Antonia D. Ludwig

Antonia D. Ludwig

PhD candidate / Remote Sensing in Geo- and Ecosystem Research

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ - Leipzig, Germany

Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences

I’m a PhD student at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig and at the Institute for Geography at the Leipzig University. Coming from an ecological background, my PhD-project focuses on the application of remote sensing data for biodiversity assessments. I aim at testing the reliability of the relationship between the spectral variation in remotely sensed image data and the species/ trait diversity of grasslands on different spatial and spectral scales. In the course of my project, I combine ecological fieldwork with remote sensing methods and simulation techniques.

  • Diversity assessments from remote sensing data
  • tracking ecosystem changes from remote sensing data
  • Ecology, canopy ecology in particular
  • PhD candidate in Remote Sensing, since 03/2021

    UFZ Leipzig/ University of Leipzig

  • MSc in Biology/ Ecology, 2021

    University of Leipzig

  • BSc in Biology, 2018

    University of Leipzig
