Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing

Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing


Leipzig University & Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ -Leipzig, Germany.

The focus of the Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Group (GeoRS) lies in the evaluation of multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing data, the application of imaging and non-imaging laboratory and field spectroscopy as well as spatial modeling with geographic information systems, numerical simulation models and geostatistical methods. We use optical remote sensing data in different spatial and spectral resolutions to inventory the state of diverse eco- and geosystems, to record their dynamics and to analyze systemic functions. We combine this information with pedological, vegetation-related, hydrological or sedimentological terrain data in order to analyze landscape conditions and dynamics at various temporal and spatial scales. In addition to laboratory spectroscopic methods, another focus of the working group is the acquisition and evaluation of field spectroscopic data. On the one hand, these provide spatially high-resolution, hyperspectral inventory data (e.g. in the area of “digital soil mapping” or the sociological characterization of vegetation), on the other hand they allow the spectral connection with multispectral and hyperspectral image data recorded from different remote sensing platforms. The integration of satellite image data (reflective, thermal) in spatial modeling approaches, e.g. for the analysis of spatial distribution patterns of remote sensing sensitive model variables and simulation results is an important issue in our group. Current work relates in particular to habitat modeling and the linking of remote sensing data with mesoscale hydrological process models, the latter for example by retrieved LST and ETa patterns.


Teaching fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics and Biogeography is also one of our key missions.

Course Institute Term
Environmental Remote Sensing MSc Physical Geography, Leipzig University Winter 20/21
Multivariate Data Analysis in Spectroscopy MSc Physical Geography, Leipzig University Winter 20/21
Introduction to Geoinformatics BSc Geography, Leipzig University Winter 20/21
Applied Geography: Introduction to Spectral Reflectance Spectoscopy BSc Geography, Leipzig University Winter 20/21
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing -Techniques and Methods of Earth Observation with Remote Sensing BSc Geography, Leipzig University Summer 20
Remote Sensing Data Analysis BSc Geography, Leipzig University Summer 20
Statistics for Geographers BSc Geography, Leipzig University Summer 20
  • Environmental remote and proximal sensing
  • Soil spectroscopy, digital soil mapping
  • Assessing landscape and vegetation dynamics, habitat modeling with RS
  • Machine learning in remote and proximal sensing applications
  • Multi-sensor data blending
  • Coupling RS (LST, ETa) & hydrological modeling