Sebastian Schmidtlein
Let Your Maps Be Fuzzy!—Class Probabilities and Floristic Gradients as Alternatives to Crisp Mapping for Remote Sensing of Vegetation
The Retrieval of Plant Functional Traits from Canopy Spectra through RTM-inversions and Statistical Models Are Both Critically Affected by Plant Phenology
Convolutional Neural Networks Accurately Predict Cover Fractions of Plant Species and Communities in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
Mapping Forest Tree Species in High Resolution UAV-based RGB-imagery by Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
Assessing the Impact of an Invasive Bryophyte on Plant Species Richness Using High Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy
Advantages of Retrieving Pigment Content [Mg/Cm2] versus Concentration [%] from Canopy Reflectance
Using Aboveground Vegetation Attributes as Proxies for Mapping Peatland Belowground Carbon Stocks
Radiative Transfer Modelling Reveals Why Canopy Reflectance Follows Function
Differentiating Plant Functional Types Using Reflectance: Which Traits Make the Difference?
Analyzing Remotely Sensed Structural and Chemical Canopy Traits of a Forest Invaded by Prunus Serotina over Multiple Spatial Scales
Measuring B-diversity by Remote Sensing: A Challenge for Biodiversity Monitoring
LiDAR Derived Forest Structure Data Improves Predictions of Canopy N and P Concentrations from Imaging Spectroscopy
Transferability of Species Distribution Models for the Detection of an Invasive Alien Bryophyte Using Imaging Spectroscopy Data
The DIARS Toolbox: A Spatially Explicit Approach to Monitor Alien Plant Invasions through Remote Sensing
Remotely Sensed Spatial Heterogeneity as an Exploratory Tool for Taxonomic and Functional Diversity Study
A Unified Framework to Model the Potential and Realized Distributions of Invasive Species within the Invaded Range
Linking Plant Strategies and Plant Traits Derived by Radiative Transfer Modelling
Invasion by the Alien Tree Prunus Serotina Alters Ecosystem Functions in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
Mapping an Invasive Bryophyte Species Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
Mapping Raised Bogs with an Iterative One-Class Classification Approach
Mapping Pollination Types with Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing of Scattered Natura 2000 Habitats Using a One-Class Classifier
Mapping the Local Variability of Natura 2000 Habitats with Remote Sensing
Snow Cover Determines the Ecology and Biogeography of Spiders (Araneae) in Alpine Tundra Ecosystems
Remote Sensing of Vegetation for Nature Conservation
Differences between Recent and Historical Records of Upper Species Limits in the Northern European Alps
Calculating Landscape Diversity with Information-Theory Based Indices: A GRASS GIS Solution
Assessing Floristic Composition with Multispectral Sensors—A Comparison Based on Monotemporal and Multiseasonal Field Spectra
Uncertainty in Ecosystem Mapping by Remote Sensing
Mapping Plant Strategy Types Using Remote Sensing
Analyzing Floristic Inventories with Multiple Maps
Combining Isomap Ordination and Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Continuous Floristic Gradients in a Heterogeneous Landscape
On Variable Relations between Vegetation Patterns and Canopy Reflectance
A Brute-force Approach to Vegetation Classification
Brightness-Normalized Partial Least Squares Regression for Hyperspectral Data
Quantifying Empirical Relations between Planted Species Mixtures and Canopy Reflectance with PROTEST
Estimating the Impact of Forest Use on Biodiversity in Protected Areas of Developing Tropical Regions
Mapping Continuous Fields of Forest Alpha and Beta Diversity
Revealing Biogeographical Patterns by Nonlinear Ordinations and Derived Anisotropic Spatial Filters