Hannes Feilhauer

Hannes Feilhauer

Professor for Remote Sensing in Geo- and Ecosystem Research

Leipzig University

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ - Leipzig, Germany

I am a full professor at the Leipzig University and head of the Remote Sensing in Geo- and Ecosystem Research group. My main scholarly interests are spatio-temporal patterns of species distributions and functional properties in terrestrial ecosystems. For my research, I combine remote sensing data with high spectral and spatial resolution with in-situ observations and measurements for data-driven analyses. A major focus of my work is the mapping of fuzzy ecosystem characteristics that cannot be adequately represented in conventional maps. This requires the adaptation and development of new methodological approaches. For this research I have received the Science award for Physical Geography of the Prof. Dr. Frithjof Voss Stiftung für Geographie among other awards.

  • Species distributions
  • Functional propertie of plant communities
  • Remote sensing of biodiversity
  • Full professor, 2020

    Leipzig University

  • Visiting professor, 2018

    Free University of Berlin

  • Senior scientist, 2010

    Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

  • PhD in Geography, 2009

    Bonn University

  • Diploma in Geoecology, 2006

    Bayreuth University
