Big Data


Deliver novel AI techniques for earth observation satellite data for studies in earth and climate sciences

Digital Forest

Develop a near real-time forest monitoring concept and capitalize on latest advances in AI for predicting major impacts of climate extremes.


Deliver practical tools for researchers and improve data availability for environmental studies/ecology.


Addresses the digital needs of researchers in Earth System Sciences with the aim to understand the functioning of all subsystems of the Earth system and their interactions.

Earth System Data Cubes Unravel Global Multivariate Dynamics

Understanding Earth system dynamics in light of ongoing human intervention and dependency remains a major scientific challenge. The unprecedented availability of data streams describing different facets of the Earth now offers fundamentally new …

The ESA's Earth Observation Open Science Program

The world of Earth observation (EO) data is rapidly changing, driven by exponential advances in sensor and digital technologies. Recent decades have seen the development of extraordinary new ways of collecting, storing, manipulating, and transmitting …

Earth System Data Lab

The Earth System Data Lab is a virtual laboratory providing global earth observation data sets and processing tools.