Maximilian Lange

Maximilian Lange

Postdoctoral scientist / Land Cover & Dynamics

Department Remote Sensing, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

I’m a PostDoc in the working group Land Cover & Dynamics at the Department Remote Sensing of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ. My research focusses on the analysis of vegetation dynamics using satellite remote sensing. This requires the acquisition of high spatio-temporal resolution satellite data and its radiometric and topographic correction, as well as the implementation of algorithms on high performance computing and cloud systems able to deal with huge amounts of data. My interests include the usage of machine learning algorithms and ecological modelling in order to understand the interactions between vegetation and environmental conditions.

  • Satellite remote sensing
  • Derivation of vegetation dynamics, land-use and land-use intensity
  • Machine learning, high performance computing & big data
  • Software maintenance: R-packages phenex, phenmod and sperich
  • PhD in Remote Sensing, 2012-2019

    Leipzig University / UFZ Leipzig

  • Master of Science in Information Technologies, 2010-2012

    HTWK Leipzig, Germany

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technologies, 2007-2010

    HTWK Leipzig, Germany
