Jesús A. Anaya
Structural Attributes Estimation in a Natural Tropical Forest Fragment Using Very High-Resolution Imagery from Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Retrieval of Simultaneous Water-Level Changes in Small Lakes With InSAR
Hydro-Climatic Changes of Wetlandscapes across the World
About Validation-Comparison of Burned Area Products
Data for Wetlandscapes and Their Changes around the World
Drivers of Forest Loss in a Megadiverse Hotspot on the Pacific Coast of Colombia
Analysis of Floodplain Dynamics in the Atrato River Colombia Using SAR Interferometry
Evaluation of 3B42V7 and IMERG Daily-Precipitation Products for a Very High-Precipitation Region in Northwestern South America
Identificación de Áreas Quemadas Mediante El Análisis de Series de Tiempo En El Ámbito de Computación En La Nube
Identification of Wetland Areas in the Context of Agricultural Development Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Integrating Remotely Sensed Fires for Predicting Deforestation for REDD+
Referencing GOFC-GOLD (2017) a Sourcebook of Methods and Procedures for Monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables in Tropical Forests with Remote Sensing. Eds: GOFC-GOLD; GEO BON. Report Version UNCBD COP-13, GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Core Editorial Tea
Land Cover Mapping of a Tropical Region by Integrating Multi-Year Data into an Annual Time Series
A Land Cover Map of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Framework of the SERENA Project
A New Methodology for Systematic Mapping of Land Covers in Latin America and Caribbean textbar Propuesta Metodológica Para La Cartograf Perií́ca de La Cobertura Del Suelo En Latinoaméća y El Caribe: Estado de Situaciónávances
Accuracy Assessment of Burned Area Products in the Orinoco Basin
Evaluation of the Causes of Error in the MCD45 Burned-Area Product of the Savannas of Northern South America
Aboveground Biomass Assessment in Colombia: A Remote Sensing Approach