I’m a PhD student at RSC4Earth (Leipzig University) working on the “Remote Sensing and Machine Learning” WP of the Digital Forest project and the “Analysis Ready Data Cubes (ARDC) Generation” WP of the DeepESDL project.
My work consists on deriving reliable and interpretable forest stress indicators from high-resolution satellite imagery by using state-of-art Machine Learning methods. Additionally, I work on the generation of multi-source data cubes that serve as inputs for the data offer in DeepESDL.
I’m a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Google Earth Engine (GEE), working on the development of open-source software for geospatial data processing using cloud-based services in GEE (e.g. eemont, spectral).
Additional developments include the Awesome Spectral Indices Suite, as well as open-source software for Data Cube management via SpatioTemporal Assets Catalogs (STAC) such as easystac and cubo.
MSc in Data Science, 2020
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
BEng in Topographic Engineering, 2016
University of Valle, Cali, Colombia