akshay Jain
Daniela Koch
Yvonne Gräser
Silke Uhrlaß
Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence III: Benchmarking Retrieval Methods and Sensor Characteristics for Proximal Sensing
The interest of the scientific community on the remote observation of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has increased in the …
M. Pilar Cendrero-Mateo
Sebastian Wieneke
Alexander Damm
Luis Alonso
Francisco Pinto
Jose Moreno
Luis Guanter
Marco Celesti
Micol Rossini
Neus Sabater
Sergio Cogliati
Tommaso Julitta
Uwe Rascher
Yves Goulas
Helge Aasen
Javier Pacheco-Labrador
Alasdair Mac Arthur
Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence II: Review of Passive Measurement Setups, Protocols, and Their Application at the Leaf to Canopy Level
Imaging and non-imaging spectroscopy employed in the field and from aircraft is frequently used to assess biochemical, structural, and …
Helge Aasen
Shari Van Wittenberghe
Neus Sabater Medina
Alexander Damm
Yves Goulas
Sebastian Wieneke
Andreas Hueni
Zbyněk Malenovský
Luis Alonso
Javier Pacheco-Labrador
M. Pilar Cendrero-Mateo
Enrico Tomelleri
Andreas Burkart
Sergio Cogliati
Uwe Rascher
Alasdair Mac Arthur
Radiative Transfer Modelling Reveals Why Canopy Reflectance Follows Function
Abstract Optical remote sensing is potentially highly informative to track Earth’s plant functional diversity. Yet, causal …
Teja Kattenborn
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Make EU Trade with Brazil Sustainable
Laura Kehoe
Tiago Reis
Malika Virah-Sawmy
Andrew Balmford
Tobias Kuemmerle
Alexander Knohl
Alexandre Antonelli
Axel Hochkirch
Bhaskar Vira
Bruno Massa
Carlos A. Peres
Christian Ammer
Christoph Görg
Christoph Schneider
David Curtis
Eduardo De La Peña
Enric Tello
Erik Sperfeld
Esteve Corbera
Federico Morelli
Fernando Valladares
Garry Peterson
Geoff Hide
Georgina Mace
Giorgos Kallis
Gunilla Almered Olsson
Guntis Brumelis
Helena Alexanderson
Helmut Haberl
Helmut Nuissl
Holger Kreft
Jaboury Ghazoul
Jan A. Piotrowski
Jennie Macdiarmid
Jens Newig
Joern Fischer
John Altringham
John Gledhill
Jonas Ø Nielsen
Jörg Müller
Jorge Palmeirim
Jos Barlow
Juan C. Alonso
Juan José Presa Asencio
Julia K. Steinberger
Julia Patricia Gordon Jones
Juliano Sarmento Cabral
Jürgen Dengler
Karel Stibral
Karlheinz Erb
Karl-Otto Rothhaupt
Kerstin Wiegand
Louis F. Cassar
Luc Lens
Luis Miguel Rosalino
M. J. Wassen
Marie Stenseke
Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Mario Díaz
Mark Rounsevell
Mark Van Kleunen
Martin Junginger
Martin Kaltenpoth
Martin Zobel
Maximilian Weigend
Meelis Pärtel
Menno Schilthuizen
Miguel Bastos Araújo
Muki Haklay
Nico Eisenhauer
Nuria Selva
Ole Mertz
Patrick Meyfroidt
Paulo A. v. Borges
Pavel Kovář
Pete Smith
Peter Verburg
Petr Pyšek
Ralf Seppelt
Riccardo Valentini
Robert J. Whittaker
Sérgio Henrique Faria
Sergio Ulgiati
Stefan Lötters
Svante Björck
Sven Åke Larson
Teja Tscharntke
Tiago Domingos
Tobias Krueger
Unai Pascual
Urban Olsson
Vassiliki Kati
Verena Winiwarter
Victoria Reyes-García
Vivi Vajda
William J. Sutherland
Yann Le Polain De Waroux
Yvonne Buckley
Anja Rammig
Åsa Kasimir
Pedro J. Leitão
Fine Root Lignin Content Is Well Predictable with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Abstract 1. Root lignin is a key driver of root decomposition, which in turn is a fundamental component of the terrestrial carbon cycle …
Oliver Elle
Ronny Richter
Michael Vohland
Alexandra Weigelt
Characterization of Air and Ground Temperature Relationships within the CMIP5 Historical and Future Climate Simulations
Abstract The relationships between air and ground surface temperatures across North America are examined in the historical and future …
Almudena García-García
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Hugo Beltrami
Jason E. Smerdon
Analysis of Floodplain Dynamics in the Atrato River Colombia Using SAR Interferometry
Floodplain water flows have large volumetric flowrates and high complexity in space and time that are difficult to understand using …
Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
Jesús A. Anaya
Marc Simard
Tien-Hao Liao
Fernando Jaramillo
Multiple Plant Diversity Components Drive Consumer Communities across Ecosystems
Abstract Humans modify ecosystems and biodiversity worldwide, with negative consequences for ecosystem functioning. Promoting plant …
Andreas Schuldt
Anne Ebeling
Matthias Kunz
Michael Staab
Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
Dörte Bachmann
Nina Buchmann
Walter Durka
Andreas Fichtner
Felix Fornoff
Werner Härdtle
Lionel R. Hertzog
Alexandra-Maria Klein
Christiane Roscher
Jörg Schaller
Goddert Von Oheimb
Alexandra Weigelt
Wolfgang Weisser
Christian Wirth
Jiayong Zhang
Helge Bruelheide
Nico Eisenhauer
Mapping Woody Plant Community Turnover with Space-borne Hyperspectral Data -- a Case Study in the Cerrado
Abstract Effective conservation measures require the knowledge on the spatial patterns of species communities and their turnover. This …
Pedro J. Leitão
Marcel Schwieder
Fernando Pedroni
Maryland Sanchez
José R. R. Pinto
Leandro Maracahipes
Mercedes Bustamante
Patrick Hostert
Gradients in Urban Material Composition: A New Concept to Map Cities with Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data
To understand processes in urban environments, such as urban energy fluxes or surface temperature patterns, it is important to map …
Marianne Jilge
Uta Heiden
Carsten Neumann
Hannes Feilhauer
Evaluation of 3B42V7 and IMERG Daily-Precipitation Products for a Very High-Precipitation Region in Northwestern South America
The availability of water is critical in determining the distribution of species by favoring or limiting their development, and leading …
Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
Jesús A. Anaya
Blanca A. Botero
Differentiating Plant Functional Types Using Reflectance: Which Traits Make the Difference?
Abstract Abiotic ecosystem properties together with plant species interaction create differences in structural and physiological traits …
Teja Kattenborn
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Chlorophyll Content Estimation in an Open-Canopy Conifer Forest with Sentinel-2A and Hyperspectral Imagery in the Context of Forest Decline
With the advent of Sentinel-2, it is now possible to generate large-scale chlorophyll content maps with unprecedented spatial and …
P.J. Zarco-Tejada
A. Hornero
P.S.A. Beck
Teja Kattenborn
P. Kempeneers
R. Hernández-Clemente
A Set of Satellite-Based Near Real-Time Meteorological Drought Monitoring Data over China
A high-resolution and near real-time drought monitoring dataset has not been made readily available in drought-prone China, except for …
Xuejun Zhang
Zhicheng Su
Juan Lv
Weiwei Liu
Miaomiao Ma
Jian Peng
Guoyong Leng
Time-Frequency Causal Inference Uncovers Anomalous Events in Environmental Systems
Causal inference in dynamical systems is a challenge for different research areas. So far it is mostly about understanding to what …
Maha Shadaydeh
Joachim Denzler
Yanira Guanche García
Miguel D. Mahecha
The Influence of Asymmetric Electrodes on the Non-Planar Dynamics of a Parametrically Excited Nonlinear Microbeam
Tova Mintz
Karin Mora
Oded Gottlieb
Terrestrial Laser Scanning Reveals Temporal Changes in Biodiversity Mechanisms Driving Grassland Productivity
Biodiversity often enhances ecosystem functioning likely due to multiple, often temporarily separated drivers. Yet, most studies are …
Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
Alexandra Weigelt
Anne Ebeling
Nico Eisenhauer
Joaquín Duque-Lazo
Björn Reu
Christiane Roscher
Jens Schumacher
Cameron Wagg
Christian Wirth
RPAS Products Assessment and Their Application in Sugarcane Crops
The main objective of sugarcane research in the geographic valley of the Cauca River in Colombia is to improve sugarcane production in …
César Edwin García
David Montero
Predicting Landscapes from Environmental Conditions Using Generative Networks
Landscapes are meaningful ecological units that strongly depend on the environmental conditions. Such dependencies between landscapes …
Christian Requena-Mesa
Markus Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
Basil Kraft
Joachim Denzler
Motivation Enhancement in mHealth via Gamification
The lack of therapy compliance (adherence) is an already well-studied phenomenon in the health sector. It is known that numerous …
Felix Kettner
Andre Langer
Kim Schmidt
Martin Gaedke
Modified Baum Welch Algorithm for Hidden Markov Models with Known Structure
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are widely used in speech and handwriting recognition, behavior prediction in traffic, time series …
Kim Schmidt
Karl Heinz Hoffmann
Improving Models of Species Ecological Niches: A Remote Sensing Overview
Effective conservation capable of mitigating global biodiversity declines require thorough knowledge on species distributions and their …
Pedro J. Leitão
Maria J. Santos
Broad-Scale Rather than Fine-Scale Environmental Variation Drives Body Size in a Wandering Predator (Araneae, Lycosidae)
Body size is one of the most important individual traits, determining various other life-history traits, including fitness. Both …
Nils Hein
Julien Pétillon
Roland Pape
Hannes Feilhauer
Kim A. Vanselow
Jörg Löffler
Linking Photosynthesis and Sun-Induced Fluorescence at Sub-Daily to Seasonal Scales
Due to its close link to the photosynthetic process, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (F) opens new possibilities to study dynamics …
Sebastian Wieneke
A. Burkart
M.P. Cendrero-Mateo
T. Julitta
M. Rossini
A. Schickling
M. Schmidt
U. Rascher
Landsat Phenological Metrics and Their Relation to Aboveground Carbon in the Brazilian Savanna
The quantification and spatially explicit mapping of carbon stocks in terrestrial ecosystems is important to better understand the …
M. Schwieder
Pedro J. Leitão
J. R. R. Pinto
A. M. C. Teixeira
F. Pedroni
M. Sanchez
M. M. Bustamante
P. Hostert
Characterizing 32 Years of Shrub Cover Dynamics in Southern Portugal Using Annual Landsat Composites and Machine Learning Regression Modeling
The Landsat archive presents a unique source for mapping and monitoring of shrublands. Still, efficient and accurate mapping approaches …
Stefan Suess
Sebastian Van Der Linden
Akpona Okujeni
Patrick Griffiths
Pedro J. Leitão
Marcel Schwieder
Patrick Hostert
Seasonal Change of Leaf and Woody Area Profiles in a Midlatitude Deciduous Forest Canopy from Classified Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar Point Clouds
This study demonstrates the retrieval of separate vertical height profiles of leaf and woody areas in both leaf-off and leaf-on seasons …
Zhan Li
Alan Strahler
Crystal Schaaf
David Jupp
Michael Schaefer
Pontus Olofsson
Quality Assessment of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Ecosystem Observations Using Pulse Trajectories
Considering the trajectories of pulses from terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) can provide refined models of occlusion and improve the …
Ian Paynter
Daniel Genest
Edward Saenz
Francesco Peri
Zhan Li
Alan Strahler
Crystal Schaaf
Preliminary Assessment of 20-m Surface Albedo Retrievals from Sentinel-2A Surface Reflectance and MODIS/VIIRS Surface Anisotropy Measures
Satellite-based retrievals of land surface albedo at 20-m resolution are generated by coupling the surface reflectances from the …
Zhan Li
Angela Erb
Qingsong Sun
Yan Liu
Yanmin Shuai
Zhuosen Wang
Peter Boucher
Crystal Schaaf
Improved Neural Control of Movements Manifests in Expertise-Related Differences in Force Output and Brain Network Dynamics
It is well-established that expertise developed through continuous and deliberate practice has the potential to delay age-related …
Christian Gölz
Claudia Voelcker-Rehage
Karin Mora
Eva-Maria Reuter
Ben Godde
Michael Dellnitz
Claus Reinsberger
Solveig Vieluf
Global Trait--Environment Relationships of Plant Communities
Plant functional traits directly affect ecosystem functions. At the species level, trait combinations depend on trade-offs representing …
Helge Bruelheide
Jürgen Dengler
Oliver Purschke
Jonathan Lenoir
Borja Jiménez-Alfaro
Stephan M. Hennekens
Zoltán Botta-Dukát
Milan Chytrý
Richard Field
Florian Jansen
Jens Kattge
Valério D. Pillar
Franziska Schrodt
Miguel D. Mahecha
Robert K. Peet
Brody Sandel
Peter Van Bodegom
Jan Altman
Esteban Alvarez-Dávila
Mohammed A. S. Arfin Khan
Fabio Attorre
Isabelle Aubin
Christopher Baraloto
Jorcely G. Barroso
Marijn Bauters
Erwin Bergmeier
Idoia Biurrun
Anne D. Bjorkman
Benjamin Blonder
Andraž Čarni
Luis Cayuela
Tomáš Černý
J. Hans C. Cornelissen
Dylan Craven
Matteo Dainese
Géraldine Derroire
Michele De Sanctis
Sandra Díaz
Jiří Doležal
William Farfan-Rios
Ted R. Feldpausch
Nicole J. Fenton
Eric Garnier
Greg R. Guerin
Alvaro G. Gutiérrez
Sylvia Haider
Tarek Hattab
Greg Henry
Bruno Hérault
Pedro Higuchi
Norbert Hölzel
Jürgen Homeier
Anke Jentsch
Norbert Jürgens
Zygmunt Kącki
Dirk N. Karger
Michael Kessler
Michael Kleyer
Ilona Knollová
Andrey Y. Korolyuk
Ingolf Kühn
Daniel C. Laughlin
Frederic Lens
Jacqueline Loos
Frédérique Louault
Mariyana I. Lyubenova
Yadvinder Malhi
Corrado Marcenò
Maurizio Mencuccini
Jonas v. Müller
Jérôme Munzinger
Isla H. Myers-Smith
David A. Neill
Ülo Niinemets
Kate H. Orwin
Wim A. Ozinga
Josep Penuelas
Aaron Pérez-Haase
Petr Petřík
Oliver L. Phillips
Meelis Pärtel
Peter B. Reich
Christine Römermann
Arthur v. Rodrigues
Francesco Maria Sabatini
Jordi Sardans
Marco Schmidt
Gunnar Seidler
Javier Eduardo Silva Espejo
Marcos Silveira
Anita Smyth
Maria Sporbert
Jens-Christian Svenning
Zhiyao Tang
Raquel Thomas
Ioannis Tsiripidis
Kiril Vassilev
Cyrille Violle
Risto Virtanen
Evan Weiher
Erik Welk
Karsten Wesche
Marten Winter
Christian Wirth
Ute Jandt
When Tree Rings Go Global: Challenges and Opportunities for Retro- and Prospective Insight
The demand for large-scale and long-term information on tree growth is increasing rapidly as environmental change research strives to …
Flurin Babst
Paul Bodesheim
Noah Charney
Andrew D. Friend
Martin P. Girardin
Stefan Klesse
David J.P. Moore
Kristina Seftigen
Jesper Björklund
Olivier Bouriaud
Andria Dawson
R. Justin DeRose
Michael C. Dietze
Annemarie H. Eckes
Brian Enquist
David C. Frank
Miguel D. Mahecha
Benjamin Poulter
Sydne Record
Valerie Trouet
Rachael H. Turton
Zhen Zhang
Margaret E.K. Evans
Use of Different Chemometric Approaches for an Estimation of Soil Properties at Field Scale with near Infrared Spectroscopy
Abstract Visible and near infrared spectroscopy (vis-NIRS) may be useful for an estimation of soil properties in arable fields, but the …
Bernard Ludwig
Rajasekaran Murugan
V. R. Ramakrishna Parama
Michael Vohland
Contrasting Biosphere Responses to Hydrometeorological Extremes: Revisiting the 2010 Western Russian Heatwave
Abstract. Combined droughts and heatwaves are among those compound extreme events that induce severe impacts on the terrestrial …
Milan Flach
Sebastian Sippel
Fabian Gans
Ana Bastos
Alexander Brenning
Markus Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
Breeze Effects at a Large Artificial Lake: Summer Case Study
Abstract. Natural lakes and big artificial reservoirs can affect the weather regime of surrounding areas but, usually, consideration of …
Maksim Iakunin
Rui Salgado
Miguel Potes
A National Assessment of Wetland Status and Trends for Canada's Forested Ecosystems Using 33 Years of Earth Observation Satellite Data
Wetlands are important globally for supplying clean water and unique habitat, and for storing vast amounts of carbon and nutrients. The …
Michael A. Wulder
Zhan Li
Elizabeth M. Campbell
Joanne C. White
Geordie Hobart
Txomin Hermosilla
Nicholas C. Coops
Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Data
Classifying the land surface according to different climate zones is often a prerequisite for global diagnostic or predictive modelling …
Yawei Wang
Jian Peng
Xiaoning Song
Pei Leng
Ralf Ludwig
Alexander Loew
Abstract. One fundamental metric to characterize trees and forest stands is the diameter at breast height (DBH). However, the vertical …
Teja Kattenborn
J. Hernández
J. Lopatin
G. Kattenborn
F. E. Fassnacht
Drought, Heat, and the Carbon Cycle: A Review
Purpose of the ReviewWeather and climate extremes substantially affect global- and regional-scale carbon (C) cycling, and thus …
Sebastian Sippel
Markus Reichstein
Xuanlong Ma
Miguel D. Mahecha
Holger Lange
Milan Flach
Dorothea Frank
Age- and Expertise-Related Differences of Sensorimotor Network Dynamics during Force Control
Age-related deterioration of force control is evident on behavioral and neural levels. Extensive and deliberate practice can decrease …
Solveig Vieluf
Karin Mora
Christian Gölz
Eva-Maria Reuter
Ben Godde
Michael Dellnitz
Claus Reinsberger
Claudia Voelcker-Rehage
Understanding and Assessing Vegetation Health by in Situ Species and Remote-sensing Approaches
Abstract Human activities exert stress on and create disturbances to ecosystems, decreasing their diversity, resilience and ultimately …
Angela Lausch
Olaf Bastian
Stefan Klotz
Pedro J. Leitão
András Jung
Duccio Rocchini
Michael E. Schaepman
Andrew K. Skidmore
Lutz Tischendorf
Sonja Knapp
Recent Changes in the Occurrences and Damages of Floods and Droughts in the United States
In this study, we compile and analyse 136,920 records of flood and 50,967 records of drought from a survey-based database to …
Qianqian Zhou
Guoyong Leng
Jian Peng
Measuring B-diversity by Remote Sensing: A Challenge for Biodiversity Monitoring
Abstract Biodiversity includes multiscalar and multitemporal structures and processes, with different levels of functional …
Duccio Rocchini
Sandra Luque
Nathalie Pettorelli
Lucy Bastin
Daniel Doktor
Nicolò Faedi
Hannes Feilhauer
Jean-Baptiste Féret
Giles M. Foody
Yoni Gavish
Sergio Godinho
William E. Kunin
Angela Lausch
Pedro J. Leitão
Matteo Marcantonio
Markus Neteler
Carlo Ricotta
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Petteri Vihervaara
Martin Wegmann
Harini Nagendra
From Sample to Pixel: Multi-scale Remote Sensing Data for Upscaling Aboveground Carbon Data in Heterogeneous Landscapes
Abstract In times of rapid global change, ecosystem monitoring is of utmost importance. Combined field and remote sensing data enable …
Pedro J. Leitão
Marcel Schwieder
Florian Pötzschner
José R. R. Pinto
Ana M. C. Teixeira
Fernando Pedroni
Maryland Sanchez
Christian Rogass
Sebastian Van Der Linden
Mercedes M. C. Bustamante
Patrick Hostert
Erratum: Xie, Y.Y.; et al. GRACE-Based Terrestrial Water Storage in Northwest China: Changes and Causes. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1163
The authors wish to make a correction to their paper […]
Yangyang Xie
Shengzhi Huang
Saiyan Liu
Guoyong Leng
Jian Peng
Qiang Huang
Pei Li
Egg Size versus Egg Number Trade-off in the Alpine-Tundra Wolf Spider, Pardosa Palustris (Araneae: Lycosidae)
The effect of environmental conditions on reproductive traits in spiders is not completely understood. We studied the trade-off between …
Nils Hein
Marco R. Brendel
Hannes Feilhauer
Oliver-D. Finch
Jörg Löffler
Breeding Bird Species Diversity across Gradients of Land Use from Forest to Agriculture in Europe
Loss, fragmentation and decreasing quality of habitats have been proposed as major threats to biodiversity world-wide, but relatively …
Matti J. Koivula
Dan E. Chamberlain
Robert J. Fuller
Stephen C. F. Palmer
Attila Bankovics
Fintan Bracken
Tom Bolger
Eduardo De Juana
Marc Montadert
Renato Neves
Rui Rufino
Angel Sallent
Luís Lopes Da Silva
Pedro J. Leitão
Manfred Steffen
Allan D. Watt
Analyzing Remotely Sensed Structural and Chemical Canopy Traits of a Forest Invaded by Prunus Serotina over Multiple Spatial Scales
Non-native invasive plant species can influence ecosystem functioning over broad spatial scales, but most research on ecosystem impacts …
Michael Ewald
Sandra Skowronek
Raf Aerts
Klara Dolos
Jonathan Lenoir
Manuel Nicolas
Jens Warrie
Tarek Hattab
Hannes Feilhauer
Olivier Honnay
Carol X. Garzón-López
Guillaume Decocq
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Ben Somers
Duccio Rocchini
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Upscaled Diurnal Cycles of Land--Atmosphere Fluxes: A New Global Half-Hourly Data Product
Abstract. Interactions between the biosphere and the atmosphere can be well characterized by fluxes between the two. In particular, …
Paul Bodesheim
Martin Jung
Fabian Gans
Miguel D. Mahecha
Markus Reichstein
SMOS Vegetation Optical Depth and Ecosystem Functional Properties: Exploring Their Relationships in Tropical Forests
Data from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission were exploited to explore its potential in providing ecosystem …
G. Vaglio Laurin
C. Vittucci
G. Tramontana
P. Bodesheim
P. Ferrazzoli
L. Guerriero
M. Jung
Miguel D. Mahecha
D. Papale
Predicting Landscapes as Seen from Space from Environmental Conditions
Satellite images are information rich snapshots of ecosystems and landscapes. In consequence, the features in the images strongly …
C. Requena-Mesa
M. Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
B. Kraft
J. Denzler
Modelling Landsurface Time-Series with Recurrent Neural Nets
Machine learning tools and semi-empirical models have been very successful in describing and predicting instantaneous climatic …
Markus Reichstein
Simon Besnard
Nuno Carvalhais
Fabian Gans
Martin Jung
Basil Kraft
Miguel D. Mahecha
Mapping Paddy Rice Area and Yields Over Thai Binh Province in Viet Nam From MODIS, Landsat, and ALOS-2/PALSAR-2
This study uses multiple satellite datasets to map paddy rice areas and yields for the Thai Binh Province, Viet Nam, over the summer …
Kaiyu Guan
Zhan Li
Lakshman Nagraj Rao
Feng Gao
Donghui Xie
Ngo the Hien
Zhenzhong Zeng
GRACE-Based Terrestrial Water Storage in Northwest China: Changes and Causes
Monitoring variations in terrestrial water storage (TWS) is of great significance for the management of water resources. However, it …
Yangyang Xie
Shengzhi Huang
Saiyan Liu
Guoyong Leng
Jian Peng
Qiang Huang
Pei Li
Transferability of Species Distribution Models for the Detection of an Invasive Alien Bryophyte Using Imaging Spectroscopy Data
Remote sensing is a promising tool for detecting invasive alien plant species. Mapping and monitoring those species requires accurate …
Sandra Skowronek
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Bjorn Rombouts
Raf Aerts
Michael Ewald
Jens Warrie
Felix Schiefer
Carol Garzon-Lopez
Tarek Hattab
Olivier Honnay
Jonathan Lenoir
Duccio Rocchini
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Ben Somers
Hannes Feilhauer
Satellite Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Functions: Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward
Abstract Societal, economic and scientific interests in knowing where biodiversity is, how it is faring and what can be done to …
Nathalie Pettorelli
Henrike Schulte to Bühne
Ayesha Tulloch
Grégoire Dubois
Cate Macinnis-Ng
Ana M. Queirós
David A. Keith
Martin Wegmann
Franziska Schrodt
Marion Stellmes
Ruth Sonnenschein
Gary N. Geller
Shovonlal Roy
Ben Somers
Nicholas Murray
Lucie Bland
Ilse Geijzendorffer
Jeremy T. Kerr
Stefanie Broszeit
Pedro J. Leitão
Clare Duncan
Ghada El Serafy
Kate S. He
Julia L. Blanchard
Richard Lucas
Paola Mairota
Thomas J. Webb
Emily Nicholson
Previsual Symptoms of Xylella Fastidiosa Infection Revealed in Spectral Plant-Trait Alterations
Plant pathogens cause significant losses to agricultural yields and increasingly threaten food security 1, ecosystem integrity and …
P. J. Zarco-Tejada
C. Camino
P. S. A. Beck
R. Calderon
A. Hornero
R. Hernández-Clemente
Teja Kattenborn
M. Montes-Borrego
L. Susca
M. Morelli
V. Gonzalez-Dugo
P. R. J. North
B. B. Landa
D. Boscia
M. Saponari
J. A. Navas-Cortes
LiDAR Derived Forest Structure Data Improves Predictions of Canopy N and P Concentrations from Imaging Spectroscopy
Imaging spectroscopy is a powerful tool for mapping chemical leaf traits at the canopy level. However, covariance with structural …
Michael Ewald
Raf Aerts
Jonathan Lenoir
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Manuel Nicolas
Sandra Skowronek
Jérôme Piat
Olivier Honnay
Carol Ximena Garzón-López
Hannes Feilhauer
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Ben Somers
Tarek Hattab
Duccio Rocchini
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Identificación de Áreas Quemadas Mediante El Análisis de Series de Tiempo En El Ámbito de Computación En La Nube
$<$p$>$There are large omission errors in the estimation of burned area in map products that are generated at a global scale. …
Jesús A. Anaya
W.F. Sione
A.M. Rodriguez-Montellano
Combination of Satellite Imagery with Meteorological Data for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration
$<$p$>$The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in its publication No. 56 of the Irrigation and Drainage …
David Montero
F. Echeverry
F. Hernández
A High-Performance and in-Season Classification System of Field-Level Crop Types Using Time-Series Landsat Data and a Machine Learning Approach
Accurate and timely spatial classification of crop types based on remote sensing data is important for both scientific and practical …
Yaping Cai
Kaiyu Guan
Jian Peng
Shaowen Wang
Christopher Seifert
Brian Wardlow
Zhan Li
Impact and Recovery Process of Mini Flash Crashes: An Empirical Study
In an Ultrafast Extreme Event (or Mini Flash Crash), the price of a traded stock increases or decreases strongly within milliseconds. …
Tobias Braun
Jonas A. Fiegen
Daniel C. Wagner
Sebastian M. Krause
Thomas Guhr
Are Remotely Sensed Traits Suitable for Ecological Analysis? A Case Study of Long-Term Drought Effects on Leaf Mass per Area of Wetland Vegetation
Plant and community traits provide valuable insights in ecosystem functioning. Yet, such traits are costly to sample. Existing trait …
Hannes Feilhauer
Thomas Schmid
Ulrike Faude
Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo
Santos Cirujano
The Potential to Characterize Ecological Data with Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Harvard Forest, MA
Contemporary terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is being used widely in forest ecology applications to examine ecosystem properties at …
D. A. Orwig
P. Boucher
I. Paynter
E. Saenz
Zhan Li
C. Schaaf
On the Utilization of Novel Spectral Laser Scanning for Three-Dimensional Classification of Vegetation Elements
The Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidar (DWEL), a full waveform terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), has been used to scan a variety of forested …
Zhan Li
Michael Schaefer
Alan Strahler
Crystal Schaaf
David Jupp
An Image Transform Based on Temporal Decomposition
Today, very dense synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series are available through the framework of the European Copernicus Programme. …
Felix Cremer
Mikhail Urbazaev
Christian Berger
Miguel D. Mahecha
Christiane Schmullius
Christian Thiel
The DIARS Toolbox: A Spatially Explicit Approach to Monitor Alien Plant Invasions through Remote Sensing
The synergies between remote sensing technologies and ecological research have opened new avenues for the study of alien plant …
Carol X. Garzon-Lopez
Tarek Hattab
Sandra Skowronek
Raf Aerts
Michael Ewald
Hannes Feilhauer
Olivier Honnay
Guillaume Decocq
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Ben Somers
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Duccio Rocchini
Jonathan Lenoir
Impacts of Droughts and Extreme-Temperature Events on Gross Primary Production and Ecosystem Respiration: A Systematic Assessment across Ecosystems and Climate Zones
Abstract. Extreme climatic events, such as droughts and heat stress, induce anomalies in ecosystem–atmosphere CO2 fluxes, such as …
Jannis Von Buttlar
Jakob Zscheischler
Anja Rammig
Sebastian Sippel
Markus Reichstein
Alexander Knohl
Martin Jung
Olaf Menzer
M. Altaf Arain
Nina Buchmann
Alessandro Cescatti
Damiano Gianelle
Gerard Kiely
Beverly E. Law
Vincenzo Magliulo
Hank Margolis
Harry McCaughey
Lutz Merbold
Mirco Migliavacca
Leonardo Montagnani
Walter Oechel
Marian Pavelka
Matthias Peichl
Serge Rambal
Antonio Raschi
Russell L. Scott
Francesco P. Vaccari
Eva Van Gorsel
Andrej Varlagin
Georg Wohlfahrt
Miguel D. Mahecha
Comparison of Portable and Bench-Top Spectrometers for Mid-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Measurements of Soils
Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy has received widespread interest as a method to complement traditional soil analysis. Recently …
Christopher Hutengs
Bernard Ludwig
András Jung
Andreas Eisele
Michael Vohland
Cloud Removal in High Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery: Comparing Three Approaches
Clouds and cloud-shadow are a persistent problem in all optical satellite imagery. Plenty of methods have been suggested in the …
Fathalrahman Adam
Milena Mönks
Thomas Esch
Mihai Datcu
Remotely Sensed Spatial Heterogeneity as an Exploratory Tool for Taxonomic and Functional Diversity Study
Assessing biodiversity from field-based data is difficult for a number of practical reasons: (i) establishing the total number of …
Duccio Rocchini
Giovanni Bacaro
Gherardo Chirici
Daniele Da Re
Hannes Feilhauer
Giles M. Foody
Marta Galluzzi
Carol X. Garzon-Lopez
Thomas W. Gillespie
Kate S. He
Jonathan Lenoir
Matteo Marcantonio
Harini Nagendra
Carlo Ricotta
Edvinas Rommel
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Andrew K. Skidmore
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Martin Wegmann
Benedetto Rugani
Mapping Plant Functional Groups in Subalpine Grassland of the Greater Caucasus
Plant functional groupsin our case grass, herbs, and legumes-and their spatial distribution can provide information on key ecosystem …
Anja Magiera
Hannes Feilhauer
Rainer Waldhardt
Martin Wiesmair
Annette Otte
Classifying Ecosystems with Metaproperties from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
Abstract In this study, we introduce metaproperty analysis of terrestrial laser scanner ( TLS ) data, and demonstrate its application …
Ian Paynter
Daniel Genest
Edward Saenz
Francesco Peri
Peter Boucher
Zhan Li
Alan Strahler
Crystal Schaaf
The estimation of nutritional elements has great importance in the management of a crop, which allows improving the fertilization …
César Edwin García
David Montero
Mario Soto
Fernando Muñoz
Fractional Cover Mapping of Spruce and Pine at 1 Ha Resolution Combining Very High and Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
Increases in extreme weather events associated with climate change have the potential to put currently healthy forests at risk. One …
Markus Immitzer
Sebastian Böck
Kathrin Einzmann
Francesco Vuolo
Nicole Pinnel
Adelheid Wallner
Clement Atzberger
Anne Reichmuth
Early Detection of Vitality Changes of Multi-Temporal Norway Spruce Laboratory Needle Measurements—The Ring-Barking Experiment
The focus of this analysis is on the early detection of forest health changes, specifically that of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. …
Anne Reichmuth
Lea Henning
Nicole Pinnel
Martin Bachmann
Derek Rogge
dimRed and coRanking - Unifying Dimensionality Reduction in R
“Dimensionality reduction” (DR) is a widely used approach to find low dimensional and interpretable representations of data that are …
Guido Kraemer
Markus Reichstein
D., Miguel Mahecha
The Relationship between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Land Surface Soil Moisture
The impact of the Madden– Julian oscillation (MJO) on the global land surface soil moisture was explored in the study. The MJO index …
Jian Peng
Alexander Loew
Traute Crueger
Relationship Between Field-Based Plant Species Richness and Satellite-Derived Biophysical Proxies in the Western Ghats, India
Remote sensing offers fast and reliable technique to map the variation in plant diversity and distribution at different scales. Using …
Swapna Mahanand
Mukunda Dev Behera
Radiometric Correction of Simultaneously Acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA): Contributing to the Landsat Time Series Legacy
The use of Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA) makes it possible to carry out a reasonably robust and automatic radiometric correction for long …
Joan-Cristian Padró
Xavier Pons
David Aragonés
Ricardo Díaz-Delgado
Diego García
Javier Bustamante
Lluís Pesquer
Cristina Domingo-Marimon
Òscar González-Guerrero
Jordi Cristóbal
Daniel Doktor
Maximilian Lange
Quality-Assured Long-term Satellite-based Leaf Area Index Product
Numerous global satellite-based leaf area index (LAI) products have been generated and widely used for a number of applications such as …
Jian Peng
Simon Blessing
Ralf Giering
Benjamin Müller
Nadine Gobron
Joanne Nightingale
Folkert Boersma
Jan-Peter Muller
Estimating Stand Density, Biomass and Tree Species from Very High Resolution Stereo-Imagery -- towards an All-in-One Sensor for Forestry Applications?
The estimation of various forest inventory attributes from high spatial resolution airborne remote sensing data has been widely …
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Daniel Mangold
Jannika Schäfer
Markus Immitzer
Teja Kattenborn
Barbara Koch
Hooman Latifi
Anomalías de Vegetación Asociadas Con El Fenómeno Del ENOS En El Valle Geográfico Del Ró Cauca, Colombia
$<$p$>$The main factors affecting the production and yield of sugarcane are variety, agronomic management, soil type and climate, …
J. M. Valencia
C. E. García
David Montero
A Synthesis of Tree Functional Traits Related to Drought-induced Mortality in Forests across Climatic Zones
Summary Forest dieback caused by drought-induced tree mortality has been observed world-wide. Forecasting which trees in which …
Michael J. O'Brien
Bettina M. J. Engelbrecht
Julia S. Joswig
Gabriela Pereyra
Bernhard Schuldt
Steven Jansen
Jens Kattge
Simon M. Landhäusser
Shaun R. Levick
Yakir Preisler
Päivi Väänänen
Cate Macinnis-Ng
Evaluation of the VIIRS BRDF, Albedo and NBAR Products Suite and an Assessment of Continuity with the Long Term MODIS Record
Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model parameters, Albedo quantities, and Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) …
Yan Liu
Zhuosen Wang
Qingsong Sun
Angela M. Erb
Zhan Li
Crystal B. Schaaf
Xiaoyang Zhang
Miguel O. Román
Russell L. Scott
Quan Zhang
Kimberly A. Novick
M. Syndonia Bret-Harte
Shelley Petroy
Mike SanClements
Responses of Winter Wheat Yields to Warming-Mediated Vernalization Variations Across Temperate Europe
Rapid climate warming, with much higher warming rates in winter and spring, could affect the vernalization fulfillment, a critical …
Xiuchen Wu
Hongyan Liu
Xiaoyan Li
Yuhong Tian
Miguel D. Mahecha
Quantification of Soil Properties with Hyperspectral Data: Selecting Spectral Variables with Different Methods to Improve Accuracies and Analyze Prediction Mechanisms
We explored the potentials of both non-imaging laboratory and airborne imaging spectroscopy to assess arable soil quality indicators. …
Michael Vohland
Marie Ludwig
Sören Thiele-Bruhn
Bernard Ludwig
Monitoring Ecological Change during Rapid Socio-Economic and Political Transitions: Colombian Ecosystems in the Post-Conflict Era
After more than 50-years of armed conflict, Colombia is now transitioning to a more stable social and political climate due to a series …
Carlos A. Sierra
Miguel D. Mahecha
Germán Poveda
Esteban Álvarez-Dávila
Víctor H. Gutierrez-Velez
Björn Reu
Hannes Feilhauer
Jesús A. Anáya
Dolors Armenteras
Ana M. Benavides
Corina Buendia
Álvaro Duque
Lina M. Estupiñan-Suarez
Catalina González
Sebastián Gonzalez-Caro
Rodrigo Jimenez
Guido Kraemer
Maria C. Londoño
Sergio A. Orrego
Juan M. Posada
Daniel Ruiz-Carrascal
Sandra Skowronek
Reverse Engineering Model Structures for Soil and Ecosystem Respiration: The Potential of Gene Expression Programming
Abstract. Accurate model representation of land–atmosphere carbon fluxes is essential for climate projections. However, the exact …
Iulia Ilie
Peter Dittrich
Nuno Carvalhais
Martin Jung
Andreas Heinemeyer
Mirco Migliavacca
James I. L. Morison
Sebastian Sippel
Jens-Arne Subke
Matthew Wilkinson
Miguel D. Mahecha
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Determination of Soil Organic C, Microbial Biomass C and C and N Fractions in a Heterogeneous Sample of German Arable Surface Soils
Visual and near-infrared spectroscopy (vis-NIRS) is an established method to estimate soil properties. However, only limited …
Deborah Linsler
Anja Sawallisch
Heinrich Höper
Harald Schmidt
Michael Vohland
Bernard Ludwig
Detecting Impacts of Extreme Events with Ecological in Situ Monitoring Networks
Abstract. Extreme hydrometeorological conditions typically impact ecophysiological processes on land. Satellite-based observations of …
Miguel D. Mahecha
Fabian Gans
Sebastian Sippel
Jonathan F. Donges
Thomas Kaminski
Stefan Metzger
Mirco Migliavacca
Dario Papale
Anja Rammig
Jakob Zscheischler
Validating MODIS and Sentinel-2 NDVI Products at a Temperate Deciduous Forest Site Using Two Independent Ground-Based Sensors
Quantifying the accuracy of remote sensing products is a timely endeavor given the rapid increase in Earth observation missions. A …
Maximilian Lange
Benjamin Dechant
Corinna Rebmann
Michael Vohland
Matthias Cuntz
Daniel Doktor
Reviews and Syntheses: An Empirical Spatiotemporal Description of the Global Surface--Atmosphere Carbon Fluxes: Opportunities and Data Limitations
Abstract. Understanding the global carbon (C) cycle is of crucial importance to map current and future climate dynamics relative to …
Jakob Zscheischler
Miguel D. Mahecha
Valerio Avitabile
Leonardo Calle
Nuno Carvalhais
Philippe Ciais
Fabian Gans
Nicolas Gruber
Jens Hartmann
Martin Herold
Kazuhito Ichii
Martin Jung
Peter Landschützer
Goulven G. Laruelle
Ronny Lauerwald
Dario Papale
Philippe Peylin
Benjamin Poulter
Deepak Ray
Pierre Regnier
Christian Rödenbeck
Rosa M. Roman-Cuesta
Christopher Schwalm
Gianluca Tramontana
Alexandra Tyukavina
Riccardo Valentini
Guido Van Der Werf
Tristram O. West
Julie E. Wolf
Markus Reichstein
Parametric Excitation of a Microbeam-String With Asymmetric Electrodes: Multimode Dynamics and the Effect of Nonlinear Damping
The dynamic motion of a parametrically excited microbeam-string affected by nonlinear damping is considered asymptotically and …
Karin Mora
Oded Gottlieb
Multivariate Anomaly Detection for Earth Observations: A Comparison of Algorithms and Feature Extraction Techniques
Abstract. Today, many processes at the Earth’s surface are constantly monitored by multiple data streams. These observations have …
Milan Flach
Fabian Gans
Alexander Brenning
Joachim Denzler
Markus Reichstein
Erik Rodner
Sebastian Bathiany
Paul Bodesheim
Yanira Guanche
Sebastian Sippel
Miguel D. Mahecha
Estimation of Land Surface Temperature Using FengYun-2E (FY-2E) Data: A Case Study of the Source Area of the Yellow River
Land surface temperature (LST) is a key variable used for studies of water cycles and energy budgets of land-atmosphere interfaces. …
Xiaoning Song
Yawei Wang
Bohui Tang
Pei Leng
Sun Chuan
Jian Peng
Alexander Loew
Ecosystem Functioning Is Enveloped by Hydrometeorological Variability
Terrestrial ecosystem processes, and the associated vegetation carbon dynamics, respond differently to hydrometeorological variability …
Christoforos Pappas
Miguel D. Mahecha
David C. Frank
Flurin Babst
Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Recent Advances in Soil Moisture Estimation from Remote Sensing
Monitoring soil moisture dynamics from local to global scales is essential for a wide range of applications. The field of remote …
Jian Peng
Alexander Loew
Modelling Biomass of Mountainous Grasslands by Including a Species Composition Map
High mountain grasslands offer multiple goods and services to society but are severely threatened by improper land use practices such …
Anja Magiera
Hannes Feilhauer
Rainer Waldhardt
Martin Wiesmair
Annette Otte
Linking Plant Strategies and Plant Traits Derived by Radiative Transfer Modelling
Abstract Question Do spatial gradients of plant strategies correspond to patterns of plant traits obtained from a physically based …
Teja Kattenborn
Fabian Ewald Fassnacht
Simon Pierce
Javier Lopatin
John Philip Grime
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Estimation of Photosynthesis Traits from Leaf Reflectance Spectra: Correlation to Nitrogen Content as the Dominant Mechanism
Numerous studies have investigated reflectance-based estimations of physico-chemical leaf traits such as the contents of light …
Benjamin Dechant
Matthias Cuntz
Michael Vohland
Elke Schulz
Daniel Doktor
Contrasting and Interacting Changes in Simulated Spring and Summer Carbon Cycle Extremes in European Ecosystems
Climate extremes have the potential to cause extreme responses of terrestrial ecosystem functioning. However, it is neither …
Sebastian Sippel
Matthias Forkel
Anja Rammig
Kirsten Thonicke
Milan Flach
Martin Heimann
Friederike E L Otto
Markus Reichstein
Miguel D. Mahecha
A Unified Framework to Model the Potential and Realized Distributions of Invasive Species within the Invaded Range
Abstract Aim To propose a species distribution modelling framework and its companion `` iSDM ’’ R package for predicting …
Tarek Hattab
Carol X. Garzón-López
Michael Ewald
Sandra Skowronek
Raf Aerts
Hélène Horen
Boris Brasseur
Emilie Gallet-Moron
Fabien Spicher
Guillaume Decocq
Hannes Feilhauer
Olivier Honnay
Pieter Kempeneers
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Ben Somers
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Duccio Rocchini
Jonathan Lenoir
The ESA's Earth Observation Open Science Program [Space Agencies]
The world of Earth observation (EO) data is rapidly changing, driven by exponential advances in sensor and digital technologies. Recent …
Pierre-Philippe Mathieu
Maurice Borgeaud
Yves-Louis Desnos
Michael Rast
Carsten Brockmann
Linda See
Ravi Kapur
Miguel D. Mahecha
Ursula Benz
Steffen Fritz
Plants, Microorganisms, and Soil Temperatures Contribute to a Decrease in Methane Fluxes on a Drained Arctic Floodplain
Abstract As surface temperatures are expected to rise in the future, ice-rich permafrost may thaw, altering soil topography and …
Min Jung Kwon
Felix Beulig
Iulia Ilie
Marcus Wildner
Kirsten Küsel
Lutz Merbold
Miguel D. Mahecha
Nikita Zimov
Sergey A. Zimov
Martin Heimann
Edward A. G. Schuur
Joel E. Kostka
Olaf Kolle
Ines Hilke
Mathias Göckede
Integrating Remotely Sensed Fires for Predicting Deforestation for REDD+
Abstract Fire is an important tool in tropical forest management, as it alters forest composition, structure, and the carbon budget. …
Dolors Armenteras
Cerian Gibbes
Jesús A. Anaya
Liliana M. Dávalos
Identification of Wetland Areas in the Context of Agricultural Development Using Remote Sensing and GIS
El presente estudio tiene como fin determinar el potencial de humedales a nivel de pixel en la llanura de inundación del Río León, se …
Jesús A. Anaya
John Fernando Escobar-Martínez
Héctor Massone
Gisel Booman
Orlando Mauricio Quiroz-Londoño
César Camilo Cañón-Barriga
Luis Javier Montoya-Jaramillo
Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
Evaluation of the Global MODIS 30 Arc-Second Spatially and Temporally Complete Snow-Free Land Surface Albedo and Reflectance Anisotropy Dataset
Land surface albedo is an essential variable for surface energy and climate modeling as it describes the proportion of incident solar …
Qingsong Sun
Zhuosen Wang
Zhan Li
Angela Erb
Crystal B. Schaaf
Detecting the Spread of Invasive Species in Central Chile with a Sentinel-2 Time-Series
The presented work evaluates the potential of a Sentinel-2 time-series to detect Pinus radiata (Monterey Pine) invasions in endemic …
Michael Forster
Tobias Schmidt
Roman Wolf
Birgit Kleinschmit
Fabian E. Fassnacht
Julian Cabezas
Teja Kattenborn
A Review of Spatial Downscaling of Satellite Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture
Abstract Satellite remote sensing technology has been widely used to estimate surface soil moisture. Numerous efforts have been devoted …
Jian Peng
Alexander Loew
Olivier Merlin
Niko E. C. Verhoest
Refining Multi-Model Projections of Temperature Extremes by Evaluation against Land--Atmosphere Coupling Diagnostics
Abstract. The Earth’s land surface and the atmosphere are strongly interlinked through the exchange of energy and matter. This …
Sebastian Sippel
Jakob Zscheischler
Miguel D. Mahecha
Rene Orth
Markus Reichstein
Martha Vogel
Sonia I. Seneviratne
Expansion of the Lyme Disease Vector emphIxodes Scapularis in Canada Inferred from CMIP5 Climate Projections
Background: A number of studies have assessed possible climate change impacts on the Lyme disease vector, Ixodes scapularis. However, …
Michelle McPherson
Almudena García-García
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Hugo Beltrami
Patti Hansen-Ketchum
Donna MacDougall
Nicholas Hume Ogden
AntarcticaLC2000: The New Antarctic Land Cover Database for the Year 2000
Antarctica plays a key role in global energy balance and sea level change. It has been conventionally viewed as a whole ice body with …
FengMing Hui
Jing Kang
Yan Liu
Xiao Cheng
Peng Gong
Fang Wang
Zhan Li
YuFang Ye
ZiQi Guo
Optimising Phenological Metrics Extraction for Different Crop Types in Germany Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS)
Phenological metrics extracted from satellite data (phenometrics) have been increasingly used to access timely, spatially explicit …
Xingmei Xu
Christopher Conrad
Daniel Doktor
Optical Trait Indicators for Remote Sensing of Plant Species Composition: Predictive Power and Seasonal Variability
Most plant species feature similar biochemical compositions and thus similar spectral signals. Still, empirical evidence suggests that …
Hannes Feilhauer
Ben Somers
Sebastian Van Der Linden
Invasion by the Alien Tree Prunus Serotina Alters Ecosystem Functions in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
Alien invasive species can affect large areas, often with wide-ranging impacts on ecosystem structure, function, and services. Prunus …
Raf Aerts
Michael Ewald
Manuel Nicolas
Jérôme Piat
Sandra Skowronek
Jonathan Lenoir
Tarek Hattab
Carol X. Garzón-López
Hannes Feilhauer
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Duccio Rocchini
Guillaume Decocq
Ben Somers
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Karolien Denef
Olivier Honnay
Estimation Accuracies of near Infrared Spectroscopy for General Soil Properties and Enzyme Activities for Two Forest Sites along Three Transects
Visible and near infrared spectroscopy (vis-NIRS) is an established method for estimating the contents of soil organic carbon (SOC) and …
Bernard Ludwig
Svendja Vormstein
Jana Niebuhr
Stefanie Heinze
Bernd Marschner
Michael Vohland
The Influence of Imperfections on the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of a Parametrically Excited Nonlinear Viscoelastic Micro-Beam-String
A parametrically excited visco-elastic micro-beam-string in an asymmetric dual gap configuration is considered asymptotically and …
Prashant Kambali
Karin Mora
Oded Gottlieb
Stand Age and Species Richness Dampen Interannual Variation of Ecosystem-Level Photosynthetic Capacity
The total uptake of carbon dioxide by ecosystems via photosynthesis (gross primary productivity, GPP) is the largest flux in the global …
Talie Musavi
Mirco Migliavacca
Markus Reichstein
Jens Kattge
Christian Wirth
T. Andrew Black
Ivan Janssens
Alexander Knohl
Denis Loustau
Olivier Roupsard
Andrej Varlagin
Serge Rambal
Alessandro Cescatti
Damiano Gianelle
Hiroaki Kondo
Rijan Tamrakar
Miguel D. Mahecha
Sgdm: An R Package for Performing Sparse Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling with Tools for Gdm
Global biodiversity change creates a need for standardized monitoring methods. Modelling and mapping spatial patterns of community …
Pedro J. Leitão
Marcel Schwieder
Cornelius Senf
Referencing GOFC-GOLD (2017) a Sourcebook of Methods and Procedures for Monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables in Tropical Forests with Remote Sensing. Eds: GOFC-GOLD; GEO BON. Report Version UNCBD COP-13, GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Core Editorial Tea
Authors In addition to the core editors, a number of international experts in remote sensing, and biodiversity field measurement have …
Mike Gill
Geo Bon
Knowledge Canada
Rob Jongman
Maria P Adamo
Jesús A. Anaya
Liana O Anderson
Herizo Andrianandrasana
Pedro De Araujo
Lima Constantino
Dusti Becker
Andrea Berardi
Palma Blonda
Richard Bodmer
Stephanie a Bohlman
Søren Brofeldt
Robert G H Bunce
Kim Calders
Trevor Caughlin
Rene Colditz
Mark Chandler
Guangsheng Chen
Jenny Cousins
Theresa M Crimmins
María Isabel Cruz López
Finn Danielsen
Ben Devries
Lina Estupinan-Suarez
Deqin Fan
Jean-Baptiste Féret
Miguel a Fernandez
Ana Paula Giorgi
Scott Goetz
Sarah J Graves
Matthew C Hansen
Kate S He
Uta Heiden
Mark Huxham
Daniel J Hayes
Patrick Jantz
Nan Jiang
Rob H G Jongman
H Andrew Lassiter
Olga León
Alison Leslie
Jed Long
Richard Lucas
Sandra Luque
Ronald E McRoberts
Jayalaxshmi Mistry
Brice Mora
Ghislain Moussavou
Sander Mucher
Nagendra Harini
Mark Nelson
Madhura Niphadkar
Pontus Olofsson
Marc Paganini
Zisis I Petrou
Michael K Poulsen
Arun Pratihast
Johannes Reiche
Sami W Rifai
Duccio Rocchini
Christophe Sannier
Carlos E Sarmiento Pinzón
Roger Sayre
Linda See
Andrew Skidmore
Zoltan Szantoi
Cristina Tarantino
Ida Theilade
Thrity Vakil
Peter Vogt
Benjamin E Wilkinson
John N Williams
Haigen Xu
Wenquan Zhu
Plant Dispersal Profile of Indian Tropical Sub-Continent on the Basis of Species Commonality
Common species provide a basis to study plant species dispersal among any two landmasses. However, its utility and advantage to derive …
Swapna Mahanand
Mukunda Dev Behera
Partha Sarathi Roy
Performance of One-Class Classifiers for Invasive Species Mapping Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
Most remote sensing approaches for mapping invasive plant species focus on species in a prominent phenological stage, such as during …
Sandra Skowronek
Gregory P. Asner
Hannes Feilhauer
Non-Smooth Hopf-Type and Grazing Bifurcations Arising from Impact/Friction Contact Events
A new discontinuity-induced bifurcation, referred to as nonsmooth Hopf-type bifurcation, observed in a nonautonomous impacting hybrid …
Karin Mora
Chris Budd
Mapping an Invasive Bryophyte Species Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
Reliable distribution maps are crucial for the management of invasive plant species. An alternative to traditional field surveys is the …
Sandra Skowronek
Michael Ewald
Maike Isermann
Ruben Van De Kerchove
Jonathan Lenoir
Raf Aerts
Jens Warrie
Tarek Hattab
Olivier Honnay
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Duccio Rocchini
Ben Somers
Hannes Feilhauer
Improved Tree-Ring Archives Will Support Earth-System Science
A steep decline in archiving could make large tree-ring datasets irrelevant. But increased spatiotemporal coverage, the addition of …
Flurin Babst
Benjamin Poulter
Paul Bodesheim
Miguel D. Mahecha
David C. Frank
Have Precipitation Extremes and Annual Totals Been Increasing in the World's Dry Regions over the Last 60 Years?
Abstract. Daily precipitation extremes and annual totals have increased in large parts of the global land area over the past decades. …
Sebastian Sippel
Jakob Zscheischler
Martin Heimann
Holger Lange
Miguel D. Mahecha
Geert Jan Van Oldenborgh
Friederike E. L. Otto
Markus Reichstein
Forest Management Impacts on Capercaillie (Tetrao Urogallus) Habitat Distribution and Connectivity in the Carpathians
Context Distribution and connectivity of suitable habitat for species of conservation concern is critical for effective conservation …
Martin Mikoláš
Martin Tejkal
Tobias Kuemmerle
Patrick Griffiths
Miroslav Svoboda
Tomáš Hlásny
Pedro J. Leitão
Robert C. Morrissey
Evaluation of a NIR Camera for Monitoring Yield and Nitrogen Effect in Sugarcane
The main objective of the research carried out in the sugar productive sector in Colombia is to improve crop productivity of sugarcane. …
Cesar Edwin García
David Montero
Hector Alberto Chica
Evaluación del estado de crecimiento de la vegetación por medio de imágenes de radar y ópticas
The state of vegetation growth plays an important role in the ability of all biological as- pects of a region to remain diverse and …
David Montero
Francisco Hernández
Evaluación de índices de vegetación para la estimación de elementos nutricionales en cultivos de caña de azúcar usando RPAS
The research carried out in the Colombia’s sugarcane agroindustrial sector by the Sugarcane Research Center of Colombia – …
David Montero
César Edwin García
Mario Soto
Jimy Celis
Estimación de Productividad En Caña de Aź̧ar Desde La Percepcí́Remota Estimation of Sugarcane Yield from Remote Sensing
The estimation of sugarcane yield with remote sensing can be done through information collected by sensors on satellites, aircrafts and …
David Montero
Cesar Edwin García
Mario Soto
Juan Manuel Valencia
Analysis of Temporal Statistics and Long Term Climate Observations for Deriving the Predisposition of Forests to Stress Events
Forest ecosystems are affected by stress induced changes in various ways. Environmental factors that affect trees negatively can be …
Anne Reichmuth
Nicole Pinnel
Derek Rogge
Uta Heiden
Observing Ecosystems with Lightweight, Rapid-scanning Terrestrial Lidar Scanners
A new wave of terrestrial lidar scanners, optimized for rapid scanning and portability, such as the Compact Biomass Lidar (CBL), enable …
Ian Paynter
Edward Saenz
Daniel Genest
Francesco Peri
Angela Erb
Zhan Li
Kara Wiggin
Jasmine Muir
Pasi Raumonen
Erica Skye Schaaf
Alan Strahler
Crystal Schaaf
A Second Horizon Scan of Biogeography: Golden Ages, Midas Touches, and the Red Queen
Are we entering a new ‘Golden Age’ of biogeography, with continued development of infrastructure and ideas? We highlight …
Michael N Dawson
Jan C. Axmacher
Carl Beierkuhnlein
Jessica L. Blois
Bethany A. Bradley
Anna F. Cord
Jürgen Dengler
Kate S. He
Lawrence R. Heaney
Roland Jansson
Miguel D. Mahecha
Corinne Myers
David Nogués-Bravo
Anna Papadopoulou
Björn Reu
Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez
Manuel J. Steinbauer
Alycia Stigall
Mao-Ning Tuanmu
Daniel G. Gavin
Simulation of Forest Tree Species' Bud Burst Dates for Different Climate Scenarios: Chilling Requirements and Photo-Period May Limit Bud Burst Advancement
This study investigates whether the assumed increase of winter and spring temperatures is depicted by phenological models in …
Maximilian Lange
Jörg Schaber
Andreas Marx
Greta Jäckel
Franz-Werner Badeck
Ralf Seppelt
Daniel Doktor
Linking Earth Observation and Taxonomic, Structural and Functional Biodiversity: Local to Ecosystem Perspectives
Impacts of human civilization on ecosystems threaten global biodiversity. In a changing environment, traditional in situ approaches to …
A. Lausch
L. Bannehr
M. Beckmann
C. Boehm
Hannes Feilhauer
J.M. Hacker
M. Heurich
A. Jung
R. Klenke
C. Neumann
M. Pause
D. Rocchini
M.E. Schaepman
S. Schmidtlein
K. Schulz
P. Selsam
J. Settele
A.K. Skidmore
A.F. Cord
The Use of Airborne Hyperspectral Data for Tree Species Classification in a Species-Rich Central European Forest Area
The success of remote sensing approaches to assess tree species diversity in a heterogeneously mixed forest stand depends on the …
Ronny Richter
Björn Reu
Christian Wirth
Daniel Doktor
Michael Vohland
Potential and Limitations of Inferring Ecosystem Photosynthetic Capacity from Leaf Functional Traits
Abstract The aim of this study was to systematically analyze the potential and limitations of using plant functional trait observations …
Talie Musavi
Mirco Migliavacca
Martine Janet Van De Weg
Jens Kattge
Georg Wohlfahrt
Peter M. Van Bodegom
Markus Reichstein
Michael Bahn
Arnaud Carrara
Tomas F. Domingues
Michael Gavazzi
Damiano Gianelle
Cristina Gimeno
André Granier
Carsten Gruening
Kateřina Havránková
Mathias Herbst
Charmaine Hrynkiw
Aram Kalhori
Thomas Kaminski
Katja Klumpp
Pasi Kolari
Bernard Longdoz
Stefano Minerbi
Leonardo Montagnani
Eddy Moors
Walter C. Oechel
Peter B. Reich
Shani Rohatyn
Alessandra Rossi
Eyal Rotenberg
Andrej Varlagin
Matthew Wilkinson
Christian Wirth
Miguel D. Mahecha
Mapping Raised Bogs with an Iterative One-Class Classification Approach
Land use and land cover maps are one of the most commonly used remote sensing products. In many applications the user only requires a …
Benjamin Mack
Ribana Roscher
Stefanie Stenzel
Hannes Feilhauer
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Björn Waske
Mapping Brazilian Savanna Vegetation Gradients with Landsat Time Series
Global change has tremendous impacts on savanna systems around the world. Processes related to climate change or agricultural expansion …
Marcel Schwieder
Pedro J. Leitão
Mercedes Maria Da Cunha Bustamante
Laerte Guimarães Ferreira
Andreas Rabe
Patrick Hostert
Diagnosing the Dynamics of Observed and Simulated Ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity with Time Causal Information Theory Quantifiers
Data analysis and model-data comparisons in the environmental sciences require diagnostic measures that quantify time series dynamics …
Sebastian Sippel
Holger Lange
Miguel D. Mahecha
Michael Hauhs
Paul Bodesheim
Thomas Kaminski
Fabian Gans
Osvaldo A. Rosso
Airborne Based Spectroscopy of Red and Far-Red Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Implications for Improved Estimates of Gross Primary Productivity
Remote sensing (RS) approaches commonly applied to constrain estimates of gross primary production (GPP) employ greenness-based …
Sebastian Wieneke
H. Ahrends
A. Damm
F. Pinto
A. Stadler
M. Rossini
U. Rascher
Quantification of Soil Variables in a Heterogeneous Soil Region With VIS--NIR--SWIR Data Using Different Statistical Sampling and Modeling Strategies
Estimation accuracies obtained for soil properties from spectroradiometer data markedly depend on the individual sample set. The choice …
Michael Vohland
Monika Harbich
Marie Ludwig
Christoph Emmerling
Soren Thiele-Bruhn
Mapping Pollination Types with Remote Sensing
Abstract Questions Pollination is an ecosystem function that varies at local spatial scales. Remote sensing may help to quantify and …
Hannes Feilhauer
Daniel Doktor
Sebastian Schmidtlein
Andrew K. Skidmore
Robust Change Vector Analysis (RCVA) for Multi-Sensor Very High Resolution Optical Satellite Data
The analysis of rapid land cover/land use changes by means of remote sensing is often based on data acquired under varying and …
Frank Thonfeld
Hannes Feilhauer
Matthias Braun
Gunter Menz
Comparison of Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration Estimates over the TibetanPlateau
Abstract. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays a major role in regional and global climate. The understanding of latent heat (LE) flux can …
Jian Peng
Alexander Loew
Xuelong Chen
Yaoming Ma
Zhongbo Su
High-Resolution Land Surface Fluxes from Satellite and Reanalysis Data (HOLAPS v1.0): Evaluation and Uncertainty Assessment
Abstract. Surface water and energy fluxes are essential components of the Earth system. Surface latent heat fluxes provide major energy …
Alexander Loew
Jian Peng
Michael Borsche
Using Variable Selection and Wavelets to Exploit the Full Potential of Visible--Near Infrared Spectra for Predicting Soil Properties
In soil spectroscopy a series of strategies exists to optimise multivariate calibrations. We explore this issue with a set of topsoil …
Michael Vohland
Marie Ludwig
Monika Harbich
Christoph Emmerling
Sören Thiele-Bruhn
Downscaling Land Surface Temperatures at Regional Scales with Random Forest Regression
Environmental monitoring with satellite data is facilitated by frequent observations at a fine spatial scale. As land surface …
Christopher Hutengs
Michael Vohland
Landscape Makers and Landscape Takers: Links between Farming Systems and Landscape Patterns along an Intensification Gradient
Context Agricultural intensification is a leading cause of landscape homogenization, with negative consequences for biodiversity and …
Paulo F. Ribeiro
José L. Santos
Joana Santana
Luís Reino
Pedro J. Leitão
Pedro Beja
Francisco Moreira
First Assessment of Continental Energy Storage in CMIP5 Simulations
Abstract Although much of the energy gained by the climate system over the last century has been stored in the oceans, continental …
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero
Almudena García-García
Hugo Beltrami
Jason E. Smerdon
Separating Reflectance Signatures of Shrub Species -- a Case Study in the Central Greater Caucasus
Abstract Questions Shrub encroachment has been observed in many alpine and arctic environments and is expected to significantly alter …
Anja Magiera
Hannes Feilhauer
Nato Tephnadze
Rainer Waldhardt
Annette Otte
Pitfalls in the Use of Middle-Infrared Spectroscopy: Representativeness and Ranking Criteria for the Estimation of Soil Properties
Middle-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) is an established method for estimating the contents of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total soil …
Bernard Ludwig
Deborah Linsler
Heinrich Höper
Harald Schmidt
Hans-Peter Piepho
Michael Vohland
Radiometric Calibration of a Dual-Wavelength, Full-Waveform Terrestrial Lidar
Radiometric calibration of the Dual-Wavelength Echidna® Lidar (DWEL), a full-waveform terrestrial laser scanner with two …
Zhan Li
David Jupp
Alan Strahler
Crystal Schaaf
Glenn Howe
Kuravi Hewawasam
Ewan Douglas
Supriya Chakrabarti
Timothy Cook
Ian Paynter
Edward Saenz
Michael Schaefer
Estimating Vegetation Cover from High-Resolution Satellite Data to Assess Grassland Degradation in the Georgian Caucasus
In the Georgian Caucasus, unregulated grazing has damaged grassland vegetation cover and caused erosion. Methods for monitoring and …
Martin Wiesmair
Hannes Feilhauer
Anja Magiera
Annette Otte
Rainer Waldhardt
A Novel Bias Correction Methodology for Climate Impact Simulations
Abstract. Understanding, quantifying and attributing the impacts of extreme weather and climate events in the terrestrial biosphere is …
S. Sippel
F. E. L. Otto
M. Forkel
M. R. Allen
B. P. Guillod
M. Heimann
M. Reichstein
S. I. Seneviratne
K. Thonicke
Miguel D. Mahecha
The Ring-Barking Experiment: Analysis of Forest Vitality Using Multi-Temporal Hyperspectral Data
Through new operational optical spaceborne sensors (EnMAP and Sentinel-2) the impact analysis of climate change on forest ecosystems …
Anne Reichmuth
Martin Bachmann
Uta Heiden
Nicole Pinnel
Stefanie Holzwarth
Lea Henning
Kathrin Einzmann
Markus Immitzer
Andreas Müller
Rudolf Seitz
The Global Spectrum of Plant Form and Function
Earth is home to a remarkable diversity of plant forms and life histories, yet comparatively few essential trait combinations have …
Sandra Díaz
Jens Kattge
Johannes H. C. Cornelissen
Ian J. Wright
Sandra Lavorel
Stéphane Dray
Björn Reu
Michael Kleyer
Christian Wirth
I. Colin Prentice
Eric Garnier
Gerhard Bönisch
Mark Westoby
Hendrik Poorter
Peter B. Reich
Angela T. Moles
John Dickie
Andrew N. Gillison
Amy E. Zanne
Jérôme Chave
S. Joseph Wright
Serge N. Sheremet'ev
Hervé Jactel
Christopher Baraloto
Bruno Cerabolini
Simon Pierce
Bill Shipley
Donald Kirkup
Fernando Casanoves
Julia S. Joswig
Angela Günther
Valeria Falczuk
Nadja Rüger
Miguel D. Mahecha
Lucas D. Gorné
Spatial Downscaling of Satellite Soil Moisture Data Using a Vegetation Temperature Condition Index
Microwave remote sensing has been largely applied to retrieve soil moisture (SM) from active and passive sensors. The obvious advantage …
Jian Peng
Alexander Loew
Shiqiang Zhang
Jie Wang
Jonathan Niesel
The improvement of the sugarcane yield in the geographic valley of the Cauca river in Colombia is the main goal of numerous experiments …
David Montero
César Edwin García
The Acquisition of topographic information is necessary in several fields of civil and cartography Engineering, as well as its …
César Edwin García
David Montero
Fabio Herrera
Laboratory for Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) Concepts -- the ``Data Pool Initiative for the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem''
Forest ecosystems respond very sensitively to climate and atmospheric changes. Feedback mechanisms can be measured via changes in …
Uta Heiden
Stefanie Holzwarth
Nicole Pinnel
Anne Reichmuth
Edwin Raczko
Marco Heurich
Jörg Müller
Zhihui Wang
Andrew Skidmore
Abebe Ali
Tiejun Wang
Roshanak Darvishzadeh
Martin Wegmann
Land Cover Mapping of a Tropical Region by Integrating Multi-Year Data into an Annual Time Series
Generating annual land cover maps in the tropics based on optical data is challenging because of the large amount of invalid …
Jesús A. Anaya
René Colditz
Germán Valencia
Evaluation of Soil Moisture Downscaling Using a Simple Thermal-Based Proxy -- the REMEDHUS Network (Spain) Example
Abstract. Soil moisture retrieved from satellite microwave remote sensing normally has spatial resolution on the order of tens of …
Jian Peng
J. Niesel
A. Loew
Capabilities and Performance of Dual-Wavelength Echidna textsuperscript® Lidar
We describe the capabilities and performance of a terrestrial laser scanning instrument built for the purpose of recording and …
Glenn A. Howe
Kuravi Hewawasam
Ewan S. Douglas
Jason Martel
Zhan Li
Alan Strahler
Crystal Schaaf
Timothy A. Cook
Supriya Chakrabarti
BHPMF -- a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Gap-filling and Trait Prediction for Macroecology and Functional Biogeography
Abstract Aim Functional traits of organisms are key to understanding and predicting biodiversity and ecological change, which motivates …
Franziska Schrodt
Jens Kattge
Hanhuai Shan
Farideh Fazayeli
Julia S. Joswig
Arindam Banerjee
Markus Reichstein
Gerhard Bönisch
Sandra Díaz
John Dickie
Andy Gillison
Anuj Karpatne
Sandra Lavorel
Paul Leadley
Christian B. Wirth
Ian J. Wright
S. Joseph Wright
Peter B. Reich
Quantifying Changes in Climate Variability and Extremes: Pitfalls and Their Overcoming
Abstract Hot temperature extremes have increased substantially in frequency and magnitude over past decades. A widely used approach to …
Sebastian Sippel
Jakob Zscheischler
Martin Heimann
Friederike E. L. Otto
Jonas Peters
Miguel D. Mahecha
Mapping Seasonal European Bison Habitat in the Caucasus Mountains to Identify Potential Reintroduction Sites
In an increasingly human-dominatedworld, conservation requires themitigation ofconflicts between largemammals and people. Conflicts are …
Benjamin Bleyhl
Taras Sipko
Sergej Trepet
Eugenia Bragina
Pedro J. Leitão
Volker C. Radeloff
Tobias Kuemmerle
Evaluation of Satellite and Reanalysis Soil Moisture Products over Southwest China Using Ground-Based Measurements
Long-term global satellite and reanalysis soil moisture products have been available for several years. In this study, in situ soil …
Jian Peng
Jonathan Niesel
Alexander Loew
Shiqiang Zhang
Jie Wang
Ecosystem Responses to Climate Extremes
Extreme drought or wet conditions have now been found to strongly influence the vegetative development of ecosystems. Semi-arid regions …
Anja Rammig
Miguel D. Mahecha
Soil Fauna through the Landscape Window: Factors Shaping Surface-and Soil-Dwelling Communities across Spatial Scales in Cork-Oak Mosaics
Context The role of ecological processes governing community structure are dependent on the spatial distances among local communities …
Pedro Martins Da Silva
Matty P. Berg
António Alves Da Silva
Susana Dias
Pedro J. Leitão
Dan Chamberlain
Jari Niemelä
Artur R. M. Serrano
José Paulo Sousa
Monitoring Natural Ecosystem and Ecological Gradients: Perspectives with EnMAP
In times of global environmental change, the sustainability of human–environment systems is only possible through a better …
Pedro J. Leitão
Marcel Schwieder
Stefan Suess
Akpona Okujeni
Lênio Galvão
Sebastian Linden
Patrick Hostert
Evaluating Forest Management Intensity on an Umbrella Species: Capercaillie Persistence in Central Europe
Deforestation and fragmentation of forests worldwide are negatively impacting biodiversity. The capercaillie (Tetra urogallus) is an …
Martin Mikoláš
Marek Svitok
Martin Tejkal
Pedro J. Leitão
Robert C. Morrissey
Miroslav Svoboda
Meelis Seedre
Joseph B. Fontaine
Effect of Spatial Sampling from European Flux Towers for Estimating Carbon and Water Fluxes with Artificial Neural Networks
Abstract Empirical modeling approaches are frequently used to upscale local eddy covariance observations of carbon, water, and energy …
Dario Papale
T. Andrew Black
Nuno Carvalhais
Alessandro Cescatti
Jiquan Chen
Martin Jung
Gerard Kiely
Gitta Lasslop
Miguel D. Mahecha
Hank Margolis
Lutz Merbold
Leonardo Montagnani
Eddy Moors
Jørgen E. Olesen
Markus Reichstein
Gianluca Tramontana
Eva Van Gorsel
Georg Wohlfahrt
Botond Ráduly
Use of A Portable Camera for Proximal Soil Sensing with Hyperspectral Image Data
In soil proximal sensing with visible and near-infrared spectroscopy, the currently available hyperspectral snapshot camera technique …
András Jung
Michael Vohland
Sören Thiele-Bruhn