The Acquisition of topographic information is necessary in several fields of civil and cartography Engineering, as well as its importance in some work areas as agriculture, mining, natural resource conservation, among others. Nowadays there are some techniques to get this information, as the total station, GNSS receivers, Lidar and recently photogrammetry using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - UAVs or remotely piloted aircraft systems - RPAS. This paper assessed the precision of an RPAS to generate topographical information in an approach of precision agriculture. Therefore was evaluated the accuracy and precision of Ortho-mosaics and Digital Surface Models - DSM generated by a conventional camera. These products were validated with ground-truth data from GNSS receivers and a DSM generated with Lidar. The study showed that the ortho-mosaics generated with RPAS can get sub-metric accuracy, with horizontal errors reaching 20 cm and a DSM of a vertical accuracy of less than 25 cm. Likewise, this article showed that with orto-mosaics and DSM of RPAS it is possible to obtain georeferenced furrow lines used in mechanized harvesting with autopilot, calculate crop height, and generate contours and slope maps. The conclusion of this study, it can be said that products derived from RPAS allow to get topography information with a detailed scale similar to the products obtained with LIDAR and conventional techniques but with a low-cost benefit.